This is a request for UI, raw data is available.
Currently the only measure of usage of videos and audio files is the number of page views of pages on which appear, measured using tools like Because videos and audio files must be clicked on to play, using page views is a very inaccurate measure.
Create a tool to crunch the of number of times videos and audio files have been played across all Wikimedia projects would offer a much more accurate understanding. The tool should be easy to use and can provide metrics for both individual files and collections of files e.g a Commons categories and could also be an inbuilt view counter on file pages on Commons in a similar style to Youtube.
This is metric is especially important for people (like me) working with partner organisations considering making content available under an open license. I'm not currently able to offer these organisations any sort of useful information about how many times their content has been seen, where as commercial sites e.g Youtube that do not require an open license can offer information on the number of video views.