Project:Support desk

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Would it be possible to convert this age template from the YY-MM-DD format to the DD-MM-YY format?

C.Syde65 (talkcontribs)

I have this age template that I copied which uses the YYYY-MM-DD format:

<includeonly>{{#expr:({{{4|{{CURRENTYEAR}}}}})-({{{1}}})-(({{{5|{{CURRENTMONTH}}}}})<({{{2}}})or({{{5|{{CURRENTMONTH}}}}})=({{{2}}})and({{{6|{{CURRENTDAY}}}}})<({{{3}}}))}}</includeonly><noinclude>[[Category:Data templates]]</noinclude>

However, I recently got the idea to convert it to the DD-MM-YYYY format since that is my preferred format, as I am a New Zealander. Would such a conversion be possible? If so, how would I write the template code?

Reply to "Would it be possible to convert this age template from the YY-MM-DD format to the DD-MM-YY format?"

Content translation failed due to internal error

Summary by Malyacko

Duplicate of Topic:Wepdkxb8ucnhhplg

Orxanr (talkcontribs)

I tried to translate Solmaz Amanova - Vikipediya ( this page from Azerbaijani to English. It says that "This is an ongoing translation by The publisherr. Please make sure you coordinate with the user who translated the current translation."

However when I click on the user's name it says that "Wikipedia does not have a user page with this exact name."

Additionally, translation page says "Critical Error: Content Translation failed due to internal error".

I kindly ask this issue to be resolved or anything I can do to add the translation.

"Content Translation failed due to internal error" - 2

Orxanr (talkcontribs)

I tried to translate Sakit Məmmədov - Vikipediya ( this page from Azerbaijani to English. It says that "This is an ongoing translation by Omarismayil. Please make sure you coordinate with the user who translated the current translation."

However when I click on the user's name it says that "Wikipedia does not have a user page with this exact name."

Additionally, translation page says "Critical Error: Content Translation failed due to internal error".

I kindly ask this issue to be resolved or anything I can do to add the translation.

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

Welcome to the support desk for the MediaWiki software itself. If there is a critical error with some software on a Wikimedia website instead, then please see How to report a bug. Thanks.

Reply to ""Content Translation failed due to internal error" - 2"

Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "["

SketchFan98 (talkcontribs)

I seem to have this problem. When I put a the born template on an article on Memory Gamma, It keeps saying "Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Can someone help?

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

@SketchFan98 Hi, please see "Post a new queustion" and its list in the sidebar. Furthermore, what is "Memory Gamma" and how is it relevant?

Reply to "Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[""

Running official MediaWiki docker container with Traefik reverse proxy

Onandonandonandon (talkcontribs)

I'm trying to run the official mediawiki docker image behind a traefik revesere proxy. The image runs fine locally, I can access the wiki through http://localhost:8080. Through traefik, I want the wiki to be available through http://hostname/wiki. However I'm failing to configure traefik, respective mediawiki correctly. Either I'm ending up in 404s oder too many redirects. It seems I'm missing something for $wgScriptPath and/or $wgResourceBasePath.

My current traefik routing configuration is

      - "traefik.http.routers.mediawiki.rule=PathPrefix(`/wiki`)"      
      - "traefik.http.routers.mediawiki.middlewares=mediawiki-stripprefix"
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.mediawiki-stripprefix.stripprefix.prefixes=/wiki"
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.mediawiki-stripprefix.stripprefix.forceSlash=false"

My current mediawiki path configuration is

$wgServer = "http://hostname";
$wgScriptPath = "";
$wgResourceBasePath = $wgScriptPath;

Any advise is appreciated.

Reply to "Running official MediaWiki docker container with Traefik reverse proxy"

Forms: a field with "values dependent on" a Catagory- how to?

RibeyeOnTheBone (talkcontribs)

I have a form with an input type=tokens. To simplify for the user I want to make the values selected from to be restricted by a Category, which the user selects from a category Tree field.

I documentation refers to "values dependent on" using a property which is on another field of the form. But my code does not do any selecting. I am thinking this is because my selection criteria is Category is not a Property?

What is the approach?


! Select from Category:

| {{{field|myCategory|input type=tree|top category=Mdmmm:Cube}}}


! Selection:

| {{{field|Mdmmm:AndCube|property=Mdmmm:AndCube|input type=tokens|list|values from category=Mdmmm:Cube|existing values only|values dependent on=Mdmmm:Cube[myCategory}}}

Jonathan3 (talkcontribs)

I wonder whether it would work if you remove the "values from category" parameter.

What is Mdmmm?

"top category" I think takes a category name, so if it's Category:Cube you'd write "top category=Cube".

"field"'s first parameter is just a field name, so maybe it should be AndCube instead of Mdmmm:AndCube.

"values dependent on" I think takes a template name and a field name, so if the template is Template:Cube and the relevant field is myCategory, you'd say "values dependent on=Cube[myCategory]". I've not used this one so not completely sure.

You've not closed some square brackets. "values dependent on=Mdmmm:Cube[myCategory}}}" looks like it should end "[myCategory]}}}"

"property" must be a SMW thing (I use Cargo) but how about trying without it? Or at least without Mdmmm.

RibeyeOnTheBone (talkcontribs)

Many thanks User:Jonathan3: I have spent another hour so so on this, trying your suggestions. Still no luck. I am thinking now to start from scratch again. If and when I get something happening I will post the approach here.

Mdmmm stands for Model Drivers Meta Meta Model. - its a meta metamodel we use to write domain specific metamodels.

Reply to "Forms: a field with "values dependent on" a Catagory- how to?"

Use Wikipedia login credentials on my own wiki

Buster2223 (talkcontribs)

I would like visitors to my site to be able to log in using their Wikipedia user names (securely via Wikimedia). I see there are many extensions dealing with authentication but don't really understand the best way to do this. Is it possible?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Use Wikipedia login credentials on my own wiki"

How to delete all trimmed text in deletion log?

2001:44C8:4226:C6D8:C577:4731:DD29:FCC6 (talkcontribs)

MediaWiki 1.35.2 with just one registered user and without any addon plugins (a core only database).

How to delete all trimmed texts in a given deletion log (or in all deletion logs whatsoever)?

(content was: 'A '''''page'''''. Can I really just type == anything == here?!' (and the only contributor was ''))

Thanks in advance,

2001:44C8:42C6:DD01:EDCA:2BFF:2C6E:FDB (talkcontribs)

@Ammarpad I think that you told me that it's impossible (well, without some messy, dangerous digging in the DB) and that you have suggested to community to add a feature to delete this but the case was closed.

(If we had tags here, as there are in StackExchange, I could have found this topic easily).

Ammarpad (talkcontribs)
2001:44C8:42C6:DD01:EDCA:2BFF:2C6E:FDB (talkcontribs)

Ammarpad thanks,


I recon that these trimmed text are stored in some DB table column which (given the minimal nature of my website) I could truncate from PHPMyadmin.

2001:44C8:42C6:DD01:680D:94D6:1457:A605 (talkcontribs)

Anyone knows what is the DB table?...

Reply to "How to delete all trimmed text in deletion log?"
Xionous (talkcontribs)


I am having an issue with Elastica. When trying to update index in CirrusSearch i get this error:

PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of Elasticsearch\Endpoints\Indices\Exists::getParamWhitelist() must be compatible with Elasticsearch\Endpoints\AbstractEndpoint::getParamWhitelist(): array in extensions/Elastica/vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/src/Elasticsearch/Endpoints/Indices/Exists.php on line 62

I am using:

Product Version
MediaWiki 1.35.3 (7c02aae)

17:45, 14 August 2021

PHP 7.3.29 (fpm-fcgi)
MariaDB 10.5.8-MariaDB
ICU 65.1
Elasticsearch 6.5.4
CirrusSearch 6.5.4 (ad4210f) 06:13, 22 July 2021 GPL-2.0-or-later Elasticsearch-powered search for MediaWiki Nik Everett, Chad Horohoe, Erik Bernhardson and others
Elastica 6.1.3 GPL-2.0-or-later Base Elasticsearch functionality for other extensions by providing Elastica library Nik Everett and Chad Horohoe
ruflin/elastica 6.1.5 MIT Elasticsearch Client Nicolas Ruflin

Can someone suggest to me what might be the issue here?

I think it may be this(taken from Special:Versions):

elasticsearch/elasticsearch 6.8.2 Apache-2.0 PHP Client for Elasticsearch Zachary Tong and Enrico Zimuel

But i have no idea why that version is installed as the composer in Elastica is set to:

   "require": {

       "ruflin/elastica": "6.1.5",

       "elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "~6.5.1||~6.7.2",

       "ext-curl": "*"


Reply to "Elastica not working"

Instalei um site MediaWiki preciso ajuda

EPZanette (talkcontribs)

Barra lateral

Não estou conseguindo alterar o conteúdo da barra lateral para atualizar, o sistema diz que não tenho permissão para edição. Sou Usuário autoconfirmado, então deveria poder alterar as páginas especiais. Meu nome no site @Projetopf Agradeço ajuda ~~~~

Malyacko (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Instalei um site MediaWiki preciso ajuda"