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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Animal Protection & Welfare, Animals, Environment, Natural Resources Conservation & Protection, Protection of Endangered Species

Mission: WildAid's mission is to end the illegal wildlife trade in our lifetimes by reducing demand through global public awareness campaigns and by providing comprehensive marine protection.

Results: WildAid directly addresses consumer behavior to stop the demand for endangered wildlife products. Between Nov 2011 & the present, our educational campaigns contributed significantly to a 50-70% decline in China's shark fin prices and continue to aid in the reduction of fins imported through Hong Kong, the trade's global hub.

Target demographics: end the illegal wildlife trade through both demand reduction and direct marine protection

Direct beneficiaries per year: raise awareness in China of the plight of sharks, elephants, rhinos and other endangered animals--through the airing of PSA's on major media. The majority of our ads are aired probono, with the value of donated airtime in 2012 at approx 133 million USD. Our Marine Program in the Galapagos, helped to provide direct protection to over 133 sq Kilometers of the Galapagos Marine Reserve.

Geographic areas served: China, the Galapagos-Ecuador, Indonesia, Vietnam, & Marine Protected Areas in various other countries

Programs: Global public awareness campaigns that educate consumers with our message, "When the Buying Stops, the Killing Can Too." We recruit celebrity ambassadors to feature in Public Service Announcements, focusing on reducing demand for elephant ivory, rhino horn, shark fin, & tiger products. We also support various Marine Protected Areas by providing comprehensive marine protection, using a model that strengthens key elements of MPA law enforcement: surveillance, interdiction, prosecution & sanction.

Community Stories

3 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Rating: 5

The amount of advocacy and change this organization inspires is amazing given the size of their operations. I've been volunteering with Wildaid for the past year and have witnessed first-hand how much the organization focuses on keeping its operations lean while dedicating the vast majority of its funds to speaking out for the wildlife we are losing.



Rating: 5

This is a truly great organization that really delivers on its mission statement, which is "to end the illegal wildlife trade in our lifetime." Everyone in Wildaid's office works tirelessly to end the demand for illegal wildlife products like elephant ivory and rhino horn. Their campaigns are extremely effective. I have volunteered in their office for almost a year and have watched their campaigns shift the mindset of cultures. I truly believe they may achieve their mission statement. I can also attest to their frugalness with donations. Every donated dollar goes straight into a specific campaign. And the founder only flies economy…. No donor dollar is wasted in this organization.



Rating: 5

i think every organization has its place, most do great work, but a donor needs to look beyond the obvious.
It is clear by most all accounts, that the trade of illegal wildlife parts is impacting wild species everywhere.
It is imperative that this effort be given the utmost attention, which is exactly what WildAid is doing!

They know how and they know what and they are getting it done.
I think they are great and offer a strategy that is sound and formidable.
This is the chance to address the one larger issue that too many of us dont think about, (but they do!)
"When the buying stops the killing can too"
Support Wildaid, they need you and we need them!

Review from Guidestar