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2019 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Education Through Music, Inc.

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Arts & Culture, Arts Education, Education, Elementary & Secondary Schools, Literacy, Music

Mission: Education Through Music, Inc. (ETM) makes music education a reality for thousands of children who would otherwise have limited or no exposure to the arts. ETM partners with schools that lack sufficient funding for school-wide music programs, and ETM ensures that every student enrolled in these schools receives weekly music instruction. Since 1991, ETM has harnessed the power of music to enhance the academic performance and general development of its students. Our work provides these children with the skills to become better learners and the confidence to live in an increasingly challenging world.

Results: Findings indicate that students in schools that receive ETM perform better academically than students in schools with similar demographics that do not receive ETM. Students’ participation in ETM music class and school concerts contributes to creativity as well as to social and emotional capacities. The program encourages motivation for school in general. • ETM supports students’ social and emotional development. • ETM positively impacts students’ academic achievement: 84% of ETM students reported that music class improved their focus; 76% of middle school students said that music class increased their desire to go to school; upwards of 96% of classroom teachers believed ETM has enhanced students’ math, literacy, and critical thinking skills. • The ETM program promotes stronger relationships between schools and parents and supported community engagement; 64% of ETM parents reported that they have been more involved in the school community since their children started ETM. • Partner school leadership highly rated the overall program: 97% of principals and 98% of classroom teachers evaluated the ETM program positively. Additional information is available at ETMonline.org/impact.

Target demographics: low-income children in grades Pre-K through 8th grade

Direct beneficiaries per year: 36,000 kids

Geographic areas served: New York City

Programs: ETM's partner school program provides tens of thousands of students in under-resourced NYC schools with access to music education as a core subject. By providing quality music education to students and building support within school communities, ETM: provide students with musical skills and knowledge; supports growth in students' self-confidence and self-esteem; supports community involvement; and increases the capacity of partner schools to sustain music programs on their own.

Community Stories

130 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Rating: 5

Education through Music is truly an exemplary organization for non-profit music education programs. Their leadership is strong and dedicated, their model has proven positive outcomes time and time again, and their program effects the lives of tens of thousands of children in the NY area and beyond. As an employee of a grant-making organization and long-time supporter of ETM, we receive hundreds of requests for support each year. When we inevitably have to reject organizations that don't align with our mission and funding priorities, occasionally they will ask for examples of programs that we do support. ETM always comes to mind first, and I always find myself singing the organization's praises. We believe so strongly in what ETM is doing and are proud to have a hand in helping them make a different in children's lives through music.

Robert T.6

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I grew up very depressed and music was one of the only things that has consistently been there for me, check out my dj soundcloud. I am truly inspired by music festivals to make music for the rest of my life, in any form or fashion. I love music and wish to have a grammy one day. I ran away from home to pursue a business degree at the university of delaware and i am 30 k in student debt. My dad is formally incarcerated and my grandfather suffers from ptsd from being in the Vietnam War. I develop nearly every single mental health disorder trying to put the world on my back. I just want to be happy and pursue music! I wish to interact with this charity to help people who may be in similar positions as me.


Rating: 5

Last year, I had the pleasure and the privilege to work with ETM as they were deciding to expand. Our team got to know the management team, the staff, and the teachers. And we had the opportunity to see ETM in action. The smiles on the kids faces as they were heading to music class brought back fond memories of my childhood. I was fortunate to have attend a school with music classes, and that I learned how to play an instrument at a young age. I was in the choir, in a band, and at one point in a jazz band. For tens of thousands of kids in New York, ETM brings the same joy and the same purpose.

Ingrid K.1

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Excellent non profit providing excellence to our communities children.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Education through Music is an important partnership to PS 91. They provide quality music teachers with professional development and work closely with school administrators to ensure that all students receive a well-rounded education where music is at the forefront.

Students have opportunities to be a part of an orchestra and/or select choir where they are able to perform at school events and at outside venues.

We cherish and value this partnership.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

ETM is an organization that sees an issue in NYC schools-- and unlike other nonprofits that come in and proscribe their own solution -- ETM works with the community to learn about the best ways to fix the issue in a way that's sustainable. I am a former ETM employee, and I can attest to their demonstrated commitment to listening to their stakeholders to fix the inequality in NYC schools. During my time at ETM I was fortunate to visit dozens of ETM partner schools and witness first-hand the impact the programming has not only on students and teachers, but the community as a whole. I continue to support ETM because I believe in their mission and know every ounce of support they get is used to further this worthy cause.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Education Through Music (ETM) is a remarkable non-profit organization that strives serve teachers, communities, and students in under-resourced schools. Through professional development, mentorship, an abundance of resources, ETM is constantly bettering music teachers and their craft and making a direct impact on children's lives each and every day. In many cases, ETM has helped launch performing ensembles (band, orchestra, choir) in schools and encourage these ensembles to perform in an annual festival in the Bronx. For many student performers, this is the culmination of a long and arduous year in which they grow physically, musically, and emotionally.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Education Through Music is an amazing nonprofit company that is making a difference in New York City's public education system. I have seen first-hand the impact that ETM has left in schools across the five boroughs, and specifically the positive impact it has left in the Bronx. Before ETM began to spread across the Bronx, quality music education was hard to come by. The level of support I received from ETM led me to be a successful music teacher. They train their teachers with high quality professional development to ensure the teachers are learning at the same time they are teaching. I hope the ETM model spreads across the country and to other parts of the world as they are truly making a difference.

Alice H.4

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have facilitated numerous professional development days for ETM and have been consistently impressed with the organization of the event and the enthusiasm of the teachers. I find I prioritize the scheduling of ETM over other organizations because I know the event will be a pleasant one. The teachers are interested in learning and sincerely want to be the best teachers possible.

Board Member

Rating: 5

I serve on the group's Development Board, and have had a chance to observe both their educational work and governance. ETM exemplifies a sustainable model for working with schools, students and teachers - a 360 approach - to have a real impact on the community. I highly recommend seeking out any opportunity to support, work with and get involved with the organization.


Rating: 5

ETM is a wonderful org inside and out. I've had the pleasure of volunteering with them over the course of several classes/concerts and the excitement from both administrators and students alike is always infectious. I anticipate they'll be making a big difference for years to come.


Rating: 5

Education Through Music is an incredible organization that inspires so many young children and adults. Many individuals don't realize the impact that music education has on a child, but after experiencing an end of year concert I had the ability to witness the importance. The children were extremely engaged with their music teachers and had a high quality performance. They were excited to be a part of a music class, they were proud of their accomplishments, and every student in the auditorium had a smile on their face. It was clear after experiencing the concert that music brings out the best in children and nobody should miss that opportunity based on the school they go to!


Rating: 5

ETM has been on an amazing journey over the past several years and seems very well positioned to have even more impact in the years ahead. The ETM in-school program is incredibly strong and has a real impact on the lives of children and families and their engagement with schools. The Board and staff are thoughtful about building a successful, sustainable, and scalable organization. The deepening of the organization and their study of how to make their own work better promises amazing things ahead.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I am proud to have served ETM in the programs department for the past two years. In my position, I worked closely with office staff, teachers, administrators, parents and students in ETM partner schools. This unique role gave me valuable insight into many aspects of how ETM works “in the field.” There is an amazing in-house team of experienced music educators who support and supervise partner school teachers in navigating the NYC school system, curriculum, and best practice in the classroom.
The fact that so many NYC students do not have access to music education proves the ongoing need for ETM. During my tenure, the organization underwent a period of growth and structural changes. The mission, however, remained constant: empowerment of all students through quality music education!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

ETM makes an invaluable contribution to the lives of tens of thousands of school children by providing them with a top-notch music education that would otherwise be out of reach.
As a professional musician and educator I have visited several of ETM's partner schools with my ensemble, the Israeli Chamber Project, and seen first hand the impact their work has on these students' lives.
This work goes a long way to strengthen the communities in which ETM operates and should be supported generously.


Rating: 5

I have had the rare opportunity through my employer to learn about ETM and their program from the inside-out, working on a consulting project to assist the organization with complex and high level strategic initiatives. The organization does amazing work and they have an unbelievably impressive team with highly driven individuals running the organization as well as teachers and mentors with unparalleled skills and passion for ensuring that every child has access to music education. I cannot say enough great things about this organization.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a former employee for ETM, I witnessed this organization's work first-hand for nearly three years.

ETM stands out from other organizations in the arts education community because of its deep commitment to education. I was always deeply impressed by how their model succeeds in helping students improve in all academic areas. The organization is run by a mission-driven and passionate staff who go above and beyond in providing students with music instruction and ultimately aim to prepare students to succeed in all aspects of life—not just in school.

ETM is an exceptional organization with an outstanding model because they help students develop transferable skills, teaching students how to sharpen their academic, social, and emotional abilities. They also serve every student at a partner school—even those with special needs and English Language Learners. They believe in equity, meaning all students receive quality music education, which is truly remarkable. The organization also thoughtfully evaluates their work, seeking for ways to refine and improve it constantly through rigorous in-house evaluation. This is something I had not seen at comparable nonprofits.

During my time at ETM, I always admired how invested they were to serving high-need areas in New York City, providing students in low-income and historically economically disadvantaged communities with the incredible opportunity to study the arts in ways that served them holistically. Many of their students at first-year partner schools have never taken a music class. And when ETM enters a community, often times there is a dramatic transformation in the school community, including increase in students' attendance levels and a deeper engagement from parents and community members. I've seen it with my own eyes, and it's wonderful.

Ultimately, ETM's work is very valuable and highly necessary in this world. Luckily, ETM is very committed to growing, through careful consideration, so it will be wonderful to see how they evolve and expand in the future!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a former employee with ETM, I had the pleasure of witnessing the tremendous work they do for NYC schoolteachers and students on a regular basis. The most compelling part of ETM, for me, and something that makes the organization stand out in the arts ed community, is their emphasis on professional development. ETM invests a considerable amount of time finding high-quality music teachers to place in partner schools. But the relationship doesn't end there. ETM holds a week-long training institute over the summer to help ease the transition of these teachers and prepare them for their work in the field. They also hold countless professional development sessions throughout the year. Each teacher has an experienced mentor guiding them along the way, and the ETM offices have an entire resource room that the teachers have access to.

So much of what makes ETM such a fantastic organization is their commitment to their stakeholders. ETM forges strong relationships with principals to ensure that each partnership is tailored to the needs of the school. ETM really is a gem in the arts education community. It was a privilege working for them, and I look forward to continuing my relationship with ETM in the future as a donor.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

First off, I would like to say that I love the mission of Education Through Music. As a kid growing up in NYC who attended public school I know the impact that the arts in general has on students. I always looked forward to music and art class every week because I didn't feel performance pressure. I could express myself in a way that I couldn't in other subjects. I know the kids at the various schools I visited must feel similarly and I am happy that I was able to connect with them on my visits.

ETM staff are amazingly friendly, supportive, and really make you feel like your apart of the family. Although, I was part-time and worked in the field most of the time, every time I walked in the office I was greeted as if I had been a regular office staff member. Although I am sad that I will not be returning to ETM, I do cherish the time I spent working with the Evaluation team and I wish them plenty of success with their future findings. I definitely plan on keeping in touch because I would love to see the final findings of this study.


Rating: 5

I had the opportunity to work with the outstanding staff and leadership of Education Through Music. I was quickly impressed with the integrity, commitment and dedication of this group. Their work provides the instruments, instruction, and inspiration students need to develop a love for music. When you think about their impact, it's substantial. They help more than 30,000 students every school year to find their creative voice through music.

This is a team of highly dedicated teachers and administrators committed to enriching the lives of students and investing in their staff. I have worked with the leadership of Education Trough Music and what really impresses me is their investment in their staff. They work to ensure that every teacher and staff member is trained, prepared, and given the tools to succeed.

Education Through Music is an outstanding organization with incredible leadership and dedicated teachers.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I have been a witness to the great work that Education Through Music (ETM) does for the past year. Not only do they advocate music education for every child, but they have a unique program that actually works toward their mission. ETM hires, develops and mentors the teachers they place in their partner schools so that each school and teacher have the best chance for increased learning outcomes. I have not found another music education charity that serves schools and students like ETM. Their attention to detail and dedicated leadership makes ETM my music education charity of choice.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Education Through Music has made a large impact on schools throughout New York City. It continues to reach out to schools and make a difference not only in music but in the community at large. ETM is not about creating the next famous musician, although it could happen, but rather giving every child the opportunity to have music and be a well rounded student. As ETM continues to grow, I hope more and more schools take advantage of such an amazing program where students are the priority.


Rating: 5

I submitted a donation from an organization and ETM made it super easy. Even when the tax receipt did not reach me (postal service error), ETM was great to work with, everyone I interacted with was very polite, and the issue was quickly resolved. Great organization with a great purpose!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I was a teaching artist for ETM my first year in NYC. I taught and ran the orchestra at PS 182 in the Bronx. I learned so much from teaching through this organization. I grew as a teacher, an artist, and human being. The professional development and the skills I obtained through ETM quickly translated to other areas of my professional and personal life. My colleague, Mr. Solano, who is now a mentor for the organization, was and still is one of my greatest influences and mentors. What I truly value the most from my experience with ETM was the relationships and impacts I was able to forge and nurture with every single one of my students. In fact, my time at ETM in conjunction with all the positive change I was able to experience, further inspired me to pursue a career in social work. I will be starting next fall, and hope to promote education, social justice, and positive change in the lives of children, just as ETM has continuously done!

Client Served

Rating: 5

I have had friends who have gotten certified through other fellowship programs. NONE of them have received the support that I did while working at ETM. I was able to get a job right away, full-time in a school while I finished my master's degree and certification. They helped me with everything from how to manage classroom behavior, to repertoire suggestions for different grades.
Most helpful are the benchmarks and the lesson planning tips. I cannot say enough about ETM. I was recently hired as a DOE teacher in the school they placed me and it all because of their help. I felt more prepared my first year of teaching than some of my colleagues after 2-3 years.

Matthew K.1

Board Member

Rating: 5

I have been a proud member of Education Through Music's Board of Directors for the past three years. I have never met a more dedicated community of individuals than the teachers, administrators, directors and supporters of ETM. The most amazing aspect of ETM has been the opportunity to meet the students we support and see our contributions in action - to see these kids smile and grow, find hope and carry that feeling back into their communities.

ETM's mission and vision are both so very different from other music-based charitable organizations. This isn't about an after school band program or simply donating instruments. ETM is about bringing high-quality music education to EVERY child within a school. These kids don't just need music education - they deserve it. ETM's music programs offer students sustainable support that improves school attendance and performance, which ultimately, sets them up for future success.

As a father myself, nothing is more clear that the fact that all kids deserve to live happy, fulfilling lives. Ultimately, ETM's goal is to help make that happen for as many kids as possible. It has been an honor to watch ETM grow over the years and to be a small part of that success - to impact and be impacted by such a diverse, strong community.

With the amazing efforts from a broad spectrum of supporters, we are growing every day. However, there is always more work to be done and more kids to connect with and empower. To see how ETM has grown, even in just the short time I have been a board member, motivates me to do everything I possibly can to put ETM's mission into action and produce results. Knowing that ETM's administrative staff, the teachers, the board and our supports will continue to work tirelessly to expand the reach of ETM, and strive to uplift these children through music education, is one of the greatest gifts I have ever been given.

Board Member

Rating: 5

I have proudly served on the board of Education Through Music for nearly five years and have enjoyed every minute of it! Its cause is one I deeply believe in, and I truly feel that ETM is one of the best champions for students in music education in underfunded public schools. It's been amazing to see ETM grow, both in reach and depth, during my time on the board. At the same time, ETM, never resting on its laurels, is continually exploring ways to grow and serve even more children and communities, through well-designed goals and prudent growth initiatives. It's been an honor to work with ETM and I look forward to my continued service!

Client Served

Rating: 5

As a new, small school with limited resources, we wanted to ensure that we were providing our students with a well rounded education which included arts education. To fulfill our expectations we partnered with Education Through Music (ETM). ETM provides our school and students with a certified Music Teacher who teaches general music instruction. The music instruction that our students receive prepares them to play an instrument in the upper grades, middle school, high school, and beyond. Each year through the direction of ETM, our students perform in a Winter & Spring Concert. Our staff receives professional development and we also have fall and spring Music Workshops for students and parents. We are also invited each year to attend ETM’s Music Festival where various student orchestras and concert bands from across the city perform. All these great things are possible because of our wonderful partnership with ETM! ETM had not only met our expectations, but they have exceeded them.
Maria Cioffi,
The Matilda Avenue School

Previous Stories

Client Served

Rating: 5

I am the Asssitant Principal at P.S. 76 and have worked with Education Through Music for the past five years. Our partnership with Education Through Music has not only provided our entire student population with formalized music instruction, but it has also offered various musical opportunities for our staff and students. Children have been given the opportunity to learn to play various instruments, participate in after school musical programs, perform in concerts and theatrical productions, and has helped to foster an appreciation for the arts. Education Through Music has supported P.S. 76 in our quest to provide our students with a well rounded education and has provided our staff and students with the resources necessary to build and sustain a formal music program. We appreciate the hard work and dedication that the staff at Education Through Music has shown to P.S. 76 and consider our partnership invaluable.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I worked with the senior leadership team of this excellent organization to help gain clarity and consistency around supervision and leadership practices. The commitment of these professionals, as well as their thoughtful approach to continue developing the organization and each other, is inspiring. If this is how hard they work together, one can only imagine the impact their work has on the lives of students and the ways in which they will continue to motivate youth to hear the music and make the music.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

ETM is a great organization! They run a tight ship and make every decision with one clear goal in mind: to ensure that all students they serve have access to high quality music education that fosters academic and personal growth. As a former employee, I saw evidence of this every day I came to work!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

As a former employee of ETM, I can say the music education that the students receive is superior. The way the music program brings the schools and communities together is inspiring. The teachers and well designed program set students up for success both in music and in their other subjects. I am very proud to have been a part of ETM's work.

Client Served

Rating: 5

I am a principal who has partnered with ETM for three years and I plan to continue our partnership for many years to come. ETM provides our school with an excellent music teacher and a complete program of music curriculum, professional development, family workshops and two choral concerts each year. Our students benefit greatly from a rich program in music. Not only is music education valuable in itself, it also promotes higher-order thinking, discipline, and creativity that transfers to other subjects. It has been a pleasure to work with ETM administration and staff. This is a well-run organization that provides a high level of service.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a former ETM employee I can honestly say that there is no other organization capable of doing what Education Through Music does. This organization is filled with wonderful people whose mission is to change the lives of students all over New York City. Through providing abundant support to its teachers, ETM is able to ensure that every child within its' classroom is learning, growing and using music as a tool to expand their thinking. Thanks to ETM, the other music teacher in my school and I have been hired by the Department of Education (DOE) ensuring that students within my school will always have a solid music program to look forward to.

My prinipal has told me multiple times that music and changed the entire school culture. Attendance is up and tardiness is down. Students just can't wait for music class to begin. I am so thankful for ETM for teaching me how to make music accessible and enjoyable for all of my students. Even though I am working with the DOE, I still have access to ETM's expansive curriculum lab, their repertoire library, various materials and of course, an amazing mentor who can provide actionable feedback whenever I need it. I am so fortunate to have their support as I continue to grow as a professional.

Every time Education Through Music partners with a school, they bring about change to the lives of the students within that school. Should ETM continue to grow and flourish, every child in NYC will be receiving a quality music education!

D Travis W.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

One of the goals of Education Through Music, Inc. is to provide long term sustainable music programs in New York City schools. As a first year teacher I had the honor to become a part of that goal when ETM offered me a position to teach at one of their partner schools. I discovered that ETM offers mentors, professional development, instruments and all of resources needed to be successful in the classroom. The resources and support that ETM offers is invaluable to the students they serve. For some students, Music education is the biggest motivator to attend school. For others, the music class is a place where they feel safe to express themselves and let their confidence flourish. This year I was hired by the school that I started with and am proud to be an ETM partner teacher . I am eternally grateful to Education Through Music for this amazing opportunity to change my students lives through music education.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a former ETM employee, I saw first-hand the extraordinary impact that music education can have on children's lives. ETM's programs are run by an incredibly committed team, and the entire staff of the organization is mission-driven and passionate about the work they do. ETM stands out from other arts education organizations because of its focus on well-rounded education and because of its investment in rigorous program evaluation.

During my time at ETM, I was impressed by the organization's deliberate approach to growth. ETM's is a very fiscally responsible organization, and board and staff leaders plan carefully for any amount of expansion. I am excited to see how ETM grows and evolves in the coming years, and I have no doubt that they will keep up the amazing work!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Education Through Music is a wonderful organization. The ETM product brings young children a lot of joy. However, what I found remarkable about the organization was their effort to also evaluate their program for peak effectiveness on other valuable life skills. The staff of ETM are incredibly dedicated to and passionate about the cause. The children--the audience they serve--really do come first at this nonprofit.



Rating: 5

I've been a member of the ETM Associates for the past 2 years and have been extremely impressed by the organization. The ETM Associates are a group of volunteers that are passionate about Education Through Music's mission and want to help build awareness of the organization among New York's young professionals.

I was originally drawn to ETM because of the organization's unique model—providing comprehensive and high-quality music education rather than just donating instruments like many other music ed organizations do. However, what kept me engaged was seeing how passionate its employees are and how hard they work to institute systemic and sustainable change in New York's schools. For all of these reasons, I would highly recommend getting involved with ETM—whether as a teacher, a volunteer, or a donor!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

ETM's good goes beyond just what they advertise on their website. As a former employee and then eventual partner teacher of theirs for many years I have come to see many of the levels of good they do.

First is the obvious one of providing an experience for inner city students who otherwise would not have had the opportunity at all. The stories go on and on, year after year, about the student who was exposed to an ETM program at their school and are now either performing better overall or are taking it a step further as to be at high schools like Laguardia. These countless success stories would not have been possible without ETM.

Second is the opportunity it offers its teachers. I was well prepared coming from my undergrad to take on the world as a music educator, but I would not have been nearly as successful in those first few years had it not been for the support from ETM. The professional developments, the resources, the advice, the counseling... it was almost like student teaching 2.0. I soaked up everything I could and adapted to become a better music educator.

I don't know where I would be today without ETM, and thousands of new students every year say the same thing.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

For the past four years, I have had the privilege to call myself an ETM teacher. I can say without hesitation that this organization helps students to achieve their full musical, developmental, and critical thinking potential, a potential I can assure you is as high as students in districts with far more money. I have never seen a non-profit that embodies its mission more than ETM. As a teacher, I was supplied with a beautiful and clean classroom, quality instruments, grade appropriate benchmarks, the freedom to create a curriculum that worked for my students, access to a library of practically unlimited resources, and a mentor who was readily available to help and advise at any time. Their professional development opportunities are unparalleled. The students undoubtedly succeed in their musical journeys because of the support ETM gives its teachers and programs. I recently left ETM to relocate to a different area of the state, yet I continue to use and even share the benchmarks and methods that were shared with me because of their success with the hundreds of students I've taught while with ETM. If you are looking for a non-profit to donate to and wish to bring music and the arts back to the students of New York City, look no further than ETM!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a music teacher and past employee of ETM, there are no words to describe the unique role that this non-profit fills in the NYC school system. Not only does ETM provide a comprehensive and sequential approach to music education, but it provides AMAZING supplies for students and a network of professional development/mentorship for its music teachers. I've watched as countless students' lives were changed as a result of ETM's partnership with the school I was appointed to. For me, ETM provided the means necessary to get my foot in the door with the NYC DOE and become a full-time city employee. Thanks to ETM, I have over 4 years of professional teaching experience that I could not have gotten anywhere else.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Education Through Music fills an unfortunate void in the New York City Public Schools by providing qualified, sequential music instruction to thousands of students across the 5 boroughs. Because of this, students are given the chance to experience the arts, as well as band and orchestral programs, which they may not normally be given the opportunity for. This really does wonders for those students, as exploring the arts is an opportunity that must be afforded to our city students (as well as others)! ETM is expanding, as is its outreach (NY and LA). As a current employee of the NYC Department of Education, I can tell you the effect ETM has had on students, other faculty, and myself is profound. Our program in the Bronx has developed (band enrollment looks to be double from the previous year!) to the point where there is a definitive arts culture in the community, and for our students, the overall experience at the school is rich with opportunity. ETM is leading the way in establishing music in the public schools!


Rating: 5

I joined ETM almost 3 years ago as part of the Associate Board group. I was looking for a nonprofit to work with that had a stellar reputation, a significant impact in the arts, and a team who was excited to work with each other, the Board, and their volunteers every day. Once I joined I immediately knew that was the case. What stands out to me is that the organization is hyper focused on their goal of bringing music education to NYC classrooms. ETM hires and trains high quality music educators -- the bar is high. The instruction itself is rigorous, and the results are both data-driven and qualitative. They have a unique model where they are very happy to leave a school, even if that "lowers" the number of schools they service in any given year, because that means the school has adopted the ETM program and teacher full-time. As a part of the associates group, we have had the chance to not only raise money but also raise awareness for this group which is otherwise under the radar and heads down on making their impact.


Rating: 5

I had a wonderful experience volunteering for the children's benefit gala. The staff were knowledgeable and helpful, the mission was clearly communicated, and I could clearly understand what effect my donation of my time was having. I would highly recommend this experience to other volunteers and will continue to support ETM!


Former staff

Rating: 5

Education Through Music (ETM) is a one-of-a-kind nonprofit. The company has a true, committed passion for providing a full, standards-based music education for every child within its partner schools. This is a unique mission, in which the leadership and employees work excitedly and tirelessly to support. Another way that the organization stands out from other nonprofits is through regular evaluation of the program. ETM has a fully staffed internal evaluation department that provides findings which are used to track the progress or improve the program. Additionally, ETM places a high value on strategic growth and has shown its capability in taking steps toward achieving such growth.

Former staff

Rating: 5

I worked for ETM for nearly three years, and was impressed by the organization's infrastructure and management. ETM cares very much about the many students it serves and the quality of its music programs; ETM also works to advocate for better overall education policy. Its programs are thoughtfully designed, to be long-term and sustainable, and they help make thousands of students educational experiences more stimulating and valuable.

Former staff

Rating: 5

Education Through Music set me up for success in the school by preparing me mentally, and providing me with all of the materials, curriculum, and resources I need to be an effective music teacher in a challenging environment. After only one year, the school hired me to be full time! Thank you, ETM for helping me get my teaching career started!

Former staff

Rating: 5

I came to this company in 2014, and within a year I was hired full time through my school. I cannot thank them enough for the overwhelming support I was given. Essentially, I was put in a position to succeed, and the largest beneficiaries are the students I teach daily. ETM wants music in NYC public schools, and is doing their part to make sure that the number of programs increases each year. 50% of schools with music is too low, the students deserve better, and ETM is leading the way in making sure that's the case.

Former staff

Rating: 5

As a former employee (elementary school general music and band), I have nothing but positive things to say about Education Through Music (ETM). Personally, my teaching improved through their rigorous training, professional development, and supervisory evaluations which adhere to the current NYS Danielson framework. Through the placement that ETM provided me with, I was ultimately hired through the NYC DOE and exceed the school's expectations.

ETM provides thousands of children in both NY and the country the opportunity to have a quality music education. ETM stresses comprehensive music education benchmarks, critical thinking, common core connections, and provides staff with the tools necessary to give each child a music program that will change their life forever.

As I walked into my school for my first year of teaching, we were equipped with more instruments than we knew what to do with and endless supplies. All ETM staff have access to the latest music resources and are given guidance through every step of building a general music program and band/orchestra/choir from scratch. The best part about being partnered with this organization is watching the atmosphere of the school we are placed in positively change over time.


Rating: 5

I have supported ETM and its mission for many years. It is wonderful to see how the organization has grown and continues to bring quality music education to many NYC schools.
Best of all is visiting a school and see and hear the excitement children show in their music classes. That spirit permeates the whole school environment.
I look forward to my next visit!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

My name is Amanda Gonzalez. I was a music teacher with ETM for two years and have recently been hired by the NYCDOE full time. ETM helped me get my foot in the door to the NYCDOE system. I have loved working with ETM. For my first year teaching, the staff was so helpful. I had a field supervisor who came to visit me as much as possible to help me out and model for me what a good music teacher does in the classroom. What the field supervisor was able to show me was beyond what I had experienced student teaching. They were also able to help me develop my music curriculum through ETM standards (which are based on the Nation Standards) and with resources at the ETM learning center in Manhattan. ETM has helped me become a better teacher and helped me navigate working with under privileged students in the Bronx. My students have had opportunities to perform for their community, both inside and outside of the school, and my orchestra had a Skype concert with a school is Switzerland last year. ETM has helped my students grow as individuals and broaden their lives beyond their neighborhood. I feel so lucky that I have ETM still as a partnership now that I am a DOE teacher. I still have a vast resource of professionals and materials to go back to when I need help. Thank you ETM for helping me become the teacher I am today.

Former staff

Rating: 5

I had an extremely rewarding experience working for ETM. The organization's sound financial management and emphasis on quality, comprehensive programs set it apart from similar nonprofits, and have earned ETM respect within the sector and beyond. I am excited to see ETM expand its reach to provide music education to even more deserving children in the New York City area in the coming years. Keep up the good work!

Former staff

Rating: 5

ETM is an amazing organization! The quality of its programs is superb, it is fiscally responsible, and it is managed by individuals who are passionate about providing quality music education to students who may not otherwise experience it. ETM's cultivation of strong, sincere relationships with staff members, music teachers, volunteers, and supporters has given the organization allies in many areas outside of the non-profit sector, which will help it to continue broadening its reach in the community in coming years.

Although I transitioned from ETM to pursue graduate studies, I am very proud to continue supporting the organization in donor and volunteer capacities- knowing that my investments will be used well by ETM to better the lives of under-served children here in NYC. I worked at ETM for two years, but my wonderful experience there turned me into a lifetime supporter!



Rating: 5

I am passionate about keeping music and the arts in our schools. The positive effects of bringing music to our children and exposing them to the enjoyment of learning how to play and being part of a band are life-long learning experiences. The staff of ETM do an excellent job of providing that experience. They involve the schools and the children by getting their commitment to the music program. You can see the effects by the comments from the parents on the changes in their children which goes beyond the music itself. It gives the students confidence and helps them in their other studies. I am proud to support ETM.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Last year, I saw a performance of students at a school in the Bronx. They performed for Joshua Bell. It was an experience I will never forget watching those students play their hearts out for Mr. Bell. They played beautifully and it brought tears to my eyes. No where else would these children had the opportunity to learn and play. I'm sure it's a memory they will never, never forget. I know I won't.

I continue to support this organization and am glad that there are people and organizations who understand the importance of the arts in children's lives and bring opportunities to experience music to schools where music, dance and art programs are cut from the curriculum.


Rating: 5

It has been a great pleasure to make gifts to this organization for many years. Board members and staff are so devoted to their mission, and their passion is contagious. Knowing the wonderful impact they have on the children in their programs is so heartwarming.

Former staff

Rating: 5

ETM is a fantastic organization both inside and out! The administrative staff and music teachers are so dedicated to bringing music to youth who would otherwise not have access to it. I had the privilege of hearing hundreds of ETM students perform last spring and the quality of their singing and musicianship blew me away. This really is a fantastic group of caring, talented and passionate individuals.


Rating: 5

As a volunteer with ETM, I've only had positive experiences with other volunteers and the ETM staff. The events we organize are well supported by the community and it's nice to know that this organization is deeply invested in its mission to support music education for kids. The past 3 years have been great and I can't wait to continue to work with ETM in the future.



Rating: 5

It is extremely impressive that ETM's small staff and low administrative costs are able to bring music to so many kids, but what makes their work even more incredible is that by partnering with schools, each and every student participates daily, and for multiple years, which really makes a difference in applying what they learn in music to all subjects. I also love the way ETM works with the schools and the parents: ETM trains the teachers, brings in full music programs, and works with the parents to make sure they can afford the cost of renting instruments. In my opinion, Education Through Music is one of NYC's best non-profits -- not only for the education they bring to kids, but also for the way they run their program so efficiently.



Rating: 5

I am a former teacher and current volunteer with ETM. I admire this organization for working with schools to bring high quality music programs to high needs students. These students deserve the chance to explore music and the arts, and you can see the benefits of this program both within individual students as well as the school as a whole.


Rating: 5

I'm very proud to be able to work with Education Through Music. The staff's dedication and eye towards growth is evident in everything they do. I particularly respect the organization because of how well the mission is executed. Even though the operating costs are quite lean, the programs ETM puts into NYC public schools are robust and very hands on -- the schools ETM partners with receive everything from teachers to lesson plans to instruments, and every student in their schools receives music education. Indeed, the best way to tell that ETM programs have a meaningful impact is to hear from the students themselves. They are bright, engaged, and happy when they talk about how their music classes have changed them; ETM's mission is so important.



Rating: 5

Music education helped shape who I am today and I am so grateful that there is a not-for-profit dedicated to this cause. With all of the turmoil and uncertainty with the state of music education, it is great to know that there are professionals working around the clock to make sure the cause is taken seriously. I had the pleasure of volunteering with the organization at their annual Gala, and it was such a meaningful and inspiring night for which to be a part. They made sure there were actual jobs for all of the volunteers which I especially appreciated. I hope to do more with them in future! Wonderful org with an important cause!

Client Served

Rating: 5

Education Through Music (ETM) helped shaped my life to what it is today. Without this organization I wouldn't be in LaGuardia High School for the arts and performing arts. The whole experience was just amazing and I would go back and do it again any day. It helped me focus in school and also helped me participate and interact with other students. The memories and the people of ETM will always be so close to my heart and I thank them.

1 MaryLiu


Rating: 5

Learning the piano was instrumental to my life in terms of developing patience, creativity, and diligence, and Education Through Music allows me to give back what I was so generously given in my childhood. ETM provides an integral learning experience and creative outlet for children of under-served schools, potentially instilling a bedrock of values that learning music inspires, which is carried forward into adulthood. ETM opens up doors of learning that would otherwise not have been attainable for these children, and because of that, ETM is great in its work and mission.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Education Through Music is an outstanding organization that holds Music Education closely in its heart.
Its mission is to provide students with the necessary tools in order to succeed. These tools are presented through the medium of music. Music education is fortunate to have such a strong supporter in Education Through Music which shines ever so brightly in the schools throughout New York City and the surrounding Burroughs.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a music educator and proud partner of Education Through Music, it has been my pleasure to adopt the ETM model in multiple schools. The sequential curriculum created by the ETM staff not only teaches musical concepts but also fosters critical thinking skills needed in both academia and the student’s own personal life. It is music that can bring school communities together and create an atmosphere of respect, learning, passion, and most importantly joy. In a time when arts education is being removed from many school institutions, ETM is at the forefront of preserving the importance of the arts in the lives of our children and our future. It is the passionate, ambitious, and driven teachers, supervisors, and sponsors that make ETM one of the strongest organizations of its kind. I look forward to its continued success and it is my honor to serve as a teacher with ETM!