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Journal of Clinical Pathology

is a broad scope pathology journal from BMJ and ACP, publishing academic research and practical clinical advice

Impact Factor: 3.411
Citescore: 5.3
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JCP offers a mix of cutting-edge academic research and practical clinical advice. As one of the few broad scope pathology journals, it enables the busy pathologist to keep up to date with the latest developments in all disciplines of pathology.

In addition to original research, JCP publishes a wide range of other content types aimed at the trainee or practising pathologist, including review articles on hot topics, best practice articles for clinical investigations, detailed summaries of key genes and molecules in pathogenesis, and multi-disciplinary grand rounds cases. Selected articles have accredited online learning modules for self-assessment and CME.

JCP is the official journal of the Association of Clinical Pathologists.

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Editor-in-Chief: Professor Tahir Pillay, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Editorial team

JCP is a Plan S compliant Transformative Journal.

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Journal of Clinical Pathology considers unsolicited submissions of a variety of article types, including original research, short reports and reviews.
Information is also provided on editorial policies and open access.
All manuscripts should be submitted online.

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