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2020 Top-Rated Nonprofit


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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Civil Rights, Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, Consumer Protection

Mission: Through multilingual consumer education materials, community outreach and issue-focused advocacy, Consumer Action empowers underrepresented consumers nationwide to assert their rights in the marketplace and financially prosper.

Results: Our COVID-19 Educational Project has developed fact sheets, webinars and a regularly updated Resource Guide to connect consumers with programs that may be able to assist them if they are experiencing financial difficulties during the pandemic.

Target demographics: We help consumers find the tools and information they need to prosper financially.

Direct beneficiaries per year: 6,000 plus community-based partners; 121,000 plus individuals

Geographic areas served: Nationwide

Programs: Consumer education. To empower consumers to assert their rights in the marketplace, Consumer Action provides a range of educational resources. Community outreach. With a special focus on serving low- and moderate-income and limited-English-speaking consumers, Consumer Action maintains strong ties to a national network of nearly 7,500 community-based organizations nationwide. Advocacy. Consumer Action is deeply committed to ensuring that underrepresented consumers are represented in the national media and in front of lawmakers.

Community Stories

70 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Consumer Action for many many years has provided consumers with valuable information and advice such as protecting your privacy from such platforms as Google, Apple, Facebook etc. Consumer Action gives in-depth information and guidance on issues such as Student Debt and has been a strong advocate for consumers to federal departments such as Education, FDA, Health and Human Services and Commerce. Consumer Action is the first line of defense for consumers.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Consumer action is my “go to site” for consumer information. Their articles guide me in my decisions. During this time of false information, I rely on them for accurate analysis.

The protection consumers once enjoyed is being dismantled and Consumer Action continues to inform and protect consumers with it’s timely information and analysis. Kathy Howard


Client Served

Rating: 5

Consumer Action's educational publications are very helpful. I love go to its website to read those publications, newsletters and insiders. Great non-profit agency!


Client Served

Rating: 5

Ms. Linda Williams of Consumer Action is the best consumer advocate that I have worked with. She is knowledgeable, dedicated, passionate, and a joy to work with. Whenever I needed anything, she was always an email or call away ready to assist me. I’m forever grateful for the numerous workshops, and webinars that she has conducted.
Thank you, Ms. Williams, you Rock!

2 Patrick C.7

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Consumer Action is always a voice for the consumer, keeping people safe from nefarious business practices and making people aware of scams through their "Scam Gram".


General Member of the Public

Rating: 4

The only reason we do not rate Consumer Action as 5 star is because that is the epitome of all ratings and should be considered only for something so outstanding as to be almost beyond belief and therefore that rating should be almost sacrosanct.
And yet, due to the in depth, unbiased, and absolutely vital Consumer Action efforts, reports and definitive value available to to the general public, they should be considered as the next best thing. As we utilize and forward so much information from many sources such as Consumer Action to our members statewide, we continually receive responses both lauding the content and monetary value but also with highest praise and appreciation for that information.
So while we hold close the highest ratings of our sources and alliances for their merit Consumer Action is most probably in our Top 5 of national organizations.
Florida Silver Haired Legislature Inc.
Florida's senior citizen voice in the political process.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I tried to keep up with information from Consumer Action. I am a Credit and Housing Counselor for a non profit in Ohio. They help me understand some of the things that I see everyday in my office speaking with local consumers in Ohio. Many times they have publications that I can distribute to consumers on needed education topics. I'm either talking one on one or have a table of information on timely subject matter or doing a class in the community. I can use the publications and information that I learn from their webinars to help disseminate appropriate information that fit my clients' situations.

I really appreciate their webinars. I always try to make time to listen in. What was the past few on medical debt and another on financial abuse. Timely and appropriate to what I am seeing in my office and community.



General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Great group that really does give consumers advice they can use to improve their financial indicators and therefore their personal finances. Website is chock full of helpful materials that are easy to read. I check in almost daily to read the news stories they select for their home page.

1 Jim B.2


Rating: 5

Consumer Action has a proven track-record of helping low-income and minority communities to manage the financial landscape. They also are dogged advocates for sensible and fair legislation to promote economic well-being for individuals who are too often ignored by policy-makers. A strong executive team ensures that this nonprofit is well managed.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Consumer Action has long been at the cutting-edge of using digital technology to educate the public about ways to advocate for fair and inclusive consumer policies. And their lobbying efforts on behalf of under-served populations is unique and well-regarded. Multi-language educational materials are well researched and balanced, which lends credibility to their work on behalf of us all.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

As someone who used to work at Consumer Action, I have the privilege of reviewing the organization from the position of a former insider and current beneficiary. They are a hard working team, very dedicated to insuring underserved communities understand their consumer rights. A great deal of my own financial education came from their free online materials and presentations. Thanks to their guidance I was able to square away my credit, buy a home, and jump start my retirement planning. In a world as polarizing as ours, their resources are designed to help anyone regardless of politics or socioeconomic status.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Consumer Action does a fantastic job of informing me about possible fraud schemes and scams that I may encounter, class actions and updates on all kinds of ways to protect myself from con artists and fraudsters. This group is amazing!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I am a retired banker who worked successfully with Consumer Action (CA) for many years. Throughout my career, I worked with many consumer groups and CA stands out as one of the best. The leadership works well with banks, takes the time to understand banking needs, and thus, offers feasible suggestions, resulting in effective advocacy. Because of of our engagement with CA, we altered policies, developed consumer-supportive services, and funded CA’s excellent educational programs. The people I worked with at CA provided some of my best career memories. Keep going!

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have worked with Consumer Action (CA) and many other nonprofits for decades. CA is among the best. They research their issues thoroughly, are top experts, and apply balanced and rational analysis and decision making. The training programs they provide and the newsletter they produce are filled with useful and critical information. Having informed consumers who can make wise choices is critical to our country's economic well-being and CA is a great contributor in this important area. They also advocate effectively with providers of consumer services to bring about positive change. I highly recommend them.

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Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I am an employee of Consumer Action. Since working here I have built a great credit score and implemented a savings account for emergencies and several months' of salary replacement in case of disaster. It is a wonderful organization and I would like more people to know how much our carefully crafted guides can help them to better manage their finances. Get to know Consumer Action, you'll be glad you did!


Client Served

Rating: 5

I have attended the Consumer Action conference in Chicago. It has been my first time and was awesome. Throughout the sessions, I could understand how important is our job in this country and how we can contribute better to improve the lives of millions of Americans families.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a non profit working with low income folks, I utilize consumer actions wonderful resources which give us the best information on latest issues on the changing landscapes, such huge help for the little man!!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Love participating in this conference! I continued to learn about resources and information I can use to help those in our communities.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

10th Annual Consumer Action Conference was remarkably good. One session after another provided valuable information for those in attendance. We are all service providers assisting people with serious financial problems. The information provided will assist us and our clients in achieving successful outcomes.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action is a wonderful organization that keeps me informed on all the scams and current information. I share the information with everyone that meets with me. I believe that having all of the available information helps people not be taken advantage of.
This is my first year at the conference, I am blown away. The amount of information available is amazing. Thank you Consumer Action for all you do!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Their multilingual materials are really useful for different communities. They provide valuable informations on different aspect of lives. They update me and my community in updated policy and issues nations wide. Their annual conference contains wide range of information which is really helpful for my personal, professional and organization growth


Board Member

Rating: 5

Consumer Action is a true lifeline that allows nonprofits to access resources and materials for no cost thus allowing a continuum of community education. Thank you Consumer Action for your relentless advocacy and ongoing support of consumers especially those that are most vulnerable..

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

I am honored to collaborate with this organization! I admire the relentless commitment to consumers by providing multilingual consumer education materials, community outreach and issue-focused advocacy. These efforts give opportunities to low- and moderate-income, limited-English-speaking, and other underrepresented consumers nationwide to financially prosper through education and advocacy.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action does a fabulous job in keeping my organization up to date on industry trends. This allows us to continue the message so that, together, we all can not only reach more consumers but better educate them as well!
I and my organization also appreciate the fact that they recieve some funds to help offset my costs in order to get to their events.
The number of consumers reached by CA will never really be known. They educate the consumers and educators to help reach the masses!
Phenomenal job CA!

2 John Paul S.1

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CA does the best job at keeping me up to date and providing tools on consumer issues affecting the low income clients I work with.
Thank you for all you do in research, awareness, and education!

2 Schelly G.


Rating: 5

I am proud to be a volunteer at Consumer-Action.org since 2006. I have given advice and helped hundreds of people who who needed help and called us.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Excellent partner. Valuable resources. Annual meeting highlight of year.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I'm currently attending the 9th Consumer Action Consumer Empowerment Conference and I'm receiving extremely valuable information on matters such as FHA, Data Protection, and consumer rights.
I've previously attended one of their train the trainer programs. All of the staff have been pleasant, the events have been well managed, and the organization is considerate of the needs of nonprofit organizations. Consumer Action is truly an advocate to organizations that advocate for consumers of various populations. I appreciate that Consumer Action mails useful products and resources to organizations. As a side, the food at events has been very good as well.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Love Consumer Action. They have provided robust consumer materials for many years. Having the opportunity to provide our clients with the information that Consumer Action provides is a huge advantage. At their annual conference, they bring together national experts to address the most pressing and important consumer issues.

3 Damian J. C.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I was able to attend the train the trainer workshop for Insurance In The Sharing Economy. The educational materials are thorough and will allow me to better educate the community in which I serve. They provided great presenters who were very knowledgeable and engaging.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

The training and information provided at this training on Insurance and the Sharing Economy is AMAZING!!! Very useful and important information that I can now share with others within my community! If you have an opportunity to partner with them or attend a workshop, DO IT!!! The trainers are knowledgeable and professional!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

This is the first Consumer Action seminar I have attended and it’s an amazing experience. The information provided is vital, worthy of your time and useful to all consumers in this ever evolving economy.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action does a great job of providing advocates with pertinent information and timely training materials to educate our clients.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Wonderful training i would like to bring it to Athens Ga if feasible.
The speakers are very knowledgeable and interactive. Looking forward to the Chicago training :-)
Yt,Alvin Sheats


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have recently found out about consumer action through a mailer my supervisor received! She decided to let me go to the sharing economy insurance because of my constant exposure and with educating clients in homeownership and the pre-purchase phase of actual homeownership! The training has been so beneficial! It is interactive and extremely informative! I have learned so much thus far and looking forward to the national conference in Chicago!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

The information learned has been very eye opening for me. I will definitely share this and order information for my staff and community agencies.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Great class on the sharing economy in Atlanta, GA!! Good info.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Consumer Action has great information to help everyday consumers navigate the confusing and everything financial landscape. They also keep abreast of breaking new and consumer financial protection which in now more important than ever. Thanks Consumer Action!!!

2 ConsumerMom


Rating: 5

Consumer Action does amazing work as advocates and educators for consumers nationwide. Their website, social media sites and publications go a long way to helping consumers navigate the complex marketplace. They produce materials in many languages - to help at risk populations like new immigrants. They also offer a hot line to answer questions. T

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Great organization that really works to help all consumers. One of the few consumer orgs to publish information in many languages and to work to educate non-English speakers about consumer rights and laws. Their hotlines, websites, community outreach efforts and conferences are wonderful resources.

2 Al A.1

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have worked with Consumer Action for over 7 years and they are a great organizational partner in serving our common communities of interest. Their material and presentations are extremely useful and cover a great area that we can use on a regular basis.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action has been a great organization to work with for over five years. They provide my nonprofit organization with free materials that we use to educate our clients. I love their monthly newsletter that keeps me updated with what’s going on in the industry.

LaTesha Slappy

3 Liz M.2

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

So many thanks to Consumer Action. Provided me my first fin. Ed. Training in Portland, OR almost 20 years ago. Im still promoting and advocating financial capability for all. Just attended my 5 th Empowerment conference in Chicago. Such great and useful information every year. So much to take back to WA State. Thank you again CA for the invite.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action has the best materials for community organizations to disseminate financial literacy learning and brings together the leading professionals in the field for trainings and community updates

2 Gina M. DeNardo G.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

A great resource for promoting financial education and awareness. By using the information and trainings they offer I have not had to reinvent the wheel!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action does a lot of great things for my organization, including developing relevant and insightful financial education materials. Also, they host great conferences each year bringing like-minded organizations together to create better opportunities for consumers.


Client Served

Rating: 5

I've been providing financial education in Arlington, VA for close to 20 years and I've always been able to count on Consumer Action for reliable information on every money and consumer-related topic. They are constantly developing new resources to respond to changes in society. I'm grateful that their resources are free and available in Spanish because I serve a large Spanish-speaking population.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action provides me timely information that I can use with my audiences. Their newsletter is always informative, containing well-written articles about current issues that resonate with the consumers I teach. Their annual conference has been one of the most informative that I've attended during my career teaching financial education - I highly recommend participating in one if you haven't already. The people I've met from all over the country share my passion for consumer education and awareness.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 4

This is an excellent partner for The Alliance For Consumer Protection. Both agencies have a passion for making a difference in the lives of financially struggling. ACP uses a plethora of their materials on multiple levels. As executive director for ACP I personally have been intellectually​ stretched at two of their programs. This is a good partnership

2 johnpaulsoto

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action has provided me and my clients educational and advocacy materials over the last 3 years.
This agency’s ability to reach frontline workers who work with underserved and vulnerable populations is great, and increases all the time.
C. A. has provided me, my staff, and my agency the tools to better serve our clients and help them be more successful


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer action is a wonderful ally in helping me and my clients with knowledge and alerts about things that affect all of us. The publication that teach about financial stability are fantastic.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 4

Consumer Action has provided me with free consumer education materials to share with my clients like, "You can buy a home" and "Keeping your home." They also share out a "Scam gram" newsletter that provides educational information about scams that are currently out there and happening so my staff and I can be aware and up to date about the issues occurring and we can effectively educate our clients. In addition Consumer Action provides education to advocates to assist them in their work. I have learned so much from Consumer Action that assists me and my staff with our work as a local HUD approved housing counseling agency.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I started attending consumer action workshops and their annual conference for the first time this year. I have learned so much valuable information that I have been able to use to assist my clients. Consumer-action.org has a substantial amount of information that I wish I would have known about years ago. One of the best organizations that I've interacted with.

2 Bill D.3

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I’ve attended Consumer Action’s annual conference for non-profit organizations for several years. Ive always found the sessions to be informative, and have appreciated the chance to connect with other folks who are interested in improving economic security for vulnerable families in America.

2 Stefanie G.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Consumer Action has my back, letting me know when there is movement on important legislation and publishing informative guides on hot topics, like fake news. It keeps me informed on news I might not read elsewhere.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Consumer Action is a magnificent partner and a great resource.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Consumer have help me save money in purchasing large items and informing me of my right and some basic knowledge I did not know. They have also help me in educating me on other products that I was not aware of. The staff is always professional and very helpful. I have received there assistant in mentorship in putting together classes to educate my employees on finance and help them on purchasing insurance.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

our agency, Collaborative support Programs of NJ, receive great benefit from the Consumer Action resources, financial education material, publications and newsletter when providing services and education to our low income disabled clients. Networking with the Consumer Action team for the last 6 years has been a plus to our organization.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Consumer Action is a wonderful resource for my questions about my rights as a consumer and laws. It's resources are available in multiple languages, which is quite unique, and proves they are truly wanting to help all consumers.

The Consumer Action newsletters and social media provides updates and context to notable news, namely, the recent security breaches that have occurred.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Always willing to review a case and work on it or referred the right Agency to assist.
Thank you so much for the free publications you provide for our clients knowledge; as a Non-Profit ourselves publications are expensive and yours provide the information that otherwise we could not give in writing.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

One of the best ways to embrace the beautiful diversity that makes up the United States, is to insure that non-English speaking consumers are able to navigate the complex marketplaces that we all depend on to feed, finance, house and support our families. Consumer Action has made enormous progress in providing consumer and market information in a wide variety of languages. Their efforts are helping to insure a fair marketplace for all Americans, whatever language they speak. Thanks to Consumer Action, those who are not fluent in English are provided a fighting chance to protect themselves as products and services become increasingly complex. Without Consumer Action, it would be “buyer beware” for millions of Americans.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 4

I've used their information several times. It's reliable, relevant, generally easy to find on their site, and provides succinct discussions when I just want to know a little or more detailed articles when I need to learn more about a subject.

1 Marla B.1


Rating: 5

They have the best true and accurate information for the community it has helped our non profit .


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I am an accredited counselor (AFCPE) with over 25 + years in the financial industry as a banker and broker. Through my job at Collaborative Support Programs of NJ, I have had the opportunity to attend conferences held by Consumer Action as well as utilize the materials that they provide. I work primarily with individuals suffering from Mental Illness and find that Consumer Action has provided me with a substantial amount of tools and up to date information when assisting them with reducing their debt, bankruptcy options, budgeting, money management and consumer protection. The materials have helped me when providing group trainings to empower them to make better informed choices surrounding decisions concerning their finances. I also have been able to share my knowledge with my co workers, family, friends, church and organizations that I am affiliated with.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action lives up to its name! It is my first choice for information and resources about finances and other issues affecting money and how to keep more of it.

Comments ( 1 )


Linda_DCOffice 10/24/2017

Thank you for this lovely review. Let us know any suggestions you have for our work, any time!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action works to provide individuals with factual financial/consumer information without showing bias. I appreciate how they work with education and the military to make a positive difference in the lives of families at risk.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As an ex-Banker (18 years) and Credit Counselor (19 years) I have quite a bit experience in the consumer finance field. I've been acquainted with Consumer Action for at least 10 years having attended conferences and using material provided by them. The information and publications are always up-to-date and contain the most valuable information in easy to read formats. Lately I've been doing a great deal of presentations to various groups (mostly non-profits). I get a lot of feedback from those in charge saying that the groups like and appreciate having the information they would probably otherwise never know... and much of that information comes from Consumer Action.

In addition, and equally important, the way they fight for consumer rights is invaluable. They're always on top of things happening and keep the consumer in the forefront. Without the dedication of Consumer Action, I shudder to think where we might be.

Kudos to Consumer Action... keep up the good work!

1 Maryann Travaglini F.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Consumer Action has been tremendously helpful to the self-sufficiency program I am responsible for. Working with low income families has been my life's work. Educating and empowering families, largely female heads of households, requires up to the minute resources provided by Consumer Action. I use resources from CA to help protect my families from predatory activities in our country. I have utilized many of CA free brochures on topics relating to Money Management, budgeting, home ownership and much more.

1 Robert N. M.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

When it came to publicizing a book on consumer protection that I had recently published, Consumer Action was helpful and speedy in mentioning the book in its monthly and widely-read newsletter. Thanks, CA!