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Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin

(DTB) covers practical, independent and evidence-based information on drugs, medication and prescribing.

Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin (DTB) publishes independent evaluations and practical advice on individual treatments and the overall management of disease. DTB summarises the best available evidence to enable doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to make informed and unbiased choices to help patients get the best care. DTB is wholly independent of the pharmaceutical industry, government and regulatory authorities and is also free of advertising and other forms of commercial sponsorship.

Podcast icon DTB publishes regular podcasts discussing highlights from its issues. Subscribe in all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify.


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DTB adheres to the highest possible industry standards concerning publication ethics. Content is commissioned and undergoes a rigorous and transparent editorial process: articles are peer-reviewed and authors are required to declare and publish any conflicts of interest.
DTB publishes opinion pieces, commentaries, summaries of recently published evidence as well as clinical reviews and articles on new medicines. Read more about our content in the Welcome to the new Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin Editorial.
As a founder member of The International Society of Drug Bulletins, Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin is also completely independent of: the pharmaceutical industry, government and regulatory authorities, advertising and other forms of commercial sponsorship.

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