Hearing Dog Program

Rating: 5 stars   1 review 712

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2912 Diamond St Ste 221 % D Glenn Martyn San Francisco CA 94131 USA


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Reviews for Hearing Dog Program

Rating: 5 stars  

12 people found this review helpful

I'm glad this program is back. The new in-home foster program is great for the dogs instead of being in kennels. The program is comprehensive - they rescue dogs, train them and place them with Deaf or hard of hearing people. (The SF/SPCA closed their program last year, but still accept donations.)This program is run by only 3 part time employees and 20 volunteers.

I've personally experienced the results of this organization in...

at the May graduation of four Hearing Dog teams.

What I've enjoyed the most about my experience with this nonprofit is...

that it saves lives by rescuing dogs and it helps the hearing impaired.

The kinds of staff and volunteers that I met were...

wonderful and diverse.

If this organization had 10 million bucks, it could...

expand its services to help all of the country and provide other types of service dogs that are in need.

When was your last experience with this nonprofit?


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