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    ◆國立政治大學政治學系副教授 葉浩 專文導讀

    ◆1982 年《洛杉磯時報》傳記類圖書獎,1983 年美國國家猶太圖書獎



    ◆國立政治大學政治學系副教授 葉浩 專文導讀






    漢娜鄂蘭,1906 年誕生於德國柏林的猶太女性,被譽為 20 世紀最偉大、最具原創性的思想家之一。早年跟隨存在主義哲學家海德格、雅斯培,後因納粹政府上台流亡至美國,先後在各大學院任教。1975 年逝於紐約。鄂蘭畢生著重對極權主義、政治實踐、公共空間等議題的思辨;嚴謹論證的背後,是她回應世界的態度——挑戰哲人棄世思想,而積極介入、參與這世界的愛。她是自由主義的看門人,亂世中的思考明燈,更是當代政治永遠的挑戰者;那雙無所畏懼的真理之眼,深深影響了一代人的思維理路。


    本書 1982 年出版,作者詳實整理了鄂蘭的文學、哲學及生活背景狀況,並描述現實政治社會對鄂蘭一生的深刻影響。作者運用心理學及哲學知識、與鄂蘭友人的訪談,以及親身受教鄂蘭的經驗,深入闡述她思想成形的歷史基礎,幾次重大學術產出與觀念轉折,及其對理論界及社會的影響。做為西方世界最早、最權威的鄂蘭傳記,要認識鄂蘭生平、著作、主要概念及相關評價,本書必不可少。



    ——彼得.柏格(Peter L. Burger),美國社會學家,刊於《紐約時報》書評首頁,標題〈A Woman Of This Century〉




    ——波士頓環球報(Boston Globe)


    ——里奇蒙時報(Richmond Times-Dispatch)


    ——柯克斯書評(Kirkus Review)


    ——國際關係(Foreign Affairs)

    出版社 商周出版 (城邦)?

    1969迄今,凝結半世紀的智慧 從諾貝爾看經濟思潮,洞察世界正面臨的問題 ?從開端到當今,論評1969∼2019獲獎薈萃 「它的基本原理如此簡單,只要一張紙就可以寫完,而且任何人都可以了解,然而真正了解的人又何其稀少。」──弗利曼(Milton Friedman),1969年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主 --- 1969年,無疑是經濟學界極為風光的一年,因為全球最高榮譽獎項──諾貝爾獎,新納入「經濟學獎」,輝煌的時代正式啟幕。然而,有光的地方就有陰影,學界對於權威性獎項的憂慮,也未曾間斷。 ?貼近大師的腦內旅程 一代哲人的智識,往往能撼動世界。他們的思考邏輯為何?受誰、受何事所影響?意圖解決什麼?有何反對聲浪?翻開本書,進入經濟學家的廣闊思路,爬梳時代思潮的流變及脈絡,吸取最精華的哲思。 ?導讀,讓每個人都能領略諾貝爾經濟學 透過經濟學家吳惠林的筆尖,將嚴謹繁複的研究,轉譯為淺顯流暢、條理分明的科普文,娓娓道出獲獎者的故事、成就與貢獻;解讀1969迄今,橫跨半世紀的世界經濟發展歷程。超越敘述,進一步論評,省思各派經濟學說,連結至臺灣,反顧經濟政策走向。鞭辟入裡,擲地有聲。 ?關注「人」的科學,經濟學的見樹又見林 至2019年10月,諾貝爾經濟學獎一共頒發了51次,共有84人獲獎。回望這一群引領風騷的獲獎者,他們豐滿的思想與信念,深具無盡啟發。更重要的是,跟隨書中的理路,在認識經濟大師之餘,得以思考經濟學的本質,不盲從、信服權威,拓展「經濟即生活」的視野。





    當我們談到瑜伽,想到的通常是一群人在墊子上拚命彎折身體,或是把它當成運動來操練。然而瑜伽不只是身體的練習,也是「調息」與「調心」,達成內外在的穩定和諧。作者張以昕從學生時代即持續學習瑜伽多年,並在獲得文學碩士學位後,毅然接受嚴謹紮實的瑜伽教學專業訓練,展開分享瑜伽的旅程,多次前往印度Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute及Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama進修、旅行。


    ■ 輯一 瑜伽老師跑跳碰


    ■ 輯二 完美小姐的瑜伽旅程


    ■ 輯三 瑜伽這檔事
























    瑜伽最好的地方就是能實際運用在生活當中……隨時潛入心的洞穴裡,保持靜默的意念,對自己 的言行、念頭保持覺知,將瑜伽練習延續至一天當中的每時每刻。──張以昕

    ☛ 將「證券投資分析」的專業知識、「人工智慧(AI)」的最新方法,整合運用於一書。

    ☛ 本書採用Excel試算表作為證券投資分析的工具,簡單易學。

    ☛ 全書使用台灣近年股市的實際資料,即學即用。

    ☛ 本書為作者另一本暢銷書「證券投資分析:使用Excel 實作」的進階版姊妹作。




    $ 現代的投資人欲想獲得更高的「超額報酬」,人工智慧(AI)方法即為一個分析利器。本書使用Excel試算表實現AI方法,提供投資人快速學習在證券投資分析上,運用AI方法的捷徑。

    $ 全書分為三篇14章:第一篇「證券投資分析」,第二篇「知識發現與計算智慧」,第三篇「知識發現與計算智慧在證券投資分析的應用」。

    $ 採用簡單易學的Excel試算表作為建立「以人工智慧為基礎」的證券投資分析工具。

    $ 書中所有範例皆來自台灣近年股市的實際資料。


    A woman walks into the sea and doesn't come back.
    Two sisters discover secrets can never be kept forever...

    'Brilliant, heart-wrenching writing' PETER JAMES

    When two sisters receive the news their mother is missing, their lives will never be the same again. Loyal but fragile Lily, and headstrong, long-absent Marta must come together to uncover what has happened to her.

    Meanwhile, on the brink of retirement, DI Fox investigates cold cases long since forgotten. And there's one obsession he won't let go: a tragic death twenty years before.

    Can Lily and Marietta find the truth about their mother? Will Fox solve a mystery that has haunted him for decades? As their stories unexpectedly collide, long-buried secrets will change their lives in unimaginable ways.

    A gripping and emotional new thriller perfect for fans of Cara Hunter, Heidi Perks, Claire Douglas and Linda Green.

    'I didn't think that Erin's debut and bestselling novel Found could be bettered. I was wrong' Amazon reviewer

    'Five stars is the minimum rating this outstanding mystery deserves... the ultimate page-turner' Amazon reviewer

    'I turned my phone to silent and devoured the book in one sitting' Amazon reviewer

    Praise for Erin Kinsley's novels, which have been a BBC RADIO 2 BOOK CLUB CHOICE and SUNDAY TIMES CRIME CLUB PICK:

    'Brilliant, compelling, heart-wrenching writing.' PETER JAMES

    'An unputdownable thriller.'

    'Sensitive and moving...but with a core of pure tension' SUNDAY TIMES

    'Full of twists and turns to keep you guessing, this is a gripping and compelling read you won't want to put down' HEAT

    'One of those rare finds - a page turner that is equally remarkable for the beauty of the writing. It will suck you in and take you on a journey' JO SPAIN

    'Gripping...once started, impossible to put down!
    Twenty years have passed since Darth Bane, reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, demolished the ancient order devoted to the dark side and reinvented it as a circle of two: one Master to wield the power and pass on the wisdom, and one apprentice to learn, challenge, and ultimately usurp the Dark Lord in a duel to the death. But Bane’s acolyte, Zannah, has yet to engage her Master in mortal combat and prove herself a worthy successor. Determined that the Sith dream of galactic domination will not die with him, Bane vows to learn the secret of a forgotten Dark Lord that will assure the Sith’s immortality–and his own.

    A perfect opportunity arises when a Jedi emissary is assassinated on the troubled mining planet Doan, giving Bane an excuse to dispatch his apprentice on a fact-finding mission–while he himself sets out in secret to capture the ancient holocron of Darth Andeddu and its precious knowledge. But Zannah is no fool. She knows that her ruthless Master has begun to doubt her, and she senses that he is hiding something crucial to her future. If she is going to claim the power she craves, she must take action now.

    While Bane storms the remote stronghold of a fanatical Sith cult, Zannah prepares for her Master’s downfall by choosing an apprentice of her own: a rogue Jedi cunning and cold-blooded enough to embrace the Sith way and to stand beside her when she at last wrests from Bane the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.

    But Zannah is not the only one with the desire and power to destroy Darth Bane. Princess Serra of the Doan royal family is haunted by memories of the monstrous Sith soldier who murdered her father and tortured her when she was a child. Bent on retribution, she hires a merciless assassin to find her tormentor– and bring him back alive to taste her wrath.

    Only a Sith who has taken down her own Master can become Dark Lord of the Sith. So when Bane suddenly vanishes, Zannah must find him–possibly even rescue him–before she can kill him. And so she pursues her quarry from the grim depths of a ravaged world on the brink of catastrophe to the barren reaches of a desert outpost, where the future of the dark side’s most powerful disciples will be decided, once and for all, by the final, fatal stroke of a lightsaber.

    Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years!
    En su primer best seller, Inquebrantables, Daniel Habif proporciona inspiración y motivación para ayudar al lector a superar obstáculos y crear la vida que desea vivir.

    Más que un libro de autoayuda, Inquebrantables ofrece un manifiesto que invita al lector a participar en el proceso de romper patrones y crear la vida que desea en las áreas de la familia, el amor, el matrimonio, la carrera profesional y la vida. «No lo escribí con la intención de que te enganches; es todo lo contrario. Lo escribí para que cada página detone en ti una necesidad de dejarlo, para que pongas una marca y vayas a perseguir lo que resuena dentro de ti», escribe Habif.

    Inquebrantables reúne y expande los mensajes de inspiración que han tenido mayor impacto y que representan a Daniel Habif como orador motivacional.

    El libro también ofrece:

    • El manifiesto de los «Inquebrantables» que resuena con sus miles de seguidores
    • Ejercicios prácticos para ayudar al lector a superar obstáculos personales
    • Citas poderosas para reflexionar, inspirar y transformar
    • Cartas abiertas, directamente del corazón del autor, al lector y la Sociedad

    En esta edición especial, Daniel incluye el nuevo capítulo, «Ruge», hecho para estos tiempos. En este nuevo capítulo, el autor advierte que «ha llegado la hora de mostrarle al mundo la versión de ti que toma el timón y se funde en una aleación que, al solidificarse, será oro, una fórmula cuyo principal ingrediente es la pasión».

    Inquebrantables es un libro para todas las edades, una chispa que enciende pasiones, el despertar de una vocación que te morderá por dentro, un manifiesto a la mejora continua. Sus páginas están impresas con la versión más afilada de la irreverencia, el humor y el ímpetu que caracteriza a Daniel Habif.

    Unbreakable, Anniversary

    In his first bestseller, Unbreakable, Daniel Habif provides inspiration and motivation to help the reader overcome obstacles and create the life the reader wants to live.

    More than a self-help book, Unbreakable is a manifesto that invites the reader to participate in the process of breaking patterns and moving forward.

    The book includes:

    • The manifesto of the “Unbreakables” that has resonated with his thousands of followers
    • Practical exercises to help readers overcome personal obstacles in all areas of their lives
    • Powerful quotes to reflect, inspire, and transform
    • Open letters, directly from the heart of the author, to the reader and society

    In this special edition, Daniel also includes the new chapter, “Roar,” which will encourage the reader to take action and show the world the best version of you.

    Unbreakable will ignite your passion, awaken your soul, and become a manifesto for creating the life you desire.

    'A fabulous page-turner that will keep you guessing and guessing' CARA HUNTER

    'Intense, clever writing and packed with twists and turns' DERVLA MCTIERNAN

    'Another twisty and intense thriller from the great Jo Spain' ADRIAN MCKINTY

    He jumped to his death in front of witnesses. Now his wife is charged with murder.

    Five years ago, Erin Kennedy moved to New York following a family tragedy. She now lives happily with her detective husband in the scenic seaside town of Newport, Long Island. When Erin answers the door to Danny's police colleagues one morning, it's the start of an ordinary day. But behind her, Danny walks to the window of their fourth-floor apartment and jumps to his death.

    Eighteen months later, Erin is in court, charged with her husband's murder. Over that year and a half, Erin has learned things about Danny she could never have imagined. She thought he was perfect. She thought their life was perfect.

    But it was all built on the perfect lie.

    'Superbly written, cinematic and pacy!' STEVE CAVANAGH
    'Domestic noir at its best' M. T. EDVARDSSON
    'Grabs you by the throat' LIZ NUGENT
    'A top-notch thriller' T. M. LOGAN
    'Chilling and all too plausible' JAMES OSWALD

    'I loved this book and it deserves to fly to the top of the charts' ELLY GRIFFITHS
    'A sure-fire smash hit!' CAZ FREAR
    'The Perfect Lie will pin you to your seat until you reach the last page' JANE CASEY

    'So good you won't want it to end' DAILY MAIL
    'A jewel of a thriller' HEAT

    'With so many "oh my gosh" moments, this will have you absolutely gripped' PRIMA
    'Be warned: this book will keep you up all night!' CLOSER

    The start of a gripping new crime thriller series introducing ex-SAS trooper Jack Tate!

    ‘Looking for breakneck pace and a relentless hero? Alex Shaw has you covered’ James Swallow

    Don’t miss the explosive start to the Jack Tate series.

    When the lights go out...
    British MI6 agent, and former SAS trooper, Jack Tate is trying to escape his past when he witnesses a terrorist attack of unthinkable scale. An electro-magnetic pulse knocks out the US power grid, killing anything with a computer processor, throwing the whole country into darkness.

    You have to escape the past.
    Under the cover of the blackout, a clandestine operation aims to assassinate prominent public figures on US soil. Looting and violence spreads across the country. And Jack Tate’s past comes back to haunt him. As the only intelligence operative on the ground, he is hurled into a mission that will put him – and the people he loves – in immediate danger.

    You have to defeat the enemy.
    With the fate of the United States on the line, only he can prevent the horror of a new world war.

    Perfect for fans of James Deegan, Tom Clancy and Mark Greaney, this is an explosive action thriller you won’t be able to put down.

    ‘Compelling and authentic. An explosive new series with an uncompromising hero’ Tom Wood

    ‘Jack Tate is a powerful character, a true Brit hero. A cracking start to a new series!’ Alan McDermott

    ‘Alex Shaw is a master of the action thriller. Grabbed me from the first page and never let go’ Michael Ridpath

    ‘Riveting thriller with an original plot and surprising twists. Tate is totally convincing as a classic Brit operative. Great drama and characterisation’ Duncan Falconer

    #1 New York Times Bestseller

    Over 1 million copies sold

    In this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be "positive" all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people.

    For decades, we’ve been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. "F**k positivity," Mark Manson says. "Let’s be honest, shit is f**ked and we have to live with it." In his wildly popular Internet blog, Manson doesn’t sugarcoat or equivocate. He tells it like it is—a dose of raw, refreshing, honest truth that is sorely lacking today. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is his antidote to the coddling, let’s-all-feel-good mindset that has infected American society and spoiled a generation, rewarding them with gold medals just for showing up.

    Manson makes the argument, backed both by academic research and well-timed poop jokes, that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade, but on learning to stomach lemons better. Human beings are flawed and limited—"not everybody can be extraordinary, there are winners and losers in society, and some of it is not fair or your fault." Manson advises us to get to know our limitations and accept them. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek.

    There are only so many things we can give a f**k about so we need to figure out which ones really matter, Manson makes clear. While money is nice, caring about what you do with your life is better, because true wealth is about experience. A much-needed grab-you-by-the-shoulders-and-look-you-in-the-eye moment of real-talk, filled with entertaining stories and profane, ruthless humor, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is a refreshing slap for a generation to help them lead contented, grounded lives.

    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • More than one million copies sold! A “brilliant” (Lupita Nyong’o, Time), “poignant” (Entertainment Weekly), “soul-nourishing” (USA Today) memoir about coming of age during the twilight of apartheid
    “Noah’s childhood stories are told with all the hilarity and intellect that characterizes his comedy, while illuminating a dark and brutal period in South Africa’s history that must never be forgotten.”—Esquire
    Winner of the Thurber Prize for American Humor and an NAACP Image Award • Named one of the best books of the year by The New York Time, USA Today, San Francisco Chronicle, NPR, Esquire, Newsday, and Booklist

    Trevor Noah’s unlikely path from apartheid South Africa to the desk of The Daily Show began with a criminal act: his birth. Trevor was born to a white Swiss father and a black Xhosa mother at a time when such a union was punishable by five years in prison. Living proof of his parents’ indiscretion, Trevor was kept mostly indoors for the earliest years of his life, bound by the extreme and often absurd measures his mother took to hide him from a government that could, at any moment, steal him away. Finally liberated by the end of South Africa’s tyrannical white rule, Trevor and his mother set forth on a grand adventure, living openly and freely and embracing the opportunities won by a centuries-long struggle.

    Born a Crime is the story of a mischievous young boy who grows into a restless young man as he struggles to find himself in a world where he was never supposed to exist. It is also the story of that young man’s relationship with his fearless, rebellious, and fervently religious mother—his teammate, a woman determined to save her son from the cycle of poverty, violence, and abuse that would ultimately threaten her own life.

    The stories collected here are by turns hilarious, dramatic, and deeply affecting. Whether subsisting on caterpillars for dinner during hard times, being thrown from a moving car during an attempted kidnapping, or just trying to survive the life-and-death pitfalls of dating in high school, Trevor illuminates his curious world with an incisive wit and unflinching honesty. His stories weave together to form a moving and searingly funny portrait of a boy making his way through a damaged world in a dangerous time, armed only with a keen sense of humor and a mother’s unconventional, unconditional love.
    Walkley Award-winning journalist, Sharri Markson is the Investigations Editor at The Australian and host of prime-time show Sharri on Sky News Australia.




    The origins of Covid-19 are shrouded in mystery. Scientists and government officials insisted, for a year and a half, that the virus had a natural origin, ridiculing anyone who dared contradict this view. Tech giants swept the internet, censoring and silencing debate in the most extreme fashion. Yet it is undeniable that a secretive facility in Wuhan was immersed in genetically manipulating bat-coronaviruses in perilous experiments. And as soon as the news of an outbreak in Wuhan leaked, the Chinese military took control and gagged all laboratory insiders.

    Part-thriller, part-expose, What Really Happened in Wuhan is a ground-breaking investigation from leading journalist Sharri Markson into the origins of Covid-19, the cover-ups, the conspiracies and the classified research. It features never-before-seen primary documents exposing China's concealment of the virus, fresh interviews with whistleblower doctors in Wuhan and crucial eyewitness accounts that dismantle what we thought we knew about when the outbreak hit.

    With unprecedented access to Washington insiders, Markson takes you inside the White House, with senior Trump lieutenants revealing first-hand accounts of fiery Oval Office clashes and new stories of compromised government advisors and censored scientists.

    Bravely reported and chillingly laid out, Markson brings to light the stories of the pandemic from the people on the ground: the scientists and national security officials who raised uncomfortable truths and were labelled conspiracy theorists, until government agencies began to suspect they might have been right all along. These brave individuals persisted through bruising battles and played a crucial role in investigating the origins of Covid-19 to finally, in this book, bring us closer to the truth of what really happened in Wuhan.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The first definitive history of the Mossad, Shin Bet, and the IDF’s targeted killing programs, hailed by The New York Times as “an exceptional work, a humane book about an incendiary subject.”


    NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Economist • The New York Times Book Review BBC History Magazine Mother Jones • Kirkus Reviews

    The Talmud says: “If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first.” This instinct to take every measure, even the most aggressive, to defend the Jewish people is hardwired into Israel’s DNA. From the very beginning of its statehood in 1948, protecting the nation from harm has been the responsibility of its intelligence community and armed services, and there is one weapon in their vast arsenal that they have relied upon to thwart the most serious threats: Targeted assassinations have been used countless times, on enemies large and small, sometimes in response to attacks against the Israeli people and sometimes preemptively.

    In this page-turning, eye-opening book, journalist and military analyst Ronen Bergman—praised by David Remnick as “arguably [Israel’s] best investigative reporter”—offers a riveting inside account of the targeted killing programs: their successes, their failures, and the moral and political price exacted on the men and women who approved and carried out the missions.

    Bergman has gained the exceedingly rare cooperation of many current and former members of the Israeli government, including Prime Ministers Shimon Peres, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, and Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as high-level figures in the country’s military and intelligence services: the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), the Mossad (the world’s most feared intelligence agency), Caesarea (a “Mossad within the Mossad” that carries out attacks on the highest-value targets), and the Shin Bet (an internal security service that implemented the largest targeted assassination campaign ever, in order to stop what had once appeared to be unstoppable: suicide terrorism).

    Including never-before-reported, behind-the-curtain accounts of key operations, and based on hundreds of on-the-record interviews and thousands of files to which Bergman has gotten exclusive access over his decades of reporting, Rise and Kill First brings us deep into the heart of Israel’s most secret activities. Bergman traces, from statehood to the present, the gripping events and thorny ethical questions underlying Israel’s targeted killing campaign, which has shaped the Israeli nation, the Middle East, and the entire world.

    “A remarkable feat of fearless and responsible reporting . . . important, timely, and informative.”—John le Carré
    A journalist's twenty-year fascination with the Manson murders leads to shocking new revelations about the FBI's involvement in this riveting reassessment of an infamous case in American history.
    Over two grim nights in Los Angeles, the young followers of Charles Manson murdered seven people, including the actress Sharon Tate, then eight months pregnant. With no mercy and seemingly no motive, the Manson Family followed their leader's every order -- their crimes lit a flame of paranoia across the nation, spelling the end of the sixties. Manson became one of history's most infamous criminals, his name forever attached to an era when charlatans mixed with prodigies, free love was as possible as brainwashing, and utopia -- or dystopia -- was just an acid trip away.
    Twenty years ago, when journalist Tom O'Neill was reporting a magazine piece about the murders, he worried there was nothing new to say. Then he unearthed shocking evidence of a cover-up behind the "official" story, including police carelessness, legal misconduct, and potential surveillance by intelligence agents. When a tense interview with Vincent Bugliosi -- prosecutor of the Manson Family and author of Helter Skelter -- turned a friendly source into a nemesis, O'Neill knew he was onto something. But every discovery brought more questions:
    • Who were Manson's real friends in Hollywood, and how far would they go to hide their ties?
    • Why didn't law enforcement, including Manson's own parole officer, act on their many chances to stop him?
    • And how did Manson -- an illiterate ex-con -- turn a group of peaceful hippies into remorseless killers?

    O'Neill's quest for the truth led him from reclusive celebrities to seasoned spies, from San Francisco's summer of love to the shadowy sites of the CIA's mind-control experiments, on a trail rife with shady cover-ups and suspicious coincidences. The product of two decades of reporting, hundreds of new interviews, and dozens of never-before-seen documents from the LAPD, the FBI, and the CIA, Chaos mounts an argument that could be, according to Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Steven Kay, strong enough to overturn the verdicts on the Manson murders. This is a book that overturns our understanding of a pivotal time in American history.
    The instant #1 New York Times bestseller.

    From the reporter who was there at the very beginning comes the revealing inside story of the partnership between Steve Bannon and Donald Trump—the key to understanding the rise of the alt-right, the fall of Hillary Clinton, and the hidden forces that drove the greatest upset in American political history.

    Based on dozens of interviews conducted over six years, Green spins the master narrative of the 2016 campaign from its origins in the far fringes of right-wing politics and reality television to its culmination inside Trump’s penthouse on election night.

    The shocking elevation of Bannon to head Trump’s flagging presidential campaign on August 17, 2016, hit political Washington like a thunderclap and seemed to signal the meltdown of the Republican Party. Bannon was a bomb-throwing pugilist who’d never run a campaign and was despised by Democrats and Republicans alike. 

    Yet Bannon’s hard-edged ethno-nationalism and his elaborate, years-long plot to destroy Hillary Clinton paved the way for Trump’s unlikely victory. Trump became the avatar of a dark but powerful worldview that dominated the airwaves and spoke to voters whom others couldn’t see. Trump’s campaign was the final phase of a populist insurgency that had been building up in America for years, and Bannon, its inscrutable mastermind, believed it was the culmination of a hard-right global uprising that would change the world.

    Any study of Trump’s rise to the presidency is unavoidably a study of Bannon. Devil’s Bargain is a tour-de-force telling of the remarkable confluence of circumstances that decided the election, many of them orchestrated by Bannon and his allies, who really did plot a vast, right-wing conspiracy to stop Clinton. To understand Trump's extraordinary rise and Clinton’s fall, you have to weave Trump’s story together with Bannon’s, or else it doesn't make sense.

    The Crucial #1 New York Times Bestseller

    “The Mueller report is that rare Washington tell-all that surpasses its pre-publication hype…the best book by far on the workings of the Trump presidency.” —Carlos Lozada, The Washington Post

    The only book with exclusive analysis by the Pulitzer Prize–winning staff of The Washington Post, and the most complete and authoritative available.

    Read the findings of the Special Counsel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, complete with accompanying analysis by the Post reporters who’ve covered the story from the beginning.

    This edition from The Washington Post/Scribner contains:

    —The long-awaited Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election

    An introduction by The Washington Post titled “A President, a Prosecutor, and the Protection of American Democracy”

    A timeline of the major events of the Special Counsel’s investigation from May 2017, when Robert Mueller was appointed, to the report's delivery

    A guide to individuals involved, including in the Special Counsel’s Office, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Trump Campaign, the White House, the Trump legal defense team, and the Russians

    Key documents in the Special Counsel’s investigation, including filings pertaining to General Michael T. Flynn, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, and the Russian internet operation in St. Petersburg. Each document is introduced and explained by Washington Post reporters.

    One of the most urgent and important investigations ever conducted, the Mueller inquiry focuses on Donald Trump, his presidential campaign, and Russian interference in the 2016 election, and draws on the testimony of dozens of witnesses and the work of some of the country’s most seasoned prosecutors.

    The special counsel’s investigation looms as a turning point in American history. The Mueller Report is essential reading for all citizens concerned about the fate of the presidency and the future of our democracy.
    From legendary Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA master Rickson Gracie comes a riveting, insightful memoir that weaves together the story of Gracie’s stunning career with the larger history of the Gracie family dynasty and the founding of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, showing how the connection between mind and body can be harnessed for success both inside and outside the ring.

    Undefeated from the late 1970s through his final fight in the Tokyo Dome in 2000, Rickson Gracie amassed hundreds of victories in the street, on the mat, at the beach, and in the ring. He has joined the pantheon that includes Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, and Jackie Chan as one of the most famous martial artists of the twentieth century. Jiu-Jitsu, the fighting style developed and pioneered by his family, has become one of the world’s most prominent martial arts, and Vale Tudo, the “anything goes” style of Brazilian street fighting over which the Gracies had a monopoly, was an early precursor to the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Simply put, without the Gracie family, there would be no sport of “MMA,” no 4-billion-dollar UFC empire, and no “Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu” at strip malls all across America.

    In Breathe, for the first time, Rickson reveals the full story of how his father and uncles came to develop Jiu-Jitsu, what it was like to grow up among several generations of world-renowned fighters from the Gracie clan, and the principles and skills that guided him to his undefeated record. From learning to assert himself on the streets of Rio to gaining fame and honor in Japan and emerging through heartbreaking tragedy, the martial arts master shares tales of overcoming challenges, extolling universal virtues and showing readers how pride and ego are the enemies of success. 

    With never-before-seen photos and profound insights into the sport and way of life that only a studied legend can provide, Breathe is an entertaining and magnified view of an enduring legacy as well as an inspiring tale of weathering life’s complexities and overcoming them with style and grace.

    The story of Giannis Antetokounmpo's extraordinary rise from poverty in Athens, Greece to super-stardom in America with the Milwaukee Bucks—becoming one of the most transcendent players in history and an NBA champion—from award-winning basketball reporter and feature writer at The Ringer Mirin Fader, touching on universal themes of family, immigration, hard work, wealth, loss, and dreaming big. As the face of the NBA's new world order, Giannis Antetokounmpo has overcome unfathomable obstacles to become a symbol of hope for people all over the world, the personification of the American Dream. But his backstory remains largely untold, and Fader unearths new information about the childhood that shaped "The Greek Freak"—from sleeping side by side with his brothers to selling trinkets on the side of the street with his family to the racism he experienced in Greece. Antetokounmpo grew up in an era when Golden Dawn, Greek's far-right, anti-immigrant party, patrolled his neighborhood, and his status as an illegal immigrant largely prevented him from playing for Greek's top clubs, making his rise to the NBA all the more improbable. Fader tells a deeply-human story of how an unknown, skinny, Black-Greek teen, who played in the country's lowest pro division and was seen as a draft gamble, transformed his body and his game into MVP material.

    Antetokounmpo's story has been framed as a feel-good narrative in which the globe has embraced him, watching him grow up and lead the underdog Bucks to the NBA Championship in 2021. Giannis reveals a more nuanced story: how hesitant Antetokounmpo was, and still is, to spend money; how lonely and isolated he felt, adjusting to America and the NBA early in his career; the way he changed after his father recently died of a heart attack; the complexity of grappling with his Black and Greek identities; how private he is, so hard on himself and his shortcomings, a drive that fuels him every day; and the deep-rooted responsibility he feels to be a nurturing role model for his younger brothers. Fader illustrates a more vulnerable star than people know, a person who has evolved triumphantly into all of his roles: as father, brother, son, teammate, and global icon. Giannis gives readers a front-row seat as Antetokounmpo strives for an elusive championship with the Bucks, quelling speculation about potentially leaving Milwaukee after signing a five-year supermax contract extension worth $228 million. Now, he contends with his next big hurdle: proving that committing to a small-market franchise can bring Milwaukee back to glory.
    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • REESE’S BOOK CLUB PICK • “This book is every suspense lover’s dream and it kept me up way too late turning pages. . . . A novel with crazy twists and turns that will have you ditching your Friday night plans for more chapters.”—Reese Witherspoon

    A backpacking trip has deadly consequences in this
    “eerie psychological thriller . . . with alluring locales, Hitchcockian tension, and possibly the best pair of female leads since Thelma and Louise” (BookPage), from the bestselling author of The Lost Night and The Herd.

    A Marie Claire Book Club Pick • Named One of the Most Anticipated Books of the Year by Oprah Daily, BuzzFeed, Reader’s Digest, Men’s Journal, and CrimeReads

    Emily is having the time of her life—she’s in the mountains of Chile with her best friend, Kristen, on their annual reunion trip, and the women are feeling closer than ever. But on the last night of the trip, Emily enters their hotel suite to find blood and broken glass on the floor. Kristen says the cute backpacker she brought back to their room attacked her, and she had no choice but to kill him in self-defense. Even more shocking: The scene is horrifyingly similar to last year’s trip, when another backpacker wound up dead. Emily can’t believe it’s happened again—can lightning really strike twice?

    Back home in Wisconsin, Emily struggles to bury her trauma, diving headfirst into a new relationship and throwing herself into work. But when Kristen shows up for a surprise visit, Emily is forced to confront their violent past. The more Kristen tries to keep Emily close, the more Emily questions her motives. As Emily feels the walls closing in on their cover-ups, she must reckon with the truth about her closest friend. Can Emily outrun the secrets she shares with Kristen, or will they destroy her relationship, her freedom—even her life?
    “Every bit as smart, sensitive, funny, and genuine as her phenomenally popular novels,”* a dazzling collection from the New York Times bestselling author of Prep, American Wife, and Eligible

    “I really loved all the characters in this book. They’re so complex and interesting, and in every story, you’ll find them going through these pivotal moments in their lives.”—Reese Witherspoon (Reese’s Book Club Pick)

    NAMED ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY PEOPLE AND USA TODAY AND ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Washington Post • NPR • Financial Times San Francisco Chronicle • New York Public Library • Refinery29

    A suburban mother of two fantasizes about the downfall of an old friend whose wholesome lifestyle empire may or may not be built on a lie. A high-powered lawyer honeymooning with her husband is caught off guard by the appearance of the girl who tormented her in high school. A shy Ivy League student learns the truth about a classmate’s seemingly enviable life.

    Curtis Sittenfeld has established a reputation as a sharp chronicler of the modern age who humanizes her subjects even as she skewers them. Now, with this first collection of short fiction, her “astonishing gift for creating characters that take up residence in readers’ heads” (The Washington Post) is showcased like never before. Throughout the ten stories in You Think It, I’ll Say It, Sittenfeld upends assumptions about class, relationships, and gender roles in a nation that feels both adrift and viscerally divided.

    With moving insight and uncanny precision, Curtis Sittenfeld pinpoints the questionable decisions, missed connections, and sometimes extraordinary coincidences that make up a life. Indeed, she writes what we’re all thinking—if only we could express it with the wit of a master satirist, the storytelling gifts of an old-fashioned raconteur, and the vision of an American original.

    *Booklist (starred review)


    “At once psychologically acute, deftly crafted and deeply pleasurable.”San Francisco Chronicle

    “Witty and buoyant . . . Each deceptively simple and breezy story is masterfully paced and crafted.”Chicago Tribune

    “Perfectly paced, witty and laced with unexpected twists: Every story here sticks its landing. Whatever [Sittenfeld] writes, we’ll read it.”People

    “Razor-sharp, often hilarious . . . [Curtis Sittenfeld] is a sharp observer of human nature and human relationships. . . . A witty, breezy, zeitgeist-y collection.”—USA Today
    “Honest, timely, and completely thrilling.” Reese Witherspoon (Reese’s Book Club x Hello Sunshine book pick)

    “Part page-turning thriller, part smart examination of the #MeToo movement, part feminist rallying cry...Whisper Network is the satisfying “beach read” we’ve earned.”
    —The Daily Beast

    Sloane, Ardie, Grace, and Rosalita have worked at Truviv, Inc. for years. The sudden death of Truviv’s CEO means their boss, Ames, will likely take over the entire company. Each of the women has a different relationship with Ames, who has always been surrounded by whispers about how he treats women. Those whispers have been ignored, swept under the rug, hidden away by those in charge.

    But the world has changed, and the women are watching this promotion differently. This time, when they find out Ames is making an inappropriate move on a colleague, they aren’t willing to let it go. This time, they’ve decided enough is enough.

    Sloane and her colleagues’ decision to take a stand sets in motion a catastrophic shift in the office. Lies will be uncovered. Secrets will be exposed. And not everyone will survive. All of their lives—as women, colleagues, mothers, wives, friends, even adversaries—will change dramatically as a result.

    "If only you had listened to us,” they tell us on page one of Chandler Baker's Whisper Network, “none of this would have happened."

    “Exciting and sprinkled with razor-sharp insights about what it is to be a woman today, Whisper Network is a witty and timely story that will make you cheer for sisterhood.”—Liv Constantine, USA Today bestselling author of The Last Mrs. Parrish


    "Captivated me from the first chapter to the final page."—Reese Witherspoon

    Vivid and compelling in its portrait of one woman’s struggle for fulfillment in a society pivoting between the traditional and the modern, The Henna Artist opens a door into a world that is at once lush and fascinating, stark and cruel.

    Escaping from an abusive marriage, seventeen-year-old Lakshmi makes her way alone to the vibrant 1950s pink city of Jaipur. There she becomes the most highly requested henna artist—and confidante—to the wealthy women of the upper class. But trusted with the secrets of the wealthy, she can never reveal her own…

    Known for her original designs and sage advice, Lakshmi must tread carefully to avoid the jealous gossips who could ruin her reputation and her livelihood. As she pursues her dream of an independent life, she is startled one day when she is confronted by her husband, who has tracked her down these many years later with a high-spirited young girl in tow—a sister Lakshmi never knew she had. Suddenly the caution that she has carefully cultivated as protection is threatened. Still she perseveres, applying her talents and lifting up those that surround her as she does.

    “Eloquent and moving…Joshi masterfully balances a yearning for self-discovery with the need for familial love.”—Publishers Weekly

    Look for The Secret Keeper of Jaipur from New York Times bestselling author Alka Joshi!
    A Reese's Book Club YA Pick and New York Times Bestseller

    From the critically acclaimed author of Luck of the Titanic, Under a Painted Sky, and Outrun the Moon comes a powerful novel about identity, betrayal, and the meaning of family.

    By day, seventeen-year-old Jo Kuan works as a lady's maid for the cruel daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Atlanta. But by night, Jo moonlights as the pseudonymous author of a newspaper advice column for the genteel Southern lady, "Dear Miss Sweetie." When her column becomes wildly popular, she uses the power of the pen to address some of society's ills, but she's not prepared for the backlash that follows when her column challenges fixed ideas about race and gender. While her opponents clamor to uncover the secret identity of Miss Sweetie, a mysterious letter sets Jo off on a search for her own past and the parents who abandoned her as a baby. But when her efforts put her in the crosshairs of Atlanta's most notorious criminal, Jo must decide whether she, a girl used to living in the shadows, is ready to step into the light. With prose that is witty, insightful, and at times heartbreaking, Stacey Lee masterfully crafts an extraordinary social drama set in the New South.

    "This vividly rendered historic novel will keep readers riveted as witty, observant Jo deals with the dangers of questioning power." --The Washington Post

    "Holds a mirror to our present issues while giving us a detailed and vibrant picture of life in the past." --The New York Times

    "A joyful read . . . The Downstairs Girl, for all its serious and timely content, is a jolly good time." --NPR
    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Reese’s Book Club Pick • Named One of the Best Beach Reads of 2020 by Parade, O: The Oprah Magazine, and Good Housekeeping

    “The exuberant activity aboard the Splendido Marveloso is no match for the fireworks set off as the lies explode. Full of wicked humor and delicious destination details.”—People (Book of the Week)


    When seventy-year-old Charlotte Perkins submits a sexy essay to the Become a Jetsetter contest, she dreams of reuniting her estranged children: Lee, an almost-famous actress; Cord, a handsome Manhattan venture capitalist who can’t seem to find a partner; and Regan, a harried mother who took it all wrong when Charlotte bought her a Weight Watchers gift certificate for her birthday. Charlotte yearns for the years when her children were young, when she was a single mother who meant everything to them.

    When she wins the contest, the family packs their baggage—both literal and figurative—and spends ten days traveling from sun-drenched Athens through glorious Rome to tapas-laden Barcelona on an over-the-top cruise ship, the Splendido Marveloso. As lovers new and old join the adventure, long-buried secrets are revealed and old wounds are reopened, forcing the Perkins family to confront the forces that drove them apart and the defining choices of their lives.

    Can four lost adults find the peace they’ve been seeking by reconciling their childhood aches and coming back together? In the vein of The Nest and The Vacationers, The Jetsetters is a delicious and intelligent novel about the courage it takes to reveal our true selves, the pleasures and perils of family, and how we navigate the seas of adulthood.
    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A gripping novel about the whirlwind rise of an iconic 1970s rock group and their beautiful lead singer, revealing the mystery behind their infamous breakup—from the author of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and the new novel Malibu Rising, available now!

    “An explosive, dynamite, down-and-dirty look at a fictional rock band told in an interview style that gives it irresistible surface energy.”—Elin Hilderbrand

    NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR • The Washington Post Esquire GlamourReal SimpleGood Housekeeping Marie ClaireParadePasteShelf AwarenessBookRiot

    Everyone knows DAISY JONES & THE SIX, but nobody knows the reason behind their split at the absolute height of their popularity . . . until now.

    Daisy is a girl coming of age in L.A. in the late sixties, sneaking into clubs on the Sunset Strip, sleeping with rock stars, and dreaming of singing at the Whisky a Go Go. The sex and drugs are thrilling, but it’s the rock ’n’ roll she loves most. By the time she’s twenty, her voice is getting noticed, and she has the kind of heedless beauty that makes people do crazy things.

    Also getting noticed is The Six, a band led by the brooding Billy Dunne. On the eve of their first tour, his girlfriend Camila finds out she’s pregnant, and with the pressure of impending fatherhood and fame, Billy goes a little wild on the road.

    Daisy and Billy cross paths when a producer realizes that the key to supercharged success is to put the two together. What happens next will become the stuff of legend.

    The making of that legend is chronicled in this riveting and unforgettable novel, written as an oral history of one of the biggest bands of the seventies. Taylor Jenkins Reid is a talented writer who takes her work to a new level with Daisy Jones & The Six, brilliantly capturing a place and time in an utterly distinctive voice.


    Riveting and unconventional, The Last Story of Mina Lee traces the far-reaching consequences of secrets in the lives of a Korean immigrant mother and her daughter

    Margot Lee's mother is ignoring her calls. Margot can’t understand why, until she makes a surprise trip home to Koreatown, LA, and finds that her mother has suspiciously died. Determined to discover the truth, Margot unravels her single mother’s past as a Korean War orphan and an undocumented immigrant, only to realize how little she truly knew about her mother, Mina.

    Thirty years earlier, Mina Lee steps off a plane to take a chance on a new life in America. Stacking shelves at a Korean grocery store, the last thing she expects is to fall in love. But that moment leads to repercussions for Mina that echo through the decades, leading up to the truth of what happened the night of her death.

    Told through the intimate lens of a mother and daughter who have struggled all their lives to understand each other, The Last Story of Mina Lee is a powerful and exquisitely woven debut novel that explores identity, family, secrets, and what it truly means to belong.


    “Painful, joyous... A story that cries out to be told.” —Los Angeles Times

    “Kim is a brilliant new voice in American fiction.” —Alexander Chee, author of How to Write an Autobiographical Novel

    “Suspenseful and deeply felt.” —Chloe Benjamin, author of The Immortalists
    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A shocking discovery on a honeymoon in paradise changes the lives of a picture-perfect couple in this taut psychological thriller debut—for readers of Ruth Ware, Paula Hawkins, and Shari Lapena.

    “A psychological thriller that captivated me from page one. What unfolds makes for a wild, page-turning ride! It’s the perfect beach read!”—Reese Witherspoon (Reese’s Book Club pick)


    If you could make one simple choice that would change your life forever, would you?
    Erin is a documentary filmmaker on the brink of a professional breakthrough, Mark a handsome investment banker with big plans. Passionately in love, they embark on a dream honeymoon to the tropical island of Bora Bora, where they enjoy the sun, the sand, and each other. Then, while scuba diving in the crystal blue sea, they find something in the water. . . .
    Could the life of your dreams be the stuff of nightmares?
    Suddenly the newlyweds must make a dangerous choice: to speak out or to protect their secret. After all, if no one else knows, who would be hurt? Their decision will trigger a devastating chain of events. . . .
    Have you ever wondered how long it takes to dig a grave?
    Wonder no longer. Catherine Steadman’s enthralling voice shines throughout this spellbinding debut novel. With piercing insight and fascinating twists, Something in the Water challenges the reader to confront the hopes we desperately cling to, the ideals we’re tempted to abandon, and the perfect lies we tell ourselves.

    Praise for Something in the Water

    “Superbly written, clever and gripping.”—B. A. Paris, New York Times bestselling author of Behind Closed Doors 

    “Deliciously dramatic.”Entertainment Weekly

    “Thrilling . . . the perfect beach read.”PopSugar

    “A dark glittering gem of a thriller.”Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

    “Arresting . . . deftly paced, elegantly chilly . . . [Catherine] Steadman brings . . . wit, timing and intelligence to this novel. . . . Something in the Water is a proper page-turner.”The New York Times
    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of The Martian, a lone astronaut must save the earth from disaster in this “propulsive” (Entertainment Weekly), cinematic thriller full of suspense, humor, and fascinating science—in development as a major motion picture starring Ryan Gosling.

    “An epic story of redemption, discovery and cool speculative sci-fi.”—USA Today

    “If you loved The Martian, you’ll go crazy for Weir’s latest.”—The Washington Post

    Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission—and if he fails, humanity and the earth itself will perish.

    Except that right now, he doesn’t know that. He can’t even remember his own name, let alone the nature of his assignment or how to complete it.

    All he knows is that he’s been asleep for a very, very long time. And he’s just been awakened to find himself millions of miles from home, with nothing but two corpses for company.

    His crewmates dead, his memories fuzzily returning, Ryland realizes that an impossible task now confronts him. Hurtling through space on this tiny ship, it’s up to him to puzzle out an impossible scientific mystery—and conquer an extinction-level threat to our species.

    And with the clock ticking down and the nearest human being light-years away, he’s got to do it all alone.

    Or does he?

    An irresistible interstellar adventure as only Andy Weir could deliver, Project Hail Mary is a tale of discovery, speculation, and survival to rival The Martian—while taking us to places it never dreamed of going.
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