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is an international journal from BMJ and BCS publishing important research and reviews in cardiovascular disease.

Impact Factor: 5.994
Citescore: 9.0
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Heart is an international peer reviewed journal that keeps cardiologists up to date with important research advances in cardiovascular disease. New scientific developments are highlighted in editorials and put in context with concise review articles. There is one free Editor’s Choice article in each issue, with open access options available to authors for all articles. Education in Heart articles provide a comprehensive, continuously updated, cardiology curriculum.

Heart promotes active interchange among researchers and readers to come together as a community to advance science and improve patient care via regular free audio podcasts, letters to the Editor, and news via Twitter and Facebook.


Listen to the Heart Podcast, which is published twice a month, and subscribe in all podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify.

Heart is an official journal of the British Cardiovascular Society.

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Catherine Otto, University of Washington, USA
Editorial team

Heart is a Plan S compliant Transformative Journal.

COVID-19: a message from BMJ >>


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Heart considers unsolicited submissions of a variety of article types, including original research, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and image challenge questions. Review articles are usually commissioned but unsolicited reviews may be considered for topics of interest to the journal's readers.
Information is also provided on editorial policies and open access.

All manuscripts should be submitted online.

Best Research Paper Award 2021

Each year the Heart editorial team selects the most meritorious research papers to receive the Heart Best Research Paper Award. 


We are pleased to announce the winner and finalists for the Heart Best Research Paper Award 2021 in recognition of high quality and clinical impact. The 2021 award is for the best research paper published in the journal in 2020. All of these papers are free to access. 


Congratulations to the research teams on their outstanding contributions to the journal and to clinical cardiology!


Interested in submitting your next research paper to Heart? Please visit our author guidelines for details on how to submit.




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Image Challenges

Looking to test your cardiology knowledge? The Image Challenge section of Heart is a great tool for self-assessment. Each one consists of a brief clinical introduction and one or more images, with an accompanying board-review format multiple choice question. There are over 150 Image Challenges available online in the Heart archive.

Do you have an educational or unusual image to share that others could learn from? We would love you to submit it to us as an Image Challenge. Read our author guidelines to find out how to structure your submission.





Consultant In Interventional Cardiology

Bristol Heart Institute, Bristol

£82,096 - £110,683 pa

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust   INTERVENTIONAL CONSULTANT CARDIOLOGIST   A Consultant Cardiologist, with a specific ...

Recruiter: University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust

TAVI Training Fellowship - Cardiology

Birmingham, West Midlands

[object Object]

12-month TAVI Training Fellowship at QEHB is aimed at senior trainees in Interventional Cardiology from the United Kingdom and internationally who ...

Recruiter: University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant Physician with interest in Cardiology


£82,096 to £110,683 a year

Consultant physician in medicine with a special interest in Cardiology . This post is a permanent 10 PA Consultant post with the equivalent of 1.0 ...

Recruiter: The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust

Consultant in Cardiology and Electrophysiology

Worcester, Worcestershire

£82,096 - £110,683

This is a full-time replacement post delivering general cardiology care and specialist electrophysiology consultation

Recruiter: Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust