更安全, 更快速,

由 WordPress 專家為 WordPress 網站量身打造的資安防護、效能提升和行銷強化工具

每月 US$4.77 起

Protect your investment

Jetpack Security provides easy‑to‑use, comprehensive WordPress site security so you can focus on running your business.

  • Real-time backups and one-click restores
  • Automated malware scanning and one-click fixes
  • Powerful spam protection for comments and forms
Secure your site

More than 5 million WordPress sites trust Jetpack for their website security and performance

Instant Performance and UX

Jetpack’s performance features make your site lightning-fast, while also improving your SEO and giving your visitors a better experience.

  • Free speed enhancements to rank higher on Google
  • Free global CDN to deliver content instantly
  • Instant site search to help your visitors find your products and content
Speed up your site

Grow your audience effortlessly

Jetpack’s growth tools help you find new visitors, turn leads into customers, and customers into advocates.

  • WordPress CRM to convert your leads and create repeat customers
  • Free advanced WordPress site stats
  • Free auto‑sharing posts and pages to social media
Grow your audience
  • Millions of people depend on my site, and downtime isn’t an option. Jetpack handles my site security and backups so I can focus on creation.

    Tim Ferriss 作者/投資人/Podcast 主講人
  • Jetpack backs up everything on your site, and you don’t have to lift a finger. It’s comprehensive, real-time, and effortless.

    Chris Coyier 創辦人 – CSS-TricksCodePen
  • Jetpack continues to get better and better, which made it a no-brainer to partner with for our WooCommerce customers at LiquidWeb.

    Chris Lema 產品副總經理 – Liquid Web

WordPress 協力大廠一致好評

  • WordPress.com
  • Bluehost
  • HostGator
  • DreamHost
  • Jetpack Backup 每日版

    US$ 9 .95
    US$ 4 .77
    /年,每年付款 第一年可省下 52%
    取得 Jetpack Backup 每日版


    • 每日自動備份 (異地)
    • 一鍵還原
    • 無限制的網站儲存空間
  • Complete

    US$ 99 .95
    US$ 47 .97
    /年,每年付款 第一年可省下 52%

    取得完整 Jetpack 組合,享用即時資安防護、強化的搜尋功能、以及客戶關係管理(CRM)、流量成長與版面設計工具。

    • 所有「Jetpack Security 每日版」功能
    • 備份 (即時,異地)
    • 資安掃瞄(即時、自動)
    • 客戶關係關理(CRM)功能:創業者搭售方案
    • 網站搜尋範圍:最大可達十萬筆記錄

For more information about our pricing and free tools, visit our pricing page. Learn more.

Jetpack 放進口袋帶著走

唯一的 WordPress 安全性外掛程式,並提供專屬 iOS 和 Android 應用程式,讓你無論身在何處,都能在幾分鐘內清除惡意軟體並還原網站。

Improve your site security, performance, and growth in just a few clicks

Get Started


我們透過專案和活動贊助,將 Jetpack 的利潤再次投入 WordPress 開放原始碼社群。