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Archives of Disease in Childhood

is an international paediatric journal from BMJ and RCPCH, publishing the latest research in paediatrics and child health.

Impact Factor: 3.791
Citescore: 4.5
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Archives of Disease in Childhood (ADC) is a Plan S compliant Transformative Journal.

Archives of Disease in Childhood (ADC) is an international and peer-reviewed journal specialising in child health, covering the perinatal period through to adolescence. As an official journal of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, ADC provides paediatricians with the most recent, relevant and original research reports, commentaries, clinical and policy reviews, and education.

The journal's vision is to enhance child health through training, advocacy, and publishing high quality research that will influence policy.

icon-podcastSubscribe to our weekly podcasts about the most topical and current views on child health issues. ADC's podcasts are available on most podcasts platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify.

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Archives of Disease in Childhood accepts submissions of a wide range of article types, including original research, reviews and leading articles.
The Author Information section provides specific article requirements to help you turn your research into an article suitable for ADC.
ADC currently has two calls for papers: Drug Therapy section and Lessons from demographic and health surveys on child health and the sustainable development goals.


Locum Consultant Post in Paediatric Cardiology

Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol

£82,096 - £110,683 pa pro rata

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust   Locum Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist with preferable interest in imaging   Gener...

Recruiter: University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust

Locum Consultant in Paediatrics

Whipps Cross Hospital, London

£82,096 - £110,683 per annum

Locum Consultant in Paediatrics   Whipps Cross Hospital   Fixed term 10 months   Applications are invited for one Locum consultant paediatrician to...

Recruiter: Barts Health NHS Trust

Locum Consultant in Paediatric Cardiology

The Leeds General Infirmary

£82,096 to £110,683 pa (+Out of Hour Enhancements)

Advert     Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Locum Consultant in Paediatric Cardiology Leeds General Infirmary       We are looking for a dynamic ...

Recruiter: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Consultant in Paediatrics and Neonates (Level 1 unit)

Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

£82,096 to £110,683 pa

We are looking to appoint a substantive part-time (5.5 PA) Consultant in General Paediatrics and Neonates, commencing in February 2022.

Recruiter: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist

Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire

£84,984 - £112,925

Applications are invited for a substantive Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist post at Aberdeen.

Recruiter: NHS Grampian