Here we collect people’s stories, articles from researchers and clinicians, PSI members, and volunteers. We want to create a platform for you to connect with others, learn more, and feel a part of a larger community.
Available to PSI members around the world, this bulletin gives up-to-date information on worldwide news, conferences, resources, research and events.
For Journalists
This section offers tools for members of the print and broadcast media who are covering stories related to perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
Public Service Announcements
In partnership with Planet Grande Pictures, PSI has created public service announcements to bring awareness and understanding of perinatal mood disorders.
Maternal Mental Health Day
The first Wednesday of May is World Maternal Mental Health Day. JOIN US to raise awareness around the globe @postpartumhelp
International Fathers’ Mental Health Day
PSI is an enthusiastic supporter of IFMHD as a means to take a whole-family, father-inclusive approach by shedding light on the best practices and related resources for dads, their partners, and those who support them.