EU network of mesocosms facilities for research on marine and freshwater ecosystems open for global collaboration.

Objective: to strengthen EU network of mesocosm facilities and promote joint research initiatives, capacity building and standardisation.

Extensive Transnational Access to more than 60 different sites or installations at 28 selected leading and highly complementary European mesocosm facilities.

Geographic range from the Arctic to the Mediterranean. Unique infrastructures in catchments from mountains to lowlands; rivers, ponds, lakes, estuaries and the sea.

Freshwater & Marine
Freshwater & Marine
Transnational Access

AQUACOSM-plus Transnational Access to European Aquatic Mesocosm Facilities

Between 2021 and 2023 AQUACOSM-plus will offer >13000 person-days of Transnational Access (TA) to more than 60 different leading and highly complementary European mesocosm facilities located at 28 AQUACOSM-plus partners throughout Europe.

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LMU Mesocosms
The Netherlands
IGB LakeLab
Iberian Pond Network (IPN)
Portugal, Spain

Marine plankton community responses to terrestrial dissolved organic…

An in situ mesocosm experiment to simulate a “terrestrial input of extreme event” in coastal waters is carrying out from 03 May for several weeks…

META-Analyisis Workshop in May 2021 is Virtual and…

Date 12/05/2021 Within the AQUACOSM-plus Workpackage 6 on Defining Grand Challenges in aquatic mesocosm research, Helmut Hillebrand (University of Oldenburg) and Silke Langenheder (Uppsala University)…

Metadata submission Guides – A series of guidance…

Have a look at these Guidance Videos on Metadata and its submission to our metadata portal in the frame of AQUACOSM activities. Interesting for all…

Consequences of global change on aquatic ecosystems: Webinar…

AQUACOSM-Plus held a series of 4 webinars on "Consequences of global change on aquatic ecosystems" in October 2020. Each webinar consisted of an "Incentive Talk" followed by a WORLD CAFÉ session delivered by an expert guest speaker. Each incentive talk…

Study of mesopredator effects in mesocosms.

At the research station Solberstrand (NIVA, Norwegian Institute for Water Research), South Norway, we have over years established 12 similar rocky shore ecosystems with high diversity of seaweeds and macrofauna. Each mesocosm has a volume of about 12 m3, has…

Please save the dates of 8-12 November 2021 for the AQUACOSM-plus General Assembly meeting. Pending the COVID development including safety and travel regulations, we will adjust the meeting modalities accordingly. For the moment we assume a hybrid meeting will be [...]


AQUACOSM aims at training young scientists in rigorous aquatic experimental ecosystem research at relevant scales and to provide a critical link between long-term observational data (i.e. low and high frequency monitoring data from classical and novel observatories) and ecosystem model development and validation.
