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August 11, 2021

hackergotchi for Bits from Debian

Bits from Debian Hide Author

Debian User Forums changes and updates.


Several issues were brought before the Debian Community team regarding responsiveness, tone, and needed software updates to The question was asked, ‘who’s in charge?’

Over the course of the discussion several Debian Developers volunteered to help by providing a presence on the forums from Debian and to assist with the necessary changes to keep the service up and running.

We are happy to announce the following changes to the (NEW!), which have and should address most of the prior concerns with accountability, tone, use, and reliability:

Debian Developers: Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls), Felix Lechner (lechner), and Donald Norwood (donald) have been added to the forum's Server and Administration teams.

The server instance is now running directly within Debian's infrastructure.

The forum software and back-end have been updated to the most recent versions where applicable.

DNS resolves for both IPv4 and IPv6.

SSL/HTTPS are enabled. (It’s 2021!)

New Captcha and Anti-spam systems are in place to thwart spammers, bots, and to make it easier for humans to register.

New Administrators and Moderation staff were added to provide additional coverage across the hours and to combine years of experience with forum operation and Debian usage.

New viewing styles are available for users to choose from, some of which are ideal for mobile/tablet viewing.

We inadvertently fixed the time issue that the prior forum had of running 11 minutes fast. :)

We have clarified staff roles and staff visibility.

Responsiveness to users on the forums has increased.

Email addresses for mods/admins have been updated and checked for validity, it has seen direct use and response.

The guidelines for forum use by users and staff have been updated.

The Debian COC has been made into a Global Announcement as an accompanyist to the newly updated guidelines to give the moderators/administrators an additional rule-set for unruly or unbecoming behavior.

Some of the discussion areas have been renamed and refocused, along with the movement of multiple threads to make indexing and searching of the forums easier.

Many (New!) features and extensions have been added to the forum for ease of use and modernization, such as a user thanks system and thread hover previews.

There are some server administrative tasks that were upgraded as well which don't belong on a public list, but we are backing up regularly and secure. :)

We have a few minor details here and there to attend to and the work is ongoing.

Many Thanks and Appreciation to the Debian System Administrators (DSA) and Ganneff who took the time to coordinate and assist with the instance, DNS, and network and server administration minutiae, our helpful DPL Jonathan Carter, many thanks to the current and prior forum moderators and administrators: Mez, sunrat, 4D696B65, arochester, and cds60601 for helping with the modifications and transition, and to the forum users who participated in lots of the tweaking. All in all this was a large community task and everyone did a significant part. Thank you!

11 August, 2021 11:00AM by Donald Norwood

August 10, 2021

hackergotchi for Shirish Agarwal

Shirish Agarwal Hide Author

BBI, IP report, State Borders and Civil Aviation – I

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants – Issac Newton, 1675. Although it should be credited to 12th century Bernard of Chartres. You will know why I have shared this, probably at the beginning of Civil Aviation history itself.

Comments on the BBI court case which happened in Kenya, then and the subsequent appeal.

I am not going to share much about the coverage of the BBI appeal as Gautam Bhatia has shared quite eloquently his observations, both on the initial case and the subsequent appeal which lasted 5 days in Kenya and was shown all around the world thanks to YouTube. One of the interesting points which stuck with me was that in Kenya, sign language is one of the official languages. And in fact, I was able to read quite a bit about the various sign languages which are there in Kenya. It just boggles the mind that there are countries that also give importance to such even though they are not as rich or as developed as we call developed economies. I probably might give more space and give more depth as it does carry some important judicial jurisprudence which is and which will be felt around the world. How does India react or doesn’t is probably another matter altogether 😦 But yes, it needs it own space, maybe after some more time.

Report on Standing Committee on IP Regulation in India and the false promises.

Again, I do not want to take much time in sharing details about what the report contains, as the report can be found here. I have uploaded it on WordPress, in case of an issue. An observation on the same subject can be found here. At least, to me and probably those who have been following the IP space as either using/working on free software or even IP would be aware that the issues shared have been known since 1994. And it does benefit the industry rather than the country. This way, the rent-seekers, and monopolists win. There is ample literature that shared how rich countries had weak regulation for decades and even centuries till it was advantageous for them to have strong IP. One can look at the history of Europe and the United States for it. We can also look at the history of our neighbor China, which for the last 5 decades has used some provision of IP and disregarded many others. But these words are of no use, as the policies done and shared are by the rich for the rich.

Fighting between two State Borders

Ironically or because of it, two BJP ruled states Assam and Mizoram fought between themselves. In which 6 policemen died. While the history of the two states is complicated it becomes a bit more complicated when one goes back into Assam and ULFA history and comes to know that ULFA could not have become that powerful until and unless, the Marwaris, people of my clan had not given generous donations to them. They thought it was a good investment, which later would turn out to be untrue. Those who think ULFA has declined, or whatever, still don’t have answers to this or this.

Interestingly, both the Chief Ministers approached the Home Minister (Mr. Amit Shah) of BJP. Mr. Shah was supposed to be the ‘Chanakya‘ but in many instances, including this one, he decided to stay away. His statement was on the lines of you guys figure it out yourself.

There is a poem that was shared by the late poet Rahat Indori. I am sharing the same below as an image and will attempt to put a rough translation.

kisi ke baap ka hindustan todi hain – Rahat Indori

Poets, whether in India or elsewhere, are known to speak truth to power and are a bit of a rebel. This poem by Rahat Indori is provocatively titled ‘Kisi ke baap ka Hindustan todi hai’, It challenges the majoritarian idea that Hindustan/India only belongs to the majoritarian religion. He also challenges as well as asserts at the same time that every Indian citizen, regardless of whatever his or her religion might be, is an Indian and can assert India as his home. While the whole poem is compelling in itself, for me what hits home is in the second stanza –

:Lagegi Aag to aayege ghat kayi zad me, Yaha pe sirf hamara makan todi hai

The meaning is simple yet subtle, he uses Aag or Fire as a symbol of hate sharing that if hate spreads, it won’t be his home alone that will be torched. If one wants to literally understand what he meant, I present to you the cult Russian movie ‘No Escapes‘ or ‘Ogon’ as it is known in Russian.

If one were to decipher why the Russian film doesn’t talk about climate change, one has to view it from the prism of what their leader Vladimir Putin has said and done over the years. As can be seen even in there, the situation is far more complex than one imagines. Although, it is interesting to note that he decried Climate change as man-made till as late as last year and was on the side of Trump throughout his presidency. This was in 2017 as well as perhaps this. Interestingly, there was a change in tenor and note just a couple of weeks back, but that could be only politicking or much more. Statements that are not backed by legislation and application are usually just a whitewash. We would have to wait to see what concrete steps are taken by Putin, Kremlin, and their Duma before saying either way.

Civil Aviation and the broad structure

Civil Aviation is a large topic and I would not be able to do justice to it all in one article/blog post. So, for e.g. I will not be getting into Aircraft (Boeing, Airbus, Comac etc., etc.) or the new electric aircraft as that will just make the blog post long. I will not be also talking about cargo or Visa or many such topics, as all of them actually would and do need their own space. So this would be much more limited to Airports and to some extent airlines, as one cannot survive without the other. The primary reason for doing this is there is and has been a lot of myth-making in India about Civil Aviation in general, whether it has to do with Civil Aviation history or whatever passes as of policy in India.

A little early history

Man has always looked at the stars and envisaged himself or herself as a bird, flying with gay abandon. In fact, there have been many paintings, sculptors who imagined how we would fly. The Steam Engine itself was invented in 82 BCE. But the attempt to fly was done by a certain Monk called Brother Elmer of Malmesbury who attempted the same in 1010., shortly after the birth of the rudimentary steam engine The most famous of all would be Leonardo da Vinci for his amazing sketches of flying machines in 1493. There were a couple of books by Cyrano de Bergerac, apparently wrote two books, both sadly published after his death. Interestingly, you can find both the book and the gentleman in the Project Gutenberg archives. How much of M/s Cyrano’s exploits were his own and how much embellished by M/S Curtis, maybe a friend, a lover who knows, but it does give the air of the swashbuckling adventurer of the time which many men aspired to in that time. So, why not an author???

L’Autre Monde: ou les États et Empires de la Lune (Comical History of the States and Empires of the Moon) and Les États et Empires du Soleil (The States and Empires of the Sun). These two French books apparently had a lot of references to flying machines. Both of them were authored by Cyrano de Bergerac. Both of these were sadly published after his death, one apparently in 1656 and the other one a couple of years later.

By the 17th century, while it had become easy to know and measure the latitude, measuring longitude was a problem. In fact, it can be argued and probably successfully that India wouldn’t have been under British rule or UK wouldn’t have been a naval superpower if it hadn’t solved the longitudinal problem. Over the years, the British Royal Navy suffered many blows, one of the most famous or infamous among them might be the Scilly naval disaster of 1707 which led to the death of 2000 odd British Royal naval personnel and led to Queen Anne, who was ruling over England at that time via Parliament and called it the Longitude Act which basically was an open competition for anybody to fix the problem and carried the prize money of £20,000. While nobody could claim the whole prize, many did get smaller amounts depending upon the achievements.

The best and the nearest who came was John Harrison who made the first sea-watch and with modifications, over the years it became miniaturized to a pocket-sized Marine chronometer although, I doubt the ones used today look anything in those days. But if that had not been invented, we surely would have been freed long ago. The assumption being that the East India Company would have dashed onto rocks so many times, that the whole exercise would have been futile. The downside of it is that maritime trade routes that are being used today and the commerce would not have been. Neither would have aircraft or space for that matter, or at the very least delayed by how many years or decades, nobody knows. If one wants to read about the Longitudinal problem, one can get the famous book ‘Longitude‘.

In many mythologies, including Indian and Arabian tales, in which we had the flying carpet which would let its passengers go from one place to the next. Then there is also mention of Pushpak Vimana in ancient texts, but those secrets remain secrets. Think how much foreign exchange India could make by both using it and exporting the same worldwide. And I’m being serious. There are many who believe in it, but sadly, the ones who know the secret don’t seem to want India’s progress. Just think of the carbon credits that India could have, which itself would make India a superpower. And I’m being serious.

Western Ideas and Implementation.

Even in the late and early 18th century, there were many machines that were designed to have controlled flight, but it was only the Wright Flyer that was able to demonstrate a controlled flight in 1903. The ones who came pretty close to what the Wrights achieved were the people by the name of Cayley and Langley. They actually studied what the pioneers had done. They looked at what Otto Lilienthal had done, as he had done a lot of hang-gliding and put a lot of literature in the public domain then.

Furthermore, they also consulted Octave Chanute. The whole system and history of the same are a bit complicated, but it does give a window to what happened then. So, it won’t be wrong to say that whatever the Wright Brothers accomplished would probably not have been possible or would have taken years or maybe even decades if that literature and experiments, drawings, etc. in the commons were not available. So, while they did experimentation, they also looked at what other people were doing and had done which was in public domain/commons.

They also did a lot of testing, which gave them new insights. Even the propulsion system they used in the 1903 flight was a design by Nicolaus Otto. In fact, the Aircraft would not have been born if the Chinese had not invented kites in the early sixth century A.D. One also has to credit Issac Newton because of the three laws of motion, again without which none of the above could have happened. What is credited to the Wilbur brothers is not just they made the Kitty Hawk, they also made it commercial as they sold it and variations of the design to the American Air Force and also made a pilot school where pilots were trained for warfighting. 119 odd pilots came out of that school. The Wrights thought that air supremacy would end the war early, but this turned out to be a false hope.

Competition and Those Magnificent Men and their flying machines

One of the first competitions to unlock creativity was the English Channel crossing offer made by Daily Mail. This was successfully done by the Frenchman Louis Blériot. You can read his account here. There were quite a few competitions before World War 1 broke out. There is a beautiful, humorous movie that does dedicate itself to imagining how things would have gone in that time. In fact, there have been two movies, this one and an earlier movie called Sky Riders made many a youth dream. The other movie sadly is not yet in the public domain, and when it will be nobody knows, but if you see it or even read it, it gives you goosebumps.

World War 1 and Improvements to Aircraft

World War 1 is remembered as the Great War or the ‘War to end all wars ‘ in an attempt at irony. It did a lot of destruction of both people and property, and in fact, laid the foundation of World War 2. At the same time, if World War 1 hadn’t happened then Airpower, Plane technology would have taken decades. Even medicine and medical techniques became revolutionary due to World War 1. In order to be brief, I am not sharing much about World War 1 otherwise that itself would become its own blog post. And while it had its heroes and villains who, when, why could be tackled perhaps another time.

The Guggenheim Family and the birth of Civil Aviation

If one has to credit one family for the birth of the Civil Aviation, it has to be the Guggenheim family. Again, I would not like to dwell much as much of their contribution has already been noted here.

There are quite a few things still that need to be said and pointed out. First and foremost is the fact that they made lessons about flying from grade school to college and afterward till college and beyond which were in the syllabus, whereas in the Indian schooling system, there is nothing like that to date. Here, in India, even in Engineering courses, you don’t have much info. Unless until you go for professional Aviation or Aeronautical courses and most of these courses cost a bomb so either the very rich or the very determined (with loans) only go for that, at least that’s what my friends have shared. And there is no guarantee you will get a job after that, especially in today’s climate.

Even their fund, grants, and prizes which were given to people for various people so that improvements could be made to the United States Civil Aviation. This, as shared in the report/blog post shared, was in response to what the younger child/brother saw as Europe having a large advantage both in Military and Civil Aviation. They also made several grants in several Universities which would not only do notable work during their lifetime but carry on the legacy researching on different aspects of Aircraft.

One point that should be noted is that Europe was far ahead even then of the U.S. which prompted the younger son. There had already been talks of civil/civilian flights on European routes, although much different from what either of us can imagine today. Even with everything that the U.S. had going for her and still has, Europe is the one which has better airports, better facilities, better everything than the U.S. has even today. If you look at the lists of the Airports for better value of money or facilities, you would find many Airports from Europe, some from Asia, and only a few from the U.S. even though they are some of the most frequent users of the service. But that debate and arguments I would have to leave for perhaps the next blog post as there is still a lot to be covered between the 1930s, 1950s, and today. The Guggenheims archives does a fantastic job of sharing part of the story till the 1950s, but there is also quite a bit which it doesn’t. I will probably start from that in the next blog post and then carry on ahead.

Lastly, before I wind up, I have to share why I felt the need to write, capture and share this part of Aviation history. The plain and simple reason being, many of the people I meet either on the web, on Twitter or even in real life, many of them are just unaware of how this whole thing came about. The unawareness in my fellow brothers and sisters is just shocking, overwhelming. At least, by sharing these articles, I at least would be able to guide them or at least let them know how it all came to be and where things are going and not just be so clueless. Till later.

10 August, 2021 10:34PM by shirishag75

hackergotchi for Patryk Cisek

Patryk Cisek Hide Author

How does Google Authenticator work? (Part 1)

When you’re accessing services over the WEB – let’s pick GMail as an example – couple of things have to happen upfront: The server you’re connecting to (GMail in our example) has to get to know who you are. Only after getting to know who you are it’s able to decide what resources you are allowed to access (e.g. your own email inbox, your Calendar, Drive etc.). Step 1 above is called authentication.

10 August, 2021 07:20PM by l (Patryk Cisek (patryk@cisek.emai)

How does Google Authenticator work? (Part 1)

When you’re accessing services over the WEB – let’s pick GMail as an example – couple of things have to happen upfront: The server you’re connecting to (GMail in our example) has to get to know who you are. Only after getting to know who you are it’s able to decide what resources you are allowed to access (e.g. your own email inbox, your Calendar, Drive etc.). Step 1 above is called authentication.

10 August, 2021 07:20PM by l (Patryk Cisek (patryk@cisek.emai)

Thorsten Alteholz Hide Author

My Debian Activities in July 2021

FTP master

This month I accepted 13 and rejected 2 packages. The overall number of packages that got accepted was 13.

As the Release Team prefers not to have any new package upload to unstable, the numbers are this low. I am afraid there is some discussion needed after the release of Bullseye …

Debian LTS

This was my eighty-fifth month that I did some work for the Debian LTS initiative, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian.

This month my all in all workload has been 30h. During that time I did LTS and normal security uploads of:

  • [DLA 2720-1] aspell security update for two CVEs
  • [DLA 2722-1] libsndfile security update for one CVE
  • [DLA 2723-1] linuxptp security update for one CVE
  • prepared aspell update in Buster, which resulted in DSA 4948-1

I also made further progress on gpac and started to test the package now.

Last but not least I did some days of frontdesk duties. I am not sure whether it is just me, but I got the impression that nowadays lots of CVEs can be marked as not-affected in the corresponding Stretch-version. Most of the remaining CVEs only have a small security impact (if at all) and can be marked as no-dsa. So the number of packages that really need an update decreases steadily. Does that mean that all issues in older versions are fixed now? Or are people more focused on new features in software as it is easier to find issues in more or less unexplored code?

Debian ELTS

This month was the thirty-seventh ELTS month.

During my allocated time I uploaded:

  • ELA-461-1 for jasper
  • ELA-462-1 for aspell
  • ELA-464-1 for libsndfile

Last but not least I did some days of frontdesk duties. In ELTS the decreasing number of uploads, as mentioned above, seems to be even more clearly.

Other stuff

I played a bit with RISC-V and looked after some packages that did not build on that architecture. Generally this looks like fun but building packages with qemu dampens the mood a bit. So if anybody knows some hardware that runs Debian, that is available now and that does not cost more than my car, I would be happy to get some pointer.

This month I uploaded new upstream versions of:

to experimental.

I improved packaging and fixed bugs in:

On my neverending golang challenge I again uploaded some packages either for NEW or as source upload.

10 August, 2021 10:06AM by alteholz

August 09, 2021

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel Hide Author

nanotime 0.3.3 on CRAN: Some Updates

Leonardo and I are pleased to share that a new nanotime version 0.3.3 was released today, and arrived on CRAN. This release brings a new (plotting) demo, an updated documentation site, additional nanoduration and nanoperiod functionality, and enhanced testing.

nanotime relies on the RcppCCTZ package for (efficient) high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting up to nanosecond resolution, and the bit64 package for the actual integer64 arithmetic. Initially implemented using the S3 system, it has benefitted greatly from work by co-author Leonardo who not only rejigged nanotime internals in S4 but also added new S4 types for periods, intervals and durations.

The NEWS snippet adds full details.

Changes in version 0.3.3 (2021-08-09)

  • New demo ggplot2Example.R (Leonardo and Dirk).

  • New documentation website using mkdocs-material (Dirk).

  • Updated unit test to account for r-devel POSIXct changes, and re-enable full testing under r-devel (Dirk).

  • Additional nanoduration and character ops plus tests (Colin Umansky in #88 addressing #87).

  • New plus and minus functions for periods (Leonardo in #91).

Thanks to CRANberries there is also a diff to the previous version. More details and examples are at the nanotime page; code, issue tickets etc at the GitHub repository.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

09 August, 2021 11:10PM

hackergotchi for Ben Hutchings

Ben Hutchings Hide Author

Debian LTS work, July 2021

In July I was assigned 16 hours of work by Freexian's Debian LTS initiative and carried over 2.75 hours from earlier months. I worked 12.75 hours and will carry over the remainder.

I applied some urgent (and some not-so-urgent) security fixes to the linux (Linux 4.9), uploaded it, and issued DLA-2713-2.

I also updated the linux-4.19 package based on the stable security update, and issued DLA-2714-1.

09 August, 2021 01:12PM

Ian Wienand Hide Author

nutdrv_qx setup for Synology DSM7

I have a cheap no-name UPS acquired from Jaycar and was wondering if I could get it to connect to my Synology DS918+. It rather unhelpfully identifies itself as MEC0003 and comes with some blob of non-working software on a CD; however some investigation found it could maybe work on my Synology NAS using the Network UPS Tools nutdrv_qx driver with the hunnox subdriver type.

Unfortunately this is a fairly recent addition to the NUTs source, requiring rebuilding the driver for DSM7. I don't fully understand the Synology environment but I did get this working. Firstly I downloaded the toolchain from and extracted it. I then used the script from to download some sort of build environment. This appears to want root access and possibly sets up some sort of chroot. Anyway, for DSM7 on the DS918+ I ran EnvDeploy -v 7.0 -p apollolake and it downloaded some tarballs into toolkit_tarballs that I simply extracted into the same directory as the toolchain.

I then grabbed the NUTs source from I then built NUTS similar to the following

export CC=${PATH_TO_CC}/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc
export LD=${PATH_TO_LD}/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld

./configure \
  --prefix= \
  --with-statepath=/var/run/ups_state \
  --sysconfdir=/etc/ups \
  --with-sysroot=${PATH_TO_TC}/usr/local/sysroot \
  --with-usb-libs="-L${PATH_TO_TC}/usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/sys-root/usr/lib/ -lusb" \


The tricks to be aware of are setting the locations DSM wants status/config files and overriding the USB detection done by configure which doesn't seem to obey sysroot.

If you would prefer to avoid this you can try this prebuilt nutdrv_qx (ebb184505abd1ca1750e13bb9c5f991eaa999cbea95da94b20f66ae4bd02db41).

SSH to the DSM7 machine; as root move /usr/bin/nutdrv_qx out of the way to save it; scp the new version and move it into place.

If you cat /dev/bus/usb/devices I found this device has a Vendor 0001 and ProdID 0000.

T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  3 Spd=1.5  MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=0001 ProdID=0000 Rev= 1.00
S:  Product=MEC0003
S:  SerialNumber=ffffff87ffffffb7ffffff87ffffffb7
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr=100mA
I:* If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=03(HID  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=usbfs
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   8 Ivl=10ms
E:  Ad=02(O) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   8 Ivl=10ms

DSM does a bunch of magic to autodetect and configure NUTs when a UPS is plugged in. The first thing you'll need to do is edit /etc/ and override where it tries to use the blazer_usb driver for this obviously incorrect vendor/product id. The line should now look like

static usb_device_id_t usb_device_table[] = {

  { 0x0001, 0x0000, "nutdrv_qx" },
  { 0x03f0, 0x0001, "usbhid-ups" },
  ... and so on ...

Then you want to edit the file /usr/syno/lib/systemd/scripts/ to start the nutdrv_qx; find the DRV_LIST in that file and update it like so:

local DRV_LIST="nutdrv_qx usbhid-ups blazer_usb bcmxcp_usb richcomm_usb tripplite_usb"

This is triggered by /usr/lib/systemd/system/ups-usb.service and is ultimately what tries to setup the UPS configuration.

Lastly, you will need to edit the /etc/ups/ups.conf file. This will probably vary depending on your UPS. One important thing is to add user=root above the driver; it seems recent NUT has become more secure and drops permissions, but the result it will not find USB devices in this environment (if you're getting something like no appropriate HID device found this is likely the cause). So the configuration should look something like:


driver = nutdrv_qx
port = auto
subdriver = hunnox
vendorid = "0001"
productid = "0000"
langid_fix = 0x0409
#community =
#snmp_version = v2c
#mibs =
#secName =
#secLevel =
#authProtocol =
#authPassword =
#privProtocol =
#privPassword =

I then restarted the UPS daemon by enabling/disabling UPS support in the UI. This should tell you that your UPS is connected. You can also check /var/log/ups.log which shows for me

2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[11994]: =====log UPS status start=====
2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[11996]: device.mfr=
2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[11998]: device.model=
2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[12000]: battery.charge=
2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[12002]: battery.runtime=
2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[12004]: battery.voltage=13.80
2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[12006]: input.voltage=232.0
2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[12008]: output.voltage=232.0
2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[12010]: ups.load=31
2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[12012]: ups.status=OL
2021-08-09T18:14:51+10:00 synology synoups[12013]: =====log UPS status end=====

Which corresponds to the correct input/output voltage and state.

Of course this is all unsupported and probably likely to break -- although I don't imagine much of these bits are updated very frequently. It will likely be OK until the UPS battery dies; at which point I would reccommend buying a better UPS on the Synology support list.

09 August, 2021 09:30AM by Ian Wienand

Russ Allbery Hide Author

Review: The Last Battle

Review: The Last Battle, by C.S. Lewis

Illustrator: Pauline Baynes
Series: Chronicles of Narnia #7
Publisher: Collier Books
Copyright: 1956
Printing: 1978
ISBN: 0-02-044210-6
Format: Mass market
Pages: 184

The Last Battle is the seventh and final book of the Chronicles of Narnia in every reading order. It ties together (and spoils) every previous Narnia book, so you do indeed want to read it last (or skip it entirely, but I'll get into that).

In the far west of Narnia, beyond the Lantern Waste and near the great waterfall that marks Narnia's western boundary, live a talking ape named Shift and a talking donkey named Puzzle. Shift is a narcissistic asshole who has been gaslighting and manipulating Puzzle for years, convincing the poor donkey that he's stupid and useless for anything other than being Shift's servant. At the start of the book, a lion skin washes over the waterfall and into the Cauldron Pool. Shift, seeing a great opportunity, convinces Puzzle to retrieve it.

The king of Narnia at this time is Tirian. I would tell you more about Tirian except, despite being the protagonist, that's about all the characterization he gets. He's the king, he's broad-shouldered and strong, he behaves in a correct kingly fashion by preferring hunting lodges and simple camps to the capital at Cair Paravel, and his close companion is a unicorn named Jewel. Other than that, he's another character like Rilian from The Silver Chair who feels like he was taken from a medieval Arthurian story. (Thankfully, unlike Rilian, he doesn't talk like he's in a medieval Arthurian story.)

Tirian finds out about Shift's scheme when a dryad appears at Tirian's camp, calling for justice for the trees of Lantern Waste who are being felled. Tirian rushes to investigate and stop this monstrous act, only to find the beasts of Narnia cutting down trees and hauling them away for Calormene overseers. When challenged on why they would do such a thing, they reply that it's at Aslan's orders.

The Last Battle is largely the reason why I decided to do this re-read and review series. It is, let me be clear, a bad book. The plot is absurd, insulting to the characters, and in places actively offensive. It is also, unlike the rest of the Narnia series, dark and depressing for nearly all of the book. The theology suffers from problems faced by modern literature that tries to use the Book of Revelation and related Christian mythology as a basis. And it is, most famously, the site of one of the most notorious authorial betrayals of a character in fiction.

And yet, The Last Battle, probably more than any other single book, taught me to be a better human being. It contains two very specific pieces of theology that I would now critique in multiple ways but which were exactly the pieces of theology that I needed to hear when I first understood them. This book steered me away from a closed, judgmental, and condemnatory mindset at exactly the age when I needed something to do that. For that, I will always have a warm spot in my heart for it.

I'm going to start with the bad parts, though, because that's how the book starts.


First, and most seriously, this is a second-order idiot plot. Shift shows up with a donkey wearing a lion skin (badly), only lets anyone see him via firelight, claims he's Aslan, and starts ordering the talking animals of Narnia to completely betray their laws and moral principles and reverse every long-standing political position of the country... and everyone just nods and goes along with this. This is the most blatant example of a long-standing problem in this series: Lewis does not respect his animal characters. They are the best feature of his world, and he treats them as barely more intelligent than their non-speaking equivalents and in need of humans to tell them what to do.

Furthermore, despite the assertion of the narrator, Shift is not even close to clever. His deception has all the subtlety of a five-year-old who doesn't want to go to bed, and he offers the Narnians absolutely nothing in exchange for betraying their principles. I can forgive Puzzle for going along with the scheme since Puzzle has been so emotionally abused that he doesn't know what else to do, but no one else has any excuse, especially Shift's neighbors. Given his behavior in the book, everyone within a ten mile radius would be so sick of his whining, bullying, and lying within a month that they'd never believe anything he said again. Rishda and Ginger, a Calormene captain and a sociopathic cat who later take over Shift's scheme, do qualify as clever, but there's no realistic way Shift's plot would have gotten far enough for them to get involved.

The things that Shift gets the Narnians to do are awful. This is by far the most depressing book in the series, even more than the worst parts of The Silver Chair. I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggled to read through the first part of this book, and raced through it on re-reads because everything is so hard to watch. The destruction is wanton and purposeless, and the frequent warnings from both characters and narration that these are the last days of Narnia add to the despair. Lewis takes all the beautiful things that he built over six books and smashes them before your eyes. It's a lot to take, given that previous books would have treated the felling of a single tree as an unspeakable catastrophe.

I think some of these problems are due to the difficulty of using Christian eschatology in a modern novel. An antichrist is obligatory, but the animals of Narnia have no reason to follow an antichrist given their direct experience with Aslan, particularly not the aloof one that Shift tries to give them. Lewis forces the plot by making everyone act stupidly and out of character. Similarly, Christian eschatology says everything must become as awful as possible right before the return of Christ, hence the difficult-to-read sections of Narnia's destruction, but there's no in-book reason for the Narnians' complicity in that destruction. One can argue about whether this is good theology, but it's certainly bad storytelling.

I can see the outlines of the moral points Lewis is trying to make about greed and rapacity, abuse of the natural world, dubious alliances, cynicism, and ill-chosen prophets, but because there is no explicable reason for Tirian's quiet kingdom to suddenly turn to murderous resource exploitation, none of those moral points land with any force. The best moral apocalypse shows the reader how, were they living through it, they would be complicit in the devastation as well. Lewis does none of that work, so the reader is just left angry and confused.

The book also has several smaller poor authorial choices, such as the blackface incident. Tirian, Jill, and Eustace need to infiltrate Shift's camp, and use blackface to disguise themselves as Calormenes. That alone uncomfortably reveals how much skin tone determines nationality in this world, but Lewis makes it far worse by having Tirian comment that he "feel[s] a true man again" after removing the blackface and switching to Narnian clothes.

All of this drags on and on, unlike Lewis's normally tighter pacing, to the point that I remembered this book being twice the length of any other Narnia book. It's not; it's about the same length as the rest, but it's such a grind that it feels interminable. The sum total of the bright points of the first two-thirds of the book are the arrival of Jill and Eustace, Jill's one moment of true heroism, and the loyalty of a single Dwarf. The rest is all horror and betrayal and doomed battles and abject stupidity.

I do, though, have to describe Jill's moment of glory, since I complained about her and Eustace throughout The Silver Chair. Eustace is still useless, but Jill learned forestcraft during her previous adventures (not that we saw much sign of this previously) and slips through the forest like a ghost to steal Puzzle and his lion costume out from the under the nose of the villains. Even better, she finds Puzzle and the lion costume hilarious, which is the one moment in the book where one of the characters seems to understand how absurd and ridiculous this all is. I loved Jill so much in that moment that it makes up for all of the pointless bickering of The Silver Chair. She doesn't get to do much else in this book, but I wish the Jill who shows up in The Last Battle had gotten her own book.

The end of this book, and the only reason why it's worth reading, happens once the heroes are forced into the stable that Shift and his co-conspirators have been using as the stage for their fake Aslan. Its door (for no well-explained reason) has become a door to Aslan's Country and leads to a reunion with all the protagonists of the series. It also becomes the frame of Aslan's final destruction of Narnia and judging of its inhabitants, which I suspect would be confusing if you didn't already know something about Christian eschatology. But before that, this happens, which is sufficiently and deservedly notorious that I think it needs to be quoted in full.

"Sir," said Tirian, when he had greeted all these. "If I have read the chronicle aright, there should be another. Has not your Majesty two sisters? Where is Queen Susan?"

"My sister Susan," answered Peter shortly and gravely, "is no longer a friend of Narnia."

"Yes," said Eustace, "and whenever you've tried to get her to come and talk about Narnia or do anything about Narnia, she says 'What wonderful memories you have! Fancy your still thinking about all those funny games we used to play when we were children.'"

"Oh Susan!" said Jill. "She's interested in nothing nowadays except nylons and lipstick and invitations. She always was a jolly sight too keen on being grown-up."

"Grown-up indeed," said the Lady Polly. "I wish she would grow up. She wasted all her school time wanting to be the age she is now, and she'll waste all the rest of her life trying to stay that age. Her whole idea is to race on to the silliest time of one's life as quick as she can and then stop there as long as she can."

There are so many obvious and dire problems with this passage, and so many others have written about it at length, that I will only add a few points. First, I find it interesting that neither Lucy nor Edmund says a thing. (I would like to think that Edmund knows better.) The real criticism comes from three characters who never interacted with Susan in the series: the two characters introduced after she was no longer allowed to return to Narnia, and a character from the story that predated hers. (And Eustace certainly has some gall to criticize someone else for treating Narnia as a childish game.)

It also doesn't say anything good about Lewis that he puts his rather sexist attack on Susan into the mouths of two other female characters. Polly's criticism is a somewhat generic attack on puberty that could arguably apply to either sex (although "silliness" is usually reserved for women), but Jill makes the attack explicitly gendered. It's the attack of a girl who wants to be one of the boys on a girl who embraces things that are coded feminine, and there's a whole lot of politics around the construction of gender happening here that Lewis is blindly reinforcing and not grappling with at all.

Plus, this is only barely supported by single sentences in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Horse and His Boy and directly contradicts the earlier books. We're expected to believe that Susan the archer, the best swimmer, the most sensible and thoughtful of the four kids has abruptly changed her whole personality. Lewis could have made me believe Susan had soured on Narnia after the attempted kidnapping (and, although left unstated, presumably eventual attempted rape) in The Horse and His Boy, if one ignores the fact that incident supposedly happens before Prince Caspian where there is no sign of such a reaction. But not for those reasons, and not in that way.

Thankfully, after this, the book gets better, starting with the Dwarfs, which is one of the two passages that had a profound influence on me.

Except for one Dwarf who allied with Tirian, the Dwarfs reacted to the exposure of Shift's lies by disbelieving both Tirian and Shift, calling a pox on both their houses, and deciding to make their own side. During the last fight in front of the stable, they started killing whichever side looked like they were winning. (Although this is horrific in the story, I think this is accurate social commentary on a certain type of cynicism, even if I suspect Lewis may have been aiming it at atheists.) Eventually, they're thrown through the stable door by the Calormenes. However, rather than seeing the land of beauty and plenty that everyone else sees, they are firmly convinced they're in a dark, musty stable surrounded by refuse and dirty straw.

This is, quite explicitly, not something imposed on them. Lucy rebukes Eustace for wishing Tash had killed them, and tries to make friends with them. Aslan tries to show them how wrong their perceptions are, to no avail. Their unwillingness to admit they were wrong is so strong that they make themselves believe that everything is worse than it actually is.

"You see," said Aslan. "They will not let us help them. They have chosen cunning instead of belief. Their prison is only in their own minds, yet they are in that prison; and so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out."

I grew up with the US evangelical version of Hell as a place of eternal torment, which in turn was used to justify religious atrocities in the name of saving people from Hell. But there is no Hell of that type in this book. There is a shadow into which many evil characters simply disappear, and there's this passage. Reading this was the first time I understood the alternative idea of Hell as the absence of God instead of active divine punishment. Lewis doesn't use the word "Hell," but it's obvious from context that the Dwarfs are in Hell. But it's not something Aslan does to them and no one wants them there; they could leave any time they wanted, but they're too unwilling to be wrong.

You may have to be raised in conservative Christianity to understand how profoundly this rethinking of Hell (which Lewis tackles at greater length in The Great Divorce) undermines the system of guilt and fear that's used as motivation and control. It took me several re-readings and a lot of thinking about this passage, but this is where I stopped believing in a vengeful God who will eternally torture nonbelievers, and thus stopped believing in all of the other theology that goes with it.

The second passage that changed me is Emeth's story. Emeth is a devout Calormene, a follower of Tash, who volunteered to enter the stable when Shift and his co-conspirators were claiming Aslan/Tash was inside. Some time after going through, he encounters Aslan, and this is part of his telling of that story (and yes, Lewis still has Calormenes telling stories as if they were British translators of the Arabian Nights):

[...] Lord, is it then true, as the Ape said, that thou and Tash are one? The Lion growled so that the earth shook (but is wrath was not against me) and said, It is false. Not because he and I are one, but because we are opposites, I take to me the services which thou hast done to him. For I and he are of such different kinds that no service which is vile can be done to me, and none which is not vile can be done to him. Therefore if any man swear by Tash and keep his oath for the oath's sake, it is by me that he has truly sworn, though he know it not, and it is I who reward him. And if any man do a cruelty in my name, then, though he says the name Aslan, it is Tash whom he serves and by Tash his deed is accepted. Dost thou understand, Child? I said, Lord, thou knowest how much I understand. But I said also (for the truth constrained me), Yet I have been seeking Tash all my days. Beloved, said the Glorious One, unless thy desire had been for me, thou wouldst not have sought so long and so truly. For all find what they truly seek.

So, first, don't ever say this to anyone. It's horribly condescending and, since it's normally said by white Christians to other people, usually explicitly colonialist. Telling someone that their god is evil but since they seem to be a good person they're truly worshiping your god is only barely better than saying yours is the only true religion.

But it is better, and as someone who, at the time, was wholly steeped in the belief that only Christians were saved and every follower of another religion was following Satan and was damned to Hell, this passage blew my mind. This was the first place I encountered the idea that someone who followed a different religion could be saved, or that God could transcend religion, and it came with exactly the context and justification that I needed given how close-minded I was at the time. Today, I would say that the Christian side of this analysis needs far more humility, and fobbing off all the evil done in the name of the Christian God by saying "oh, those people were really following Satan" is a total moral copout. But, nonetheless, Lewis opened a door for me that I was able to step through and move beyond to a less judgmental, dismissive, and hostile view of others.

There's not much else in the book after this. It's mostly Lewis's charmingly Platonic view of the afterlife, in which the characters go inward and upward to truer and more complete versions of both Narnia and England and are reunited (very briefly) with every character of the series. Lewis knows not to try too hard to describe the indescribable, but it remains one of my favorite visions of an afterlife because it makes so explicit that this world is neither static or the last, but only the beginning of a new adventure.

This final section of The Last Battle is deeply flawed, rather arrogant, a little bizarre, and involves more lectures on theology than precise description, but I still love it. By itself, it's not a bad ending for the series, although I don't think it has half the beauty or wonder of the end of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It's a shame about the rest of the book, and it's a worse shame that Lewis chose to sacrifice Susan on the altar of his prejudices. Those problems made it very hard to read this book again and make it impossible to recommend. Thankfully, you can read the series without it, and perhaps most readers would be better off imagining their own ending (or lack of ending) to Narnia than the one Lewis chose to give it.

But the one redeeming quality The Last Battle will always have for me is that, despite all of its flaws, it was exactly the book that I needed to read when I read it.

Rating: 4 out of 10

09 August, 2021 02:39AM

August 06, 2021

Reproducible Builds (diffoscope) Hide Author

diffoscope 180 released

The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 180. This version includes the following changes:

* Don't include specific ".debug"-like lines in the output, as it invariably
  a duplicate of the debug ID that exists in a better form in the readelf(1)
  differences for this file.
* Also ignore include short "GCC" lines that differs on a single prefix byte
  too. These are distracting, not very useful and are simply the strings(1)
  command's idea of the build ID, which, again, is displayed nearby in the
  file's diff.
* Update the invocation arguments and tests for the latest version of

You find out more by visiting the project homepage.

06 August, 2021 12:00AM

August 05, 2021

Ian Wienand Hide Author

Lyte Portable Projector Investigation

I recently picked up this portable projector for a reasonable price. It might also be called a "M5" projector, but I can not find one canonical source. In terms of projection, it performs as well as a 5cm cube could be expected to. They made a poor choice to eschew adding an external video input which severely limits the device's usefulness.

The design is nice and getting into it is quite an effort. There is no wasted space! After pulling off the rubber top covering and base, you have to pry the decorative metal shielding off all sides to access the screws to open it. This almost unavoidably bends it so it will never quite be the same. To avoid you having to bother, some photos:

Lyte Projector

It is fairly locked down. I found a couple of ways in; installing the Disney+ app from the "Aptoide TV" store it ships with does not work, but the app prompts you to update it, which sends you to an action where you can then choose to open the Google Play store. From there, you can install things that work on it's Android 7 OS. This allowed me to install a system-viewer app which revealed its specs:

  • Android 7.1.2
  • Build NHG47K
  • 1280x720 px
  • 4 Core ARMv7 rev 5 (v71) 1200Mhz
  • Rockchip RK3128
  • 1GB RAM
  • 4.8GB Storage
  • 9000mAh (marked) batteries

Another weird thing I found was that if you go into the custom launcher "About" page under settings and keep clicking the "OK" button on the version number, it will open the standard Android settings page. From there you can enable developer options. I could not get it connecting to ADB, although you perhaps need a USB OTG cable which I didn't have.

It has some sort of built-in Miracast app that I could not get anything to detect. It doesn't have the native Google app store; most of the apps in the provided system don't work. Somehow it runs Netflix via a webview or which is hard to use.

If it had HDMI input it would still be a useful little thing to plug things into. You could perhaps sideload some sort of apps to get the screensharing working, or it plays media files off a USB stick or network shares. I don't believe there is any practical way to get a more recent Android on this, leaving it on an accelerated path to e-waste for all but the most boutique users.

05 August, 2021 01:00AM by Ian Wienand

August 04, 2021

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel Hide Author

x13binary 1.1.57-1 on CRAN: New Upstream, New M1 Binary

Christoph and I are please to share that a new release 1.1.57-1 of x13binary, of the X-13ARIMA-SEATS program by the US Census Bureau (with updated upstream release 1.1.57) is now on CRAN.

The x13binary package takes the pain out of installing X-13ARIMA-SEATS by making it a fully resolved CRAN dependency. For example, when installing the excellent seasonal package by Christoph, then X-13ARIMA-SEATS will get pulled in via the x13binary package and things just work. Just depend on x13binary and on all major OSs supported by R you should have an X-13ARIMA-SEATS binary installed which will be called seamlessly by the higher-level packages such as seasonal or gunsales. With this the full power of the what is likely the world’s most sophisticated deseasonalization and forecasting package is now at your fingertips and the R prompt, just like any other of the 17960+ CRAN packages. You can read more about this (and the seasonal package) in the Journal of Statistical Software paper by Christoph and myself.

This release brings a new upstream release as well as binaries. We continue to support two Linux flavours (theh standard x86_64 as well as armv7l), windows and for a first time two macOS flavour. In addition to the existing Intel binary we now have a native built using the arm64 “M1” chip (with thanks to Kirill for the assist).

We still lack a genuine binary for Solaris so if any of the esteemed readers of this post happens to have access to R on Solaris along with a basic Fortran compiler, we would love to hear from you. Building X-13ARIMA-SEATS from source on Solaris should be straightforward as it is on the other OSs. Or is someone with a bit of time wants to help following Gabor’s tutorial we would greatly appreciate it.

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for this release showing changes to the previous release.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

04 August, 2021 05:45PM

Petter Reinholdtsen Hide Author

Mechanic's words in five languages, English, Norwegian and Northern Sámi editions

Almost thirty years ago, some forward looking teachers at Samisk videregående skole og reindriftsskole teaching metal work and Northern Sámi, decided to create a list of words used in Northern Sámi metal work. After almost ten years this resulted in a dictionary database, published as the book "Mekanihkkársánit : Mekanikerord = Mekaanisen alan sanasto = Mechanic's words" in 1999. The story of this work is available from the pen of Svein Lund, one of the leading actors behind this effort. They even got the dictionary approved by the Sámi Language Council as the recommended metal work words to use.

Fast forward twenty years, I came across this work when I recently became interested in metal work, and started watching educational and funny videos on the topic, like the ones from mrpete222 and This Old Tony. But they all talk English, but I wanted to know what the tools and techniques they used were called in Norwegian. Trying to track down a good dictionary from English to Norwegian, after much searching, I came across the database of words created almost thirty years ago, with translations into English, Norwegian, Northern Sámi, Swedish and Finnish. This gave me a lot of the Norwegian phrases I had been looking for. To make it easier for the next person trying to track down a good Norwegian dictionary for the metal worker, and because I knew the person behind the database from my Skolelinux / Debian Edu days, I decided to ask if the database could be released to the public without any usage limitations, in other words as a Creative Commons licensed data set. And happily, after consulting with the Sámi Parliament of Norway, the database is now available with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license from my gitlab repository.

The dictionary entries look slightly different, depending on the language in focus. This is the same entry in the different editions.



dreiebenk (nb) várve, várvenbeaŋka, jorahanbeaŋka, vátnanbeaŋka (se) svarv (sv) sorvi (fi)



lathe (en) várve, várvenbeaŋka, jorahanbeaŋka, vátnanbeaŋka (se) svarv (sv) sorvi (fi)

(nb): sponskjærande bearbeidingsmaskin der ein med skjæreverktøy lausgjør spon frå eit roterande arbetsstykke

Northern Sámi

várve, várvenbeaŋka, jorahanbeaŋka, vátnanbeaŋka

dreiebenk (nb) lathe (en) svarv (sv) sorvi (fi)

(se): mašiidna mainna čuohppá vuolahasaid jorri bargoávdnasis

(nb): sponskjærande bearbeidingsmaskin der ein med skjæreverktøy lausgjør spon frå eit roterande arbetsstykke

The database included term description in both Norwegian and Northern Sámi, but not English. Because of this, the Northern Sámi edition include both descriptions, the Norwegian edition include the Norwegian description and the English edition lack a descripiton.

Once the database was available without any usage restrictions, and armed with my experience in publishing books, I decided to publish a Norwegian/English dictionary as a book using the database, to make the data set available also on paper and as an ebook. Further into the project, it occurred to me that I could just as easily make an English dictionary, and talking to Svein and concluding that it was within reach, I decided to make a Northern Sámi dictionary too.

Thus I suddenly find myself publishing a Northern Sámi dictionary, even though I do not understand the language myself. I hope it will be well received, and can help revive the impressive work done almost thirty years ago to document the vocabulary of metal workers. If I get some help, I might even extend it with some of the words I find missing, like collet, rotary broach, carbide, knurler, arbor press and others. But the first edition build from a lightly edited version of the original database, with no new entries added. If you would like to check it out, visit my list of published books and consider buying a paper or ebook copy from The paper edition is only available in hardcover to increase its durability in the workshop.

I am very happy to report that in the process, and thanks to help from both Svein Lund and Børre Gaup who understand the language, the docbook tools I use to create books, dblatex and docbook-xsl, now include support for Northern Sámi. Before I started, these lacked the needed locale settings for this language, but now the patches are included upstream.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

04 August, 2021 01:30PM

hackergotchi for Junichi Uekawa

Junichi Uekawa Hide Author

Wrote a tool to parse /sys/block/*/stat.

Wrote a tool to parse /sys/block/*/stat. It's probably impossible for a human brain to appreciate the numbers so I made a web page that you can paste the contents and parse it from JS to emit some processed numbers. Probably iostat is the tool you want, but hey, sometimes you need this kind of stuff.

04 August, 2021 03:40AM by Junichi Uekawa

August 02, 2021

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel Hide Author

RcppFarmHash 0.0.2: Maintenance

A minor maintenance release of the new package RcppFarmHash, first released in version 0.0.1 a week ago, is now on CRAN in an version 0.0.2.

RcppFarmHash wraps the Google FarmHash family of hash functions (written by Geoff Pike and contributors) that are used for example by Google BigQuery for the FARM_FINGERPRINT digest.

This releases adds a #define which was needed on everybody’s favourite CRAN platform to not attempt to include a missing header endian.h. With this added #define all is well as we can already tell from looking at the CRAN status where the three machines maintained by you-may-know-who have already built the package. The others will follow over the next few days.

I also tweeted about the upload with a screenshot demonstrating an eight minute passage from upload to acceptance with the added #ThankYouCRAN tag to say thanks for very smooth and fully automated processing at their end.

The very brief NEWS entry follows:

Changes in version 0.0.2 (2021-08-02)

  • On SunOS, set endianness to not error on #include endian.h

  • Add badges and installation notes to README as package is on CRAN

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

02 August, 2021 11:55PM

hackergotchi for Colin Watson

Colin Watson Hide Author

Launchpad now runs on Python 3!

After a very long porting journey, Launchpad is finally running on Python 3 across all of our systems.

I wanted to take a bit of time to reflect on why my emotional responses to this port differ so much from those of some others who’ve done large ports, such as the Mercurial maintainers. It’s hard to deny that we’ve had to burn a lot of time on this, which I’m sure has had an opportunity cost, and from one point of view it’s essentially running to stand still: there is no single compelling feature that we get solely by porting to Python 3, although it’s clearly a prerequisite for tidying up old compatibility code and being able to use modern language facilities in the future. And yet, on the whole, I found this a rewarding project and enjoyed doing it.

Some of this may be because by inclination I’m a maintenance programmer and actually enjoy this sort of thing. My default view tends to be that software version upgrades may be a pain but it’s much better to get that pain over with as soon as you can rather than trying to hold back the tide; you can certainly get involved and try to shape where things end up, but rightly or wrongly I can’t think of many cases when a righteously indignant user base managed to arrange for the old version to be maintained in perpetuity so that they never had to deal with the new thing (OK, maybe Perl 5 counts here).

I think a more compelling difference between Launchpad and Mercurial, though, may be that very few other people really had a vested interest in what Python version Launchpad happened to be running, because it’s all server-side code (aside from some client libraries such as launchpadlib, which were ported years ago). As such, we weren’t trying to do this with the internet having Strong Opinions at us. We were doing this because it was obviously the only long-term-maintainable path forward, and in more recent times because some of our library dependencies were starting to drop support for Python 2 and so it was obviously going to become a practical problem for us sooner or later; but if we’d just stayed on Python 2 forever then fundamentally hardly anyone else would really have cared directly, only maybe about some indirect consequences of that. I don’t follow Mercurial development so I may be entirely off-base, but if other people were yelling at me about how late my project was to finish its port, that in itself would make me feel more negatively about the project even if I thought it was a good idea. Having most of the pressure come from ourselves rather than from outside meant that wasn’t an issue for us.

I’m somewhat inclined to think of the process as an extreme version of paying down technical debt. Moving from Python 2.7 to 3.5, as we just did, means skipping over multiple language versions in one go, and if similar changes had been made more gradually it would probably have felt a lot more like the typical dependency update treadmill. I appreciate why not everyone might want to think of it this way: maybe this is just my own rationalization.

Reflections on porting to Python 3

I’m not going to defend the Python 3 migration process; it was pretty rough in a lot of ways. Nor am I going to spend much effort relitigating it here, as it’s already been done to death elsewhere, and as I understand it the core Python developers have got the message loud and clear by now. At a bare minimum, a lot of valuable time was lost early in Python 3’s lifetime hanging on to flag-day-type porting strategies that were impractical for large projects, when it should have been providing for “bilingual” strategies (code that runs in both Python 2 and 3 for a transitional period) which is where most libraries and most large migrations ended up in practice. For instance, the early advice to library maintainers to maintain two parallel versions or perhaps translate dynamically with 2to3 was entirely impractical in most non-trivial cases and wasn’t what most people ended up doing, and yet the idea that 2to3 is all you need still floats around Stack Overflow and the like as a result. (These days, I would probably point people towards something more like Eevee’s porting FAQ as somewhere to start.)

There are various fairly straightforward things that people often suggest could have been done to smooth the path, and I largely agree: not removing the u'' string prefix only to put it back in 3.3, fewer gratuitous compatibility breaks in the name of tidiness, and so on. But if I had a time machine, the number one thing I would ask to have been done differently would be introducing type annotations in Python 2 before Python 3 branched off. It’s true that it’s technically possible to do type annotations in Python 2, but the fact that it’s a different syntax that would have to be fixed later is offputting, and in practice it wasn’t widely used in Python 2 code. To make a significant difference to the ease of porting, annotations would need to have been introduced early enough that lots of Python 2 library code used them so that porting code didn’t have to be quite so much of an exercise of manually figuring out the exact nature of string types from context.

Launchpad is a complex piece of software that interacts with multiple domains: for example, it deals with a database, HTTP, web page rendering, Debian-format archive publishing, and multiple revision control systems, and there’s often overlap between domains. Each of these tends to imply different kinds of string handling. Web page rendering is normally done mainly in Unicode, converting to bytes as late as possible; revision control systems normally want to spend most of their time working with bytes, although the exact details vary; HTTP is of course bytes on the wire, but Python’s WSGI interface has some string type subtleties. In practice I found myself thinking about at least four string-like “types” (that is, things that in a language with a stricter type system I might well want to define as distinct types and restrict conversion between them): bytes, text, “ordinary” native strings (str in either language, encoded to UTF-8 in Python 2), and native strings with WSGI’s encoding rules. Some of these are emergent properties of writing in the intersection of Python 2 and 3, which is effectively a specialized language of its own without coherent official documentation whose users must intuit its behaviour by comparing multiple sources of information, or by referring to unofficial porting guides: not a very satisfactory situation. Fortunately much of the complexity collapses once it becomes possible to write solely in Python 3.

Some of the difficulties we ran into are not ones that are typically thought of as Python 2-to-3 porting issues, because they were changed later in Python 3’s development process. For instance, the email module was substantially improved in around the 3.2/3.3 timeframe to handle Python 3’s bytes/text model more correctly, and since Launchpad sends quite a few different kinds of email messages and has some quite picky tests for exactly what it emits, this entailed a lot of work in our email sending code and in our test suite to account for that. (It took me a while to work out whether we should be treating raw email messages as bytes or as text; bytes turned out to work best.) 3.4 made some tweaks to the implementation of quoted-printable encoding that broke a number of our tests in ways that took some effort to fix, because the tests needed to work on both 2.7 and 3.5. The list goes on. I got quite proficient at digging through Python’s git history to figure out when and why some particular bit of behaviour had changed.

One of the thorniest problems was parsing HTTP form data. We mainly rely on zope.publisher for this, which in turn relied on cgi.FieldStorage; but cgi.FieldStorage is badly broken in some situations on Python 3. Even if that bug were fixed in a more recent version of Python, we can’t easily use anything newer than 3.5 for the first stage of our port due to the version of the base OS we’re currently running, so it wouldn’t help much. In the end I fixed some minor issues in the multipart module (and was kindly given co-maintenance of it) and converted zope.publisher to use it. Although this took a while to sort out, it seems to have gone very well.

A couple of other interesting late-arriving issues were around pickle. For most things we normally prefer safer formats such as JSON, but there are a few cases where we use pickle, particularly for our session databases. One of my colleagues pointed out that I needed to remember to tell pickle to stick to protocol 2, so that we’d be able to switch back and forward between Python 2 and 3 for a while; quite right, and we later ran into a similar problem with marshal too. A more surprising problem was that datetime.datetime objects pickled on Python 2 require special care when unpickling on Python 3; rather than the approach that ended up being implemented and documented for Python 3.6, though, I preferred a custom unpickler, both so that things would work on Python 3.5 and so that I wouldn’t have to risk affecting the decoding of other pickled strings in the session database.

General lessons

Writing this over a year after Python 2’s end-of-life date, and certainly nowhere near the leading edge of Python 3 porting work, it’s perhaps more useful to look at this in terms of the lessons it has for other large technical debt projects.

I mentioned in my previous article that I used the approach of an enormous and frequently-rebased git branch as a working area for the port, committing often and sometimes combining and extracting commits for review once they seemed to be ready. A port of this scale would have been entirely intractable without a tool of similar power to git rebase, so I’m very glad that we finished migrating to git in 2019. I relied on this right up to the end of the port, and it also allowed for quick assessments of how much more there was to land. git worktree was also helpful, in that I could easily maintain working trees built for each of Python 2 and 3 for comparison.

As is usual for most multi-developer projects, all changes to Launchpad need to go through code review, although we sometimes make exceptions for very simple and obvious changes that can be self-reviewed. Since I knew from the outset that this was going to generate a lot of changes for review, I therefore structured my work from the outset to try to make it as easy as possible for my colleagues to review it. This generally involved keeping most changes to a somewhat manageable size of 800 lines or less (although this wasn’t always possible), and arranging commits mainly according to the kind of change they made rather than their location. For example, when I needed to fix issues with / in Python 3 being true division rather than floor division, I did so in one commit across the various places where it mattered and took care not to mix it with other unrelated changes. This is good practice for nearly any kind of development, but it was especially important here since it allowed reviewers to consider a clear explanation of what I was doing in the commit message and then skim-read the rest of it much more quickly.

It was vital to keep the codebase in a working state at all times, and deploy to production reasonably often: this way if something went wrong the amount of code we had to debug to figure out what had happened was always tractable. (Although I can’t seem to find it now to link to it, I saw an account a while back of a company that had taken a flag-day approach instead with a large codebase. It seemed to work for them, but I’m certain we couldn’t have made it work for Launchpad.)

I can’t speak too highly of Launchpad’s test suite, much of which originated before my time. Without a great deal of extensive coverage of all sorts of interesting edge cases at both the unit and functional level, and a corresponding culture of maintaining that test suite well when making new changes, it would have been impossible to be anything like as confident of the port as we were.

As part of the porting work, we split out a couple of substantial chunks of the Launchpad codebase that could easily be decoupled from the core: its Mailman integration and its code import worker. Both of these had substantial dependencies with complex requirements for porting to Python 3, and arranging to be able to do these separately on their own schedule was absolutely worth it. Like disentangling balls of wool, any opportunity you can take to make things less tightly-coupled is probably going to make it easier to disentangle the rest. (I can see a tractable way forward to porting the code import worker, so we may well get that done soon. Our Mailman integration will need to be rewritten, though, since it currently depends on the Python-2-only Mailman 2, and Mailman 3 has a different architecture.)

Python lessons

Our database layer was already in pretty good shape for a port, since at least the modern bits of its table modelling interface were already strict about using Unicode for text columns. If you have any kind of pervasive low-level framework like this, then making it be pedantic at you in advance of a Python 3 port will probably incur much less swearing in the long run, as you won’t be trying to deal with quite so many bytes/text issues at the same time as everything else.

Early in our port, we established a standard set of __future__ imports and started incrementally converting files over to them, mainly because we weren’t yet sure what else to do and it seemed likely to be helpful. absolute_import was definitely reasonable (and not often a problem in our code), and print_function was annoying but necessary. In hindsight I’m not sure about unicode_literals, though. For files that only deal with bytes and text it was reasonable enough, but as I mentioned above there were also a number of cases where we needed literals of the language’s native str type, i.e. bytes in Python 2 and text in Python 3: this was particularly noticeable in WSGI contexts, but also cropped up in some other surprising places. We generally either omitted unicode_literals or used six.ensure_str in such cases, but it was definitely a bit awkward and maybe I should have listened more to people telling me it might be a bad idea.

A lot of Launchpad’s early tests used doctest, mainly in the style where you have text files that interleave narrative commentary with examples. The development team later reached consensus that this was best avoided in most cases, but by then there were far too many doctests to conveniently rewrite in some other form. Porting doctests to Python 3 is really annoying. You run into all the little changes in how objects are represented as text (particularly u'...' versus '...', but plenty of other cases as well); you have next to no tools to do anything useful like skipping individual bits of a doctest that don’t apply; using __future__ imports requires the rather obscure approach of adding the relevant names to the doctest’s globals in the relevant DocFileSuite or DocTestSuite; dealing with many exception tracebacks requires something like zope.testing.renormalizing; and whatever code refactoring tools you’re using probably don’t work properly. Basically, don’t have done that. It did all turn out to be tractable for us in the end, and I managed to avoid using much in the way of fragile doctest extensions aside from the aforementioned zope.testing.renormalizing, but it was not an enjoyable experience.


I know of nine regressions that reached Launchpad’s production systems as a result of this porting work; of course there were various other regressions caught by CI or in manual testing. (Considering the size of this project, I count it as a resounding success that there were only nine production issues, and that for the most part we were able to fix them quickly.)

Equality testing of removed database objects

One of the things we had to do while porting to Python 3 was to implement the __eq__, __ne__, and __hash__ special methods for all our database objects. This was quite conceptually fiddly, because doing this requires knowing each object’s primary key, and that may not yet be available if we’ve created an object in Python but not yet flushed the actual INSERT statement to the database (most of our primary keys are auto-incrementing sequences). We thus had to take care to flush pending SQL statements in such cases in order to ensure that we know the primary keys.

However, it’s possible to have a problem at the other end of the object lifecycle: that is, a Python object might still be reachable in memory even though the underlying row has been DELETEd from the database. In most cases we don’t keep removed objects around for obvious reasons, but it can happen in caching code, and buildd-manager crashed as a result (in fact while it was still running on Python 2). We had to take extra care to avoid this problem.

Debian imports crashed on non-UTF-8 filenames

Python 2 has some unfortunate behaviour around passing bytes or Unicode strings (depending on the platform) to shutil.rmtree, and the combination of some porting work and a particular source package in Debian that contained a non-UTF-8 file name caused us to run into this. The fix was to ensure that the argument passed to shutil.rmtree is a str regardless of Python version.

We’d actually run into something similar before: it’s a subtle porting gotcha, since it’s quite easy to end up passing Unicode strings to shutil.rmtree if you’re in the process of porting your code to Python 3, and you might easily not notice if the file names in your tests are all encoded using UTF-8.

lazr.restful ETags

We eventually got far enough along that we could switch one of our four appserver machines (we have quite a number of other machines too, but the appservers handle web and API requests) to Python 3 and see what happened. By this point our extensive test suite had shaken out the vast majority of the things that could go wrong, but there was always going to be room for some interesting edge cases.

One of the Ubuntu kernel team reported that they were seeing an increase in 412 Precondition Failed errors in some of their scripts that use our webservice API. These can happen when you’re trying to modify an existing resource: the underlying protocol involves sending an If-Match header with the ETag that the client thinks the resource has, and if this doesn’t match the ETag that the server calculates for the resource then the client has to refresh its copy of the resource and try again. We initially thought that this might be legitimate since it can happen in normal operation if you collide with another client making changes to the same resource, but it soon became clear that something stranger was going on: we were getting inconsistent ETags for the same object even when it was unchanged. Since we’d recently switched a quarter of our appservers to Python 3, that was a natural suspect.

Our lazr.restful package provides the framework for our webservice API, and roughly speaking it generates ETags by serializing objects into some kind of canonical form and hashing the result. Unfortunately the serialization was dependent on the Python version in a few ways, and in particular it serialized lists of strings such as lists of bug tags differently: Python 2 used [u'foo', u'bar', u'baz'] where Python 3 used ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']. In lazr.restful 1.0.3 we switched to using JSON for this, removing the Python version dependency and ensuring consistent behaviour between appservers.

Memory leaks

This problem took the longest to solve. We noticed fairly quickly from our graphs that the appserver machine we’d switched to Python 3 had a serious memory leak. Our appservers had always been a bit leaky, but now it wasn’t so much “a small hole that we can bail occasionally” as “the boat is sinking rapidly”:

A serious memory leak

(Yes, this got in the way of working out what was going on with ETags for a while.)

I spent ages messing around with various attempts to fix this. Since only a quarter of our appservers were affected, and we could get by on 75% capacity for a while, it wasn’t urgent but it was definitely annoying. After spending some quality time with objgraph, for some time I thought traceback reference cycles might be at fault, and I sent a number of fixes to various upstream projects for those (e.g. zope.pagetemplate). Those didn’t help the leaks much though, and after a while it became clear to me that this couldn’t be the sole problem: Python has a cyclic garbage collector that will eventually collect reference cycles as long as there are no strong references to any objects in them, although it might not happen very quickly. Something else must be going on.

Debugging reference leaks in any non-trivial and long-running Python program is extremely arduous, especially with ORMs that naturally tend to end up with lots of cycles and caches. After a while I formed a hypothesis that zope.server might be keeping a strong reference to something, although I never managed to nail it down more firmly than that. This was an attractive theory as we were already in the process of migrating to Gunicorn for other reasons anyway, and Gunicorn also has a convenient max_requests setting that’s good at mitigating memory leaks. Getting this all in place took some time, but once we did we found that everything was much more stable:

A rather flat memory graph

This isn’t completely satisfying as we never quite got to the bottom of the leak itself, and it’s entirely possible that we’ve only papered over it using max_requests: I expect we’ll gradually back off on how frequently we restart workers over time to try to track this down. However, pragmatically, it’s no longer an operational concern.

Mirror prober HTTPS proxy handling

After we switched our script servers to Python 3, we had several reports of mirror probing failures. (Launchpad keeps lists of Ubuntu archive and image mirrors, and probes them every so often to check that they’re reasonably complete and up to date.) This only affected HTTPS mirrors when probed via a proxy server, support for which is a relatively recent feature in Launchpad and involved some code that we never managed to unit-test properly: of course this is exactly the code that went wrong. Sadly I wasn’t able to sort out that gap, but at least the fix was simple.

Non-MIME-encoded email headers

As I mentioned above, there were substantial changes in the email package between Python 2 and 3, and indeed between minor versions of Python 3. Our test coverage here is pretty good, but it’s an area where it’s very easy to have gaps. We noticed that a script that processes incoming email was crashing on messages with headers that were non-ASCII but not MIME-encoded (and indeed then crashing again when it tried to send a notification of the crash!). The only examples of these I looked at were spam, but we still didn’t want to crash on them.

The fix involved being somewhat more careful about both the handling of headers returned by Python’s email parser and the building of outgoing email notifications. This seems to be working well so far, although I wouldn’t be surprised to find the odd other incorrect detail in this sort of area.

Failure to handle non-ISO-8859-1 URL-encoded form input

Remember how I said that parsing HTTP form data was thorny? After we finished upgrading all our appservers to Python 3, people started reporting that they couldn’t post Unicode comments to bugs, which turned out to be only if the attempt was made using JavaScript, and was because I hadn’t quite managed to get URL-encoded form data working properly with zope.publisher and multipart. The current standard describes the URL-encoded format for form data as “in many ways an aberrant monstrosity”, so this was no great surprise.

Part of the problem was some very strange choices in zope.publisher dating back to 2004 or earlier, which I attempted to clean up and simplify. The rest was that Python 2’s urlparse.parse_qs unconditionally decodes percent-encoded sequences as ISO-8859-1 if they’re passed in as part of a Unicode string, so multipart needs to work around this on Python 2.

I’m still not completely confident that this is correct in all situations, but at least now that we’re on Python 3 everywhere the matrix of cases we need to care about is smaller.

Inconsistent marshalling of Loggerhead’s disk cache

We use Loggerhead for providing web browsing of Bazaar branches. When we upgraded one of its two servers to Python 3, we immediately noticed that the one still on Python 2 was failing to read back its revision information cache, which it stores in a database on disk. (We noticed this because it caused a deployment to fail: when we tried to roll out new code to the instance still on Python 2, Nagios checks had already caused an incompatible cache to be written for one branch from the Python 3 instance.)

This turned out to be a similar problem to the pickle issue mentioned above, except this one was with marshal, which I didn’t think to look for because it’s a relatively obscure module mostly used for internal purposes by Python itself; I’m not sure that Loggerhead should really be using it in the first place. The fix was relatively straightforward, complicated mainly by now needing to cope with throwing away unreadable cache data.

Ironically, if we’d just gone ahead and taken the nominally riskier path of upgrading both servers at the same time, we might never have had a problem here.

Intermittent bzr failures

Finally, after we upgraded one of our two Bazaar codehosting servers to Python 3, we had a report of intermittent bzr branch hangs. After some digging I found this in our logs:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/", line 136, in addWindowBytes
  File "/srv/", line 88, in startWriting
  File "/srv/", line 894, in resumeProducing
    for p in self.pipes.itervalues():
builtins.AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'itervalues'

I’d seen this before in our git hosting service: it was a bug in Twisted’s Python 3 port, fixed after 20.3.0 but unfortunately after the last release that supported Python 2, so we had to backport that patch. Using the same backport dealt with this.


02 August, 2021 10:34AM by Colin Watson

Russ Allbery Hide Author

Review: Piranesi

Review: Piranesi, by Susanna Clarke

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Copyright: 2020
ISBN: 1-63557-564-8
Format: Kindle
Pages: 245

Piranesi is a story told in first-person journal entries by someone who lives in a three-floored world of endless halls full of statues. The writing style is one of the most distinctive things about this book (and something you'll have to get along with to enjoy it), so it's worth quoting a longer passage from the introductory description of the world:

I am determined to explore as much of the World as I can in my lifetime. To this end I have travelled as far as the Nine-Hundred-and-Sixtieth Hall to the West, the Eight-Hundred-and-Ninetieth Hall to to the North and the Seven-Hundred-and-Sixty-Eighth Hall to the South. I have climbed up to the Upper Halls where Clouds move in slow procession and Statues appear suddenly out of the Mists. I have explored the Drowned Halls where the Dark Waters are carpeted with white water lilies. I have seen the Derelict Halls of the East where Ceilings, Floors — sometimes even Walls! — have collapsed and the dimness is split by shafts of grey Light.

In all these places I have stood in Doorways and looked ahead. I have never seen any indication that the World was coming to an End, but only the regular progression of Halls and Passageways into the Far Distance.

No Hall, no Vestibule, no Staircase, no Passage is without its Statues. In most Halls they cover all the available space, though here and there you will find an Empty Plinth, Niche or Apse, or even a blank space on a Wall otherwise encrusted with Statues. These Absences are as mysterious in their way as the Statues themselves.

So far as the protagonist knows, the world contains only one other living person, the Other, and thirteen dead ones who exist only as bones. The Other is a scientist searching for Great and Secret Knowledge, and calls the protagonist Piranesi, which is odd because that is not the protagonist's name.

Be warned that I'm skating around spoilers for the rest of this review. I don't think I'm giving away anything that would ruin the book, but the nature of the story takes some sharp turns. If knowing anything about that would spoil the book for you and you want to read this without that knowledge, you may want to stop reading here.

I also want to disclose early in this review that I wanted this to be a different book than it is, and that had a significant impact on how much I enjoyed it. Someone who came to it with different expectations may have a different and more enjoyable experience.

I was engrossed by the strange world, the atmosphere, and the mystery of the halls full of statues. The protagonist is also interested in the same things, and the early part of the book is full of discussion of exploration, scientific investigation, and attempts to understand the nature of the world. That led me to hope for the sort of fantasy novel in which the setting is a character and where understanding the setting is a significant part of the plot.

Piranesi is not that book. The story that Clarke wants to tell is centered on psychology rather than setting. The setting does not become a character, nor do we learn much about it by the end of the book. While we do learn how the protagonist came to be in this world, my first thought when that revelation starts halfway through the book was "this is going to be disappointing." And, indeed, it was.

I say all of this because I think Piranesi looks, from both its synopsis and from the first few chapters, like it's going to be a world building and exploration fantasy. I think it runs a high risk of disappointing readers in the way that it disappointed me, and that can lead to disliking a book one may have enjoyed if one had read it in a different mood and with a different set of expectations.

Piranesi is, instead, about how the protagonist constructs the world, about the effect of trauma on that construction, and about the complexities hidden behind the idea of recovery. And there is a lot to like here: The ending is complex and subtle and does not arrive at easy answers (although I also found it very sad), and although Clarke, by the end of the book, is using the setting primarily as metaphor, the descriptions remain vivid and immersive. I still want the book that I thought I was reading, but I want that book in large part because the fragments of that book that are in this one are so compelling and engrossing.

What did not work for me was every character in the book except for the protagonist and one supporting character.

The relationship between the protagonist and the Other early in the book is a lovely bit of unsettling complexity. It's obvious that the Other has a far different outlook on the world than the protagonist, but the protagonist seems unaware of it. It's also obvious that the Other is a bit of a jerk, but I was hoping for a twist that showed additional complexity in his character. Sadly, when we get the twist, it's not in the direction of more complexity. Instead, it leads to a highly irritating plot that is unnecessarily prolonged through the protagonist being gullible and child-like in the face of blatantly obvious gaslighting. This is a pattern for the rest of the book: Once villains appear on stage, they're one-note narcissists with essentially no depth.

There is one character in Piranesi that I liked as well or better than the protagonist, but they only show up late in the story and get very little character development. Clarke sketches the outline of a character I wanted to learn much more about, but never gives us the details on the page. That leads to what I thought was too much telling rather than showing in the protagonist's relationships at the end of the book, which is part of why I thought the ending was so sad. What the protagonist loses is obvious to me (and lines up with the loss I felt when the book didn't turn out to be what I was hoping it would be); what the protagonist gains is less obvious, is working more on the metaphorical level of the story than the literal level, and is more narrated than shown.

In other words, this is psychological fantasy with literary sensibilities told in a frame that looks like exploration fantasy. Parts of it, particularly the descriptions and the sense of place, are quite skillful, but the plot, once revealed, is superficial, obvious, and disappointing. I think it's possible this shift in the reader's sense of what type of book they're reading is intentional on Clarke's part, since it works with the metaphorical topic of the book. But it's not the existence of a shift itself that is my primary objection. I like psychological fantasy as well as exploration fantasy. It's that I thought the book after the shift was shallower, less interesting, and more predictable than the book before the shift.

The one thing that is excellent throughout Piranesi, though, is the mood. It takes a bit to get used to the protagonist's writing style (and I continue to dislike the Affectation of capitalizing Nouns when writing in English), but it's open-hearted, curious, thoughtful, observant, and capable in a way I found delightful. Some of the events in this book are quite dark, but it never felt horrifying or oppressive because the protagonist remains so determinedly optimistic and upbeat, even when yanked around by the world's most obvious and blatant gaslighting. That persistent hopefulness and lightness is a good feature in a book published in 2020 and is what carried me through the parts of the story I didn't care for.

I wish this had been a different book than it was, or failing that, a book with more complex and interesting supporting characters and plot to fit its complex and interesting psychological arc. I also wish that Clarke had done something more interesting with gender in this novel; it felt like she was setting that up for much of the book, and then it never happened. Ah well.

As is, I can't recommend Piranesi, but I can say the protagonist, atmosphere, and sense of place are very well done and I think it will work for some other readers better than it did for me.

Rating: 6 out of 10

02 August, 2021 04:12AM

August 01, 2021

François Marier Hide Author

Time-stretch in Kodi

VLC has a really neat feature which consists of time-stretching audio to allow users to speed up or slow video playback with the [ and ] keys without affecting the pitch of the sound. I recently switched to Kodi as my video player of choice and I was looking for the equivalent feature.

Kodi equivalent

To enable this feature in Kodi, you first need to enable Sync playback to display in Settings | Player | Videos.

Then map the tempoup and tempodown commands to the same keyboard shorcuts as VLC.

In my case however, I wanted to map these functions to buttons on my Streamzap remote and so I put the following in my ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml:


which allows me to press the Ch + and Ch - buttons on the remote to adjust the speed while the video is playing (in full-screen mode only, not with the menu displayed).


Here are three ways I use this functionality:

  • I set it to 0.9x for movies in languages I'm not totally proficient in.
  • I set it to 1.1x for almost everything since the difference is not especially perceptible, but it still allows me to watch 10% more movies in the same amount of time :)
  • I set it to 1.2x for Rick & Morty because it makes Rick even more hilariously reckless and impatient.

Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to set the default tempo value. The closest setting I could find is the one which allows you to set the maximum tempo value maxtempo. If you know of a way, please leave a comment!

01 August, 2021 07:45PM

Russ Allbery Hide Author

Review: Fugitive Telemetry

Review: Fugitive Telemetry, by Martha Wells

Series: Murderbot Diaries #6
Publisher: Tordotcom
Copyright: April 2021
ISBN: 1-250-76538-2
Format: Kindle
Pages: 167

Fugitive Telemetry is the fifth Murderbot novella. It is not a sequel to the (as yet) lone novel, Network Effect. Instead, it takes place between Exit Strategy and Network Effect, filling in more of the backstory of the novel. You should not read it before Exit Strategy, but I believe it and Network Effect could be read in any order.

A human has been murdered on Preservation Station. That is not a thing that happens on Preservation Station, which is normally a peaceful place whose crime is limited to intoxication-related stupidity. Murderbot's first worry, and the first worry of his humans, is that this may be one of their enemies getting into position to target them. That risk at least makes the murder worth investigating, rather than leaving it solely to Station Security.

The problem from Murderbot's perspective is that there is an effective and efficient way of doing such an investigation, which starts with hacking into the security systems to get necessary investigative data and may end with the silent disposal of dead bodies of enemy agents. But this is Preservation Station, not the Corporation Rim, and Murderbot agreed to not do things like casually compromise all the station security systems or murder people who are security threats.

There was a big huge deal about it, and Security was all "but what if it takes over the station's systems and kills everybody" and Pin-Lee told them "if it wanted to do that it would have done it by now," which in hindsight was probably not the best response.

Worse, Murderbot's human wants it to work collaboratively with Station Security. That is a challenge, given that Security has a lot of reasons not to trust SecUnits, and Murderbot has a lot of reasons not to trust a security organization (not to mention considers them largely incompetent). Also, the surveillance systems are totally inadequate compared to the Corporation Rim for various financial and civil rights reasons that are doubtless wonderful except in situations where someone has been murdered. But hopefully the humans won't get in the way too much.

This is one of those books (well, novellas) that I finished a while back but then stalled out on reviewing. I think that's because I don't have that much to say about it. Network Effect pushed the world-building and Murderbot's personal storyline forward significantly, but Fugitive Telemetry doesn't pick up those threads. Instead, this is another novella in much the same vein as the first four. If you, like me, are eager to see where Wells takes the story after the events of the novel, this is somewhat disappointing. But if you enjoyed the novellas, this is more of what you enjoyed: snarky comments about humanity, competence porn, Murderbot getting pulled into problems somewhat against its will and then trying to sort them out, and the occasional touching moment of emotional connection that Murderbot escapes from as quickly as possible.

It's quite enjoyable, helped considerably by Wells's wise choice to not make the supporting human characters idiots. Collaboration is not Murderbot's strength; it is certain the investigation will be an endless series of frustrations and annoyances given the level of suspicion Station Security starts with. But some humans (and some SecUnits) are capable of re-evaluating their conclusions when given new evidence, and watching that happen is part of the fun of this novella.

What this novella is missing is the overarching plot structure of the rest of the series, since where this story sits chronologically doesn't leave much room for advancing or even deepening the plot arc. It therefore feels incidental: delightful while I was reading it, probably missable if you have to, and not something I spent time thinking about after I finished it.

If you liked the Murderbot novellas up until now, you will want to read this one. If you haven't started the series yet, this is not a place to start. If you want something more like the Network Effect novel, or a story where Murderbot makes significant decisions about its future, the wait continues.

Rating: 8 out of 10

01 August, 2021 04:26AM

Paul Wise Hide Author

FLOSS Activities July 2021


This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.





  • libusbgx/gt: triage issues
  • Debian packages: triaged bugs for reintroduced packages
  • Debian servers: debug lists mail issue, debug lists subscription issue
  • Debian wiki: unblock IP addresses, approve accounts


  • Respond to queries from Debian users and contributors on the mailing lists and IRC


The microsoft-authentication-library-for-python and purple-discord work was sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

01 August, 2021 01:54AM

hackergotchi for Junichi Uekawa

Junichi Uekawa Hide Author

August comes.

August comes. Kids are on summer staycation. This is not sustainable.

01 August, 2021 01:29AM by Junichi Uekawa

July 31, 2021

hackergotchi for Steinar H. Gunderson

Steinar H. Gunderson Hide Author

How to optimize anything

Speeding up software, in four simple, universal steps:

  1. Make a benchmark.
  2. Run a profiler over that benchmark.
  3. Try something reasonable (based on #2) to speed up the benchmark.
  4. If the benchmark gets faster, clean the code up and commit.

Repeat steps 2–4 until the code is fast enough.

Of course, most people stumble in step 1 (e.g. by making a benchmark that is non-representative, like PHP 8's infamous JIT that helped 3x on the benchmark, but at most 3–5% on real code). And step 3 is naturally where all the magic happens. The cheapest wins often come out of a surprising profile, and the best wins often come from taking a step up and optimizing at a higher level. The most satisfying ideas are those that simplify code, so that you end up with just running less stuff and having things look more natural. (The worst ideas come when you skip step 2, because you end up optimizing what you think takes time, which is rarely the stuff that actually does.)

The “something reasonable” part is mandatory, or you are likely to just measure incidental effects. ryg lays down the law.

31 July, 2021 11:00PM

hackergotchi for Chris Lamb

Chris Lamb Hide Author

Free software activities in July 2021

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world during July 2021 (previous month):

As part of my role of being the assistant Secretary of the Open Source Initiative and a board director of Software in the Public Interest I attended their respective monthly meetings. As outlined in last months posts, however, my term on the OSI board has been slightly extended due to the discovery of a vulnerability in OSI's recent election — as a result, the 2021 election is currently being re-run.


Reproducible Builds

One of the original promises of open source software is that distributed peer review and transparency of process results in enhanced end-user security. However, whilst anyone may inspect the source code of free and open source software for malicious flaws, almost all software today is distributed as pre-compiled binaries. This allows nefarious third parties to compromise systems by injecting malicious code into ostensibly secure software during the various compilation and distribution processes. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to ensure no flaws have been introduced during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised.

This month, I:

  • Updated the Lintian static analysis tool to check for Python tracebacks in manual pages, usually caused by failing help2man calls and the cause of avoidable reproducibility issues. (#984778 filed against the heudiconv package is a good example of the problem.) [...]

I also made the following changes to diffoscope, including preparing and uploading versions 178 and 179 to PyPI and Debian:

  • Ensure that various LLVM tools are installed, even when testing whether a MacOS binary has no differences compared to itself. (#270)
  • Rewrite how we calculate the 'fuzzy hash' of a file to make the control flow cleaner. [...][...]
  • Don't traceback when encountering a broken symlink within a directory. (#269)
  • Update some copyright years. [...]



Bugs filed


  • redis:

    • 6.0.15-1 — New upstream security release.
    • 6.2.5-1 (to Debian experimental) — New upstream security release.
  • python-django:

    • 3.2.5-1 (to Debian experimental) — New upstream security release.
    • 3.2.5-2 (to Debian experimental) — Don't symlink /usr/bin/django-admin to Instead, ship the script generated by the Python entry_points system, otherwise we introduce a confusing deprecation message when using django-admin (ie. without the .py extension). (#991098)
  • mtools:

    • 4.0.32-1 — New upstream release.
    • 4.0.33-1 — New upstream release.
    • 4.0.33-1+really4.0.32-1 — Revert to version 4.0.32-1 due to regressions on ARM systems affecting the Debian Installer. (#991403)


Debian LTS

This month I have worked 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and 12 hours on its sister Extended LTS project.

You can find out more about the project via the following video:

31 July, 2021 04:08PM

Jamie McClelland Hide Author

Fixing old PHP code

I wrote a control panel in 2005 using PHP, without any framework. Who could have guessed it would still be in production now?

We’ve recently decided to put off replacing it for a few years, so I have to fix all the deprecation warnings, which are almost all due to:

while(list($k, $v) = each($array)) {

At some point, early in my PHP coding life, someone told me foreach($array as $k => $v) { was bad. I don’t even remember why. But it stuck, so my code is littered with the while/list/each approach. If I ever wrote malware in PHP you could definitely fingerprint me with this one.

I’m working on some sed magic to fix them, starting with:

find . -name '*.php' -exec sed -E -i 's#while\(list\((\$[a-z_]*), ?(\$[a-z_]*)\) = each\((\$[a-z_>-]+)\)\) \{#foreach(\3 as \1 => \2) {#g' '{}' \;

But… it misses this variation:

while(list(, $v) = each($array)) {

So I also ran:

find . -name '*.php' -exec sed -E -i 's#while\(list\(,(\$[a-z_]*)\) = each\((\$[a-z_>-]+)\)\) \{#foreach(\2 as \1) {#g' '{}' \;

I ended up with 10 replacments I had to do by hand (while(list($k) = each($array)) and a few others with unusual spacing).

31 July, 2021 03:11PM

Russell Coker Hide Author

Russ Allbery Hide Author

Summer haul

July ended up being a very busy month for me catching up on all sorts of things that I'd been putting off for too long, so posts have been a bit scarce recently. So have book reviews; I'm hoping to sneak one in before the end of the month tomorrow, and have a small backlog.

But for tonight, here's another list of random books, mostly new releases, that caught my eye.

Katherine Addison — The Witness for the Dead (sff)
Olivia Atwater — Half a Soul (sff)
Lloyd Biggle, Jr. — The Still, Small Voice of Trumpets (sff)
Judson Brewer — Unwinding Anxiety (nonfiction)
Eliot Brown & Maureen Farrell — The Cult of We (nonfiction)
Becky Chambers — A Psalm for the Wild-Built (sff)
Susanna Clarke — Piranesi (sff)
Eve L. Ewing — Ghosts in the Schoolyard (nonfiction)
Michael Lewis — The Premonition (nonfiction)
Courtney Milan — The Duke Who Didn't (romance)
Kit Rocha — Deal with the Devil (sff)
Tasha Suri — The Jasmine Throne (sff)
Catherynne M. Valente — The Past is Red (sff)

Quite a variety of things recently. Of course, I'm currently stalled on a book I'm not enjoying very much (but want to finish anyway since I like reviewing all award nominees).

31 July, 2021 05:37AM

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel Hide Author

RcppAnnoy 0.0.19 on CRAN: Maintenance

annoy image

A minor maintenance release, now at version 0.0.19, of RcppAnnoy is now on CRAN. RcppAnnoy is the Rcpp-based R integration of the nifty Annoy library by Erik Bernhardsson. Annoy is a small and lightweight C++ template header library for very fast approximate nearest neighbours—originally developed to drive the famous Spotify music discovery algorithm.

This release only contains internal packaging changes. Nothing changes upstream, or in package functionality. Detailed changes follow.

Changes in version 0.0.19 (2021-07-30)

  • Minor tweaks to default CI setup and DESCRIPTION file

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for this release.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

31 July, 2021 02:17AM

July 30, 2021

hackergotchi for Jonathan Dowland

Jonathan Dowland Hide Author

Accounting: pooling income

I wrote about budgeting nine years ago and I've been a little reluctant to write about it again: by far, it's the blog post that has attracted the most requests from people asking me to link to their blog, site, or service.

I wasn't good at budgeting then and I'm still not good at it now, although I have learned a few things in the intervening time. Those things more properly relate to accounting than budgeting (so there's the first thing: I learned the difference!). I wanted to write about some of the things I've learned since then, starting with our family's approach to pooling income.


From talking to friends about how they manage stuff, this doesn't seem to be a common approach. We pay all our income into a shared account. We agree on an amount of "play money" that we can individually spend on whatever we like, and we pay that amount to ourselves from the shared account every month. Crucially, the amount we pick is the same for each of us, irrespective of our relative incomes. All of our shared family expenses come out of the shared account.

Some of my friends, especially (exclusively) the bread-winners, find this a bit alarming. One of the things I like about it is that whichever partner earns less than the other is not disadvantaged in terms of their discretionary spending. When my wife earned less than me, and I believe structural sexism was a contributing factor to that, that impacted us both equally. When my wife was not earning a salary at all, but was doing the lion's share of bringing up our children, she has the same discretionary spend as I do. Apart from the equity of it, there's a whole class of gripes and grumbles that some of my friends have about their partner's spending habits or money management that we completely avoid.

30 July, 2021 03:44PM

Anton Gladky Hide Author

2021/07, FLOSS activity


This is my fifth month of working for LTS. I was assigned 12 hrs and worked all of them.

Released DLAs

  1. DLA 2705-1 scilab_5.5.2-4+deb9u1

    • CVE-2021-31598: Out-of-bounds write in ezxml_decode() leading to heap corruption
    • CVE-2021-31347, CVE-2021-31348: incorrect memory handling in ezxml_parse_str() leading to out-of-bounds read
    • CVE-2021-31229: Out-of-bounds write in ezxml_internal_dtd() leading to out-of-bounds write of a one byte constant
    • CVE-2021-30485: incorrect memory handling, leading to a NULL pointer dereference in ezxml_internal_dtd()

    With this upload not all opened CVEs were closed in this package. Because some of CVEs were not fixed yet by upstream. Added links to upstream bug reports for the following CVEs: CVE-2021-31598 CVE-2021-31348 CVE-2021-31347 CVE-2021-31229 CVE-2021-30485 CVE-2021-26222 CVE-2021-26221 CVE-2021-26220 CVE-2019-20202 CVE-2019-20201 CVE-2019-20200 CVE-2019-20199 CVE-2019-20198 CVE-2019-20007 CVE-2019-20006 CVE-2019-20005 into the data/CVE/list on securoty tracker.

  2. DLA 2707-1 sogo_3.2.6-2+deb9u1

    • CVE-2021-33054: SOGo does not validate the signatures of any SAML assertions it receives. Any actor with network access to the deployment could impersonate users when SAML is the authentication method.


I attended the Debian LTS team IRC-meeting this month.

Other FLOSS activities

  1. One week before the full freeze of Debian Bullseye the release-critical bug #990895 against the package httraqt was filed. Thanks to the reporter I could fix it within the hour after the ticket was created, uploaded as the version httraqt_1.4.9-5, filed an unblock-request, which was approved.

30 July, 2021 02:00PM

Reproducible Builds (diffoscope) Hide Author

diffoscope 179 released

The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 179. This version includes the following changes:

* Ensure that various LLVM tools are installed, even when testing whether
  a MacOS binary has zero differences when compared to itself.
  (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#270)

You find out more by visiting the project homepage.

30 July, 2021 12:00AM

July 28, 2021

hackergotchi for Patryk Cisek

Patryk Cisek Hide Author

Debian on TrueNAS Core under bhyve

Installing Debian/GNU Linux under bhyve on TrueNAS Core I got myself a TrueNAS Mini X+ couple of months ago. I have it running TrueNAS Core based on FreeBSD. In that system you can run VMs under FreeBSD’s native hypervisor, bhyve. Since there are a couple of quirks around running Debian specifically, I decided to write up a quick article about setting up Debian-based VM there. The quirks The ones I’ve stumbled upon were:

28 July, 2021 10:45PM by l (Patryk Cisek (patryk@cisek.emai)

July 27, 2021

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel Hide Author

RcppFarmHash 0.0.1: New CRAN Package

A new package RcppFarmHash is now on CRAN in an inaugural version 0.0.1.

RcppFarmHash wraps the Google FarmHash family of hash functions (written by Geoff Pike and contributors) that are used for example by Google BigQuery for the FARM_FINGERPRINT.

The package was prepared and uploaded yesterday afternoon, and to my surprise already on CRAN this (early) morning when I got up. So here is another #ThankYouCRAN for very smoothing operations.

The very brief NEWS entry follows:

Changes in version 0.0.1 (2021-07-25)

  • Initial version and CRAN upload

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

27 July, 2021 12:05AM

July 25, 2021

hackergotchi for Marco d'Itri

Marco d'Itri Hide Author

Run an Ansible playbook in a chroot

Running a playbook in a remote chroot or container is not supported by Ansible, but I have invented a good workaround to do it anyway.

The first step is to install Mitogen for Ansible (ansible-mitogen in Debian) and then configure ansible.cfg to use it:

strategy = mitogen_linear

But everybody should use Mitogen anyway, because it makes Ansible much faster.

The trick to have Ansible operate in a chroot is to make it call a wrapper script instead of Python. The wrapper can be created manually or by another playbook, e.g.:

  - fsroot: /mnt

  - name: Create the chroot wrapper
      dest: "/usr/local/sbin/chroot_{{inventory_hostname_short}}"
      mode: 0755
      content: |
        #!/bin/sh -e
        exec chroot {{fsroot}} /usr/bin/python3 "$@"

  - name: Continue with stage 2 inside the chroot
        - "Please run:"
        - "ansible-playbook therealplaybook.yaml -l {{inventory_hostname}} -e ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/sbin/chroot_{{inventory_hostname_short}}"

This works thanks to Mitogen, which funnels all remote tasks inside that single call to Python. It would not work with standard Ansible, because it copies files to the remote system with SFTP and would do it outside of the chroot.

The same principle can also be applied to containers by changing wrapper script, e.g:

#!/bin/sh -e
exec systemd-run --quiet --pipe --machine={{container_name}} --service-type=exec /usr/bin/python3 "$@"

After the wrapper will have been installed then you can run the real playbook by setting the ansible_python_interpreter variable, either on the command line, in the inventory or anywhere else that variables can be defined:

ansible-playbook therealplaybook.yaml -l {{inventory_hostname}} -e ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/sbin/chroot_{{inventory_hostname_short}}

25 July, 2021 03:07PM

July 23, 2021

hackergotchi for Evgeni Golov

Evgeni Golov Hide Author

It's not *always* DNS

Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure to play with Foremans Kerberos integration and iron out a few long standing kinks.

It all started with a user reminding us that Kerberos authentication is broken when Foreman is deployed on CentOS 8, as there is no more mod_auth_kerb available. Given mod_auth_kerb hasn't seen a release since 2013, this is quite understandable. Thankfully, there is a replacement available, mod_auth_gssapi. Even better, it's available in CentOS 7 and 8 and in Debian and Ubuntu too!

So I quickly whipped up a PR to completely replace mod_auth_kerb with mod_auth_gssapi in our installer and successfully tested that it still works in CentOS 7 (even if upgrading from a mod_auth_kerb installation) and CentOS 8.

Yay, the issue at hand seemed fixed. But just writing a post about that would've been boring, huh?

Well, and then I dared to test the same on Debian…

Turns out, our installer was using the wrong path to the Apache configuration and the wrong username Apache runs under while trying to setup Kerberos, so it could not have ever worked. Luckily Ewoud and I were able to fix that too. And yet the installer was still unable to fetch the keytab from my FreeIPA server 😿

Let's dig deeper! To fetch the keytab, the installer does roughly this:

# kinit -k
# ipa-getkeytab -k http.keytab -p HTTP/

And if one executes that by hand to see the a actual error, you see:

# kinit -k
kinit: Cannot determine realm for host (principal host/foreman@)

Well, yeah, the principal looks kinda weird (no realm) and the interwebs say for "kinit: Cannot determine realm for host":

  • Kerberos cannot determine the realm name for the host. (Well, duh, that's what it said?!)
  • Make sure that there is a default realm name, or that the domain name mappings are set up in the Kerberos configuration file (krb5.conf)

And guess what, all of these are perfectly set by ipa-client-install when joining the realm…

But there must be something, right? Looking at the principal in the error, it's missing both the domain of the host and the realm. I was pretty sure that my DNS and config was right, but what about gethostname(2)?

# hostname

Bingo! Let's see what happens if we force that to be an FQDN?

# hostname
# kinit -k


We're doing science here, right? And I still have the CentOS 8 box I had for the previous round of tests. What happens if we set that to have a shortname? Nothing. It keeps working fine. And what about CentOS 7? VMs are cheap. Well, that breaks like on Debian, if we force the hostname to be short. Interesting.

Is it a version difference between the systems?

  • Debian 10 has krb5 1.17-3+deb10u1
  • CentOS 7 has krb5 1.15.1-50.el7
  • CentOS 8 has krb5 1.18.2-8.el8

So, something changed in 1.18?

Looking at the krb5 1.18 changelog the following entry jumps at one: Expand single-component hostnames in host-based principal names when DNS canonicalization is not used, adding the system's first DNS search path as a suffix.

Given Debian 11 has krb5 1.18.3-5 (well, testing has, so lets pretend bullseye will too), we can retry the experiment there, and it shows that it works with both, short and full hostname. So yeah, it seems krb5 "does the right thing" since 1.18, and before that gethostname(2) must return an FQDN.

I've documented that for our users and can now sleep a bit better. At least, it wasn't DNS, right?!

Btw, freeipa won't be in bulsseye, which makes me a bit sad, as that means that Foreman won't be able to automatically join FreeIPA realms if deployed on Debian 11.

23 July, 2021 06:36PM by evgeni

hackergotchi for Bits from Debian

Bits from Debian Hide Author

New Debian Developers and Maintainers (May and June 2021)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months:

  • Timo Röhling (roehling)
  • Patrick Franz (deltaone)
  • Christian Ehrhardt (paelzer)
  • Fabio Augusto De Muzio Tobich (ftobich)
  • Taowa (taowa)
  • Félix Sipma (felix)
  • Étienne Mollier (emollier)
  • Daniel Swarbrick (dswarbrick)
  • Hanno Wagner (wagner)

The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months:

  • Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
  • Hugh McMaster


23 July, 2021 01:00PM by Jean-Pierre Giraud

July 22, 2021

hackergotchi for Charles Plessy

Charles Plessy Hide Author

Search in Debian's sources

Via my work on the media-types package,

I wanted to know which packages were using the media type application/x-xcf, which apparently is not correct (#991158). The site gives the answer. (Thanks!)

Moreover, one can create a user key, for command-line remote access; here is an example below (the file dcs-apikeyHeader-plessy.txt contains x-dcs-apikey: followed by my access key).

curl -X GET "" -H @dcs-apikeyHeader-plessy.txt > result.json

The result is serialised in JSON. Here is how I transformed it to make a list of email addresses that I could easily paste in mutt.

cat result.json |
  jq --raw-output '.[]."package"' |
  dd-list --stdin |
  sed -e '/^ /d' -e '/^$/'d -e 's/$/,/' -e 's/^/  /'

22 July, 2021 08:24AM

July 21, 2021

Molly de Blanc Hide Author

Updates (2)

I feel like I haven’t had a lot to say about open source or, in general, tech for a while. From another perspective, I have a whole lot of heady things to say about open source and technology and writing about it seems like a questionable use of time when I have so much other writing and reading and job hunting to do. I will briefly share the two ideas I am obsessed with at the moment, and then try to write more about them later.

The Defensible-Charitable-Beneficent Trichotamy

I will just jokingly ha ha no but  seriously maybe jk suggest calling this the de Blanc-West Theory, considering it’s heavily based on ideas from Ben West.

Actions fall into one of the following categories:

Defensible: When an action is defensible, it is permissible, acceptable, or okay. We might not like it, but you can explain why you had to do it and we can’t really object. This could also be considered the “bare minimum.”

Charitable: A charitable action is “better” than a defensible action in that it produces more good, and it goes above and beyond the minimum.

Beneficent: This is a genuinely good action that produces good. It is admirable.

I love J.J. Thomson example of Henry Fonda for this. For a full explanation see section three at this web site. For a summary: imagine that you’re sick and the only thing that can cure you is Henry Fonda’s cool touch on your fevered brow. It is Defensible for Henry Fonda to do nothing — he doesn’t owe you anything in particular. It is Charitable for, say if Henry Fonda happened to be in the room, to walk across it and touch your forehead. It is Beneficent for Henry Fonda to re-corporealize back into this life and travel to your bedside to sooth your strange illness. P.S. Henry Fonda died in 1982.

I don’t think these ideas are particularly new, but it’s important to think about what we’re doing with technology and its design: are our decisions defensible, charitable, or beneficent? Which should they be? Why?

The Offsetting Harm-Ameliorating Harm-Doing Good Trichotamy

I’ve been doing some research and writing around carbon credits. I owe a lot of thanks to Philip Withnall and Adam Lerner for talking with me through these ideas. Extrapolating from action and policy recommendations, I suggest the following trichotamy:

Offsetting harm is attempting to look at the damage you’ve done and try to make up for it in some capacity. In the context of, e.g., air travel, this would be purchasing carbon credits.

Ameliorating harm is about addressing the particular harm you’ve done. Instead of carbon credits, you would be supporting carbon capture technologies or perhaps giving to or otherwise supporting groups and ecosystems that are being harmed by your air travel.

Doing Good is Doing Good. This would be like not traveling by air and choosing to still help the harm being caused by carbon emissions.

These ideas are also likely not particularly new, but thinking about technology in this context is also useful, especially as we consider technology in the context of climate change.

21 July, 2021 08:57PM by mollydb

hackergotchi for Sean Whitton

Sean Whitton Hide Author

Delivering Common Lisp executables using Consfigurator

I realised this week that my recent efforts to improve how Consfigurator makes the fork(2) system call have also created a way to install executables to remote systems which will execute arbitrary Common Lisp code. Distributing precompiled programs using free software implementations of the Common Lisp standard tends to be more of a hassle than with a lot of other high level programming languages. Executables will often be hundreds of megabytes in size even if your codebase is just a few megabytes, because the whole interactive Common Lisp environment gets bundled along with your program’s code. Commercial Common Lisp implementations manage to do better, as I understand it, by knowing how to shake out unused code paths. Consfigurator’s new mechanism uploads only changed source code, which might only be kilobytes in size, and updates the executable on the remote system. So it should be useful for deploying Common Lisp-powered web services, and the like.

Here’s how it works. When you use Consfigurator you define an ASDF system – analagous to a Python package or Perl distribution – called your “consfig”. This defines HOST objects to represent the machines that you’ll use Consfigurator to manage, and any custom properties, functions those properties call, etc.. An ASDF system can depend upon other systems; for example, every consfig depends upon Consfigurator itself. When you execute Consfigurator deployments, Consfigurator uploads the source code of any ASDF systems that have changed since you last deployed this host, starts up Lisp on the remote machine, and loads up all the systems. Now the remote Lisp image is in a similarly clean state to when you’ve just started up Lisp on your laptop and loaded up the libraries you’re going to use. Only then are the actual deployment instructions are sent on stdin.

What I’ve done this week is insert an extra step for the remote Lisp image in between loading up all the ASDF systems and reading the deployment from stdin: the image calls fork(2) and establishes a pipe to communicate with the child process. The child process can be sent Lisp forms to evaluate, but for each Lisp form it receives it will actually fork again, and have its child process evaluate the form. Thus, going into the deployment, the original remote Lisp image has the capability to have arbitrary Lisp forms evaluated in a context in which all that has happened is that a statically defined set of ASDF systems has been loaded – the child processes never see the full deployment instructions sent on stdin. Further, the child process responsible for actually evaluating the Lisp form received from the first process first forks off another child process and sets up its own control pipe, such that it too has the capacbility to have arbitrary Lisp forms evaluated in a cleanly loaded context, no matter what else it might put in its memory in the meantime. (Things are set up such that the child processes responsible for actually evaluating the Lisp forms never see the Lisp forms received for evaluation by other child processes, either.)

So suppose now we have an ASDF system, and there is a function (start-server PORT) which we should call to start listening for connections. Then we can make our consfig depend upon that ASDF system, and do something like this:

CONSFIG> (deploy-these ((:ssh :user "root") :sbcl)
           ;; Set up Apache to proxy requests to our service.
           (apache:https-vhost ...)
           ;; Now apply a property to dump the image.
           (image-dumped "/usr/local/bin/cool-web-service"
                         '(cool-web-service:start-server 1234)))

Consfigurator will: SSH to; upload all the ASDF source for your consfig and its dependencies; compile and load that code into a remote SBCL process; call fork(2) and set up the control pipe; receive the applications of APACHE:HTTPS-VHOST and IMAGE-DUMPED shown above from your laptop, on stdin; apply the APACHE:HTTPS-VHOST property to ensure that Apache is proxying connections to port 1234; send a request into the control pipe to have the child process fork again and dump an executable which, when started, will evaluate the form (cool-web-service:start-server 1234). And that form will get evaluated in a pristine Lisp image, where the only meaningful things that have happened is that some ASDF systems have been loaded and a single fork(2) has taken place. You’d probably need to add some other properties to add some mechanism for actually invoking /usr/local/bin/cool-web-service and restarting it when the executable is updated.

(Background: The primary reason why Consfigurator’s remote Lisp images need to call fork(2) is that they need to do things like setuid from root to other accounts and enter chroots without getting stuck in those contexts. Previously we forked right before entering such contexts, but that meant that Consfigurator deployments could never be multithreaded, because it might later be necessary to fork, and you can’t usually do that once you’ve got more than one thread running. So now we fork before doing anything else, so that the parent can then go multithreaded if desired, but can still execute subdeployments in contexts like chroots by sending Lisp forms to evaluate in those contexts into the control pipe.)

21 July, 2021 08:30PM

Antoine Beaupré Hide Author

Hacking my Kobo Clara HD

I just got a new Kobo ebook reader, a Kobo Clara HD. It's pretty similar to the Glo HD I had but which has unfortunately died after 5 years, even after trying to replace the battery.

Quick hardware review

This is a neat little device. It's very similar to the Glo HD, which is a bit disappointing: you'd think they would have improved on the design in the 5+ years since the Glo HD has come out.. It does have an "amber" night light which is nice, but the bezel is still not level with the display, and the device is still kind of on the thick side. A USB-C (instead of micro-USB) port would have been nice too.

But otherwise, it's pretty slick, and just works. And because the hardware design didn't change, I can still hack at it like a madman, which is really why I bought this thing in the first place.

Hopefully it will last longer than 5 years. Ebook readers should really last for decades, not years, but I guess that's too much to expect from our consumerist, suicidal, extinctionist society.

Configuration hacks

Here are the hacks I done on the device. I had done many more hacks on the Kobo Glo HD, but I decided to take a more streamlined, minimalist and, hopefully, easier for new users than the pile of hacks I was doing before (which I expand on at the end of the article).

SD card replacement

I replaced the SD card. The original card shipped with the Clara HD was 8GB which meant all my books actually fitted on the original, but just barely. The new card is 16GB.

Unfortunately, I did this procedure almost at the end of this guide (right before writing the syncthing scripts, below). Next time, that should be the first thing done so the original SD card acts as a pristine copy of the upstream firmware. So even though this seems like an invasive and difficult procedure, I actually do recommend you do it first.

The process is basically to:

  1. crack open the Kobo case (don't worry, it sounds awful but I've done it often)
  2. take the SD card out
  3. copy it over to a new, larger card (say on your computer)
  4. put the larger card in

This guide has all the details.

Registration bypass hack

This guide (from the same author!) has this awesome trick to bypass the annoying registration step. Basically:

  1. pretend you do not have wifi
  2. mount the device
  3. sqlite3 /media/.../KOBOeReader/.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite
  4. INSERT INTO user(UserID,UserKey) VALUES('1','');
  5. unmount the device

More details in the above guide, again.

Install koreader

My e-reader of choise is Koreader. It's just that great. I still don't find the general user interface (ie. the "file browswer") as intuitive as the builtin one, but the book reading just feels better. And anyways it's the easier way to get a shell on the device.

Follow those instructions, particularly the NickelMenu instructions (see also the NickelMenu home page). Yes, you need to install some other thing to start koreader, which doesn't start on its own. NickelMenu is the simplest and better integrated I have found.

You might also want to install some dictionnaries and configure SSH:

  1. mount USB
  2. drop your SSH public key in .../KOBOeReader/.adds/koreader/settings/SSH/authorized_keys
  3. unmount USB
  4. enable SSH in koreader (Gear -> Network -> SSH -> start SSH)

Note that ed25519 keys do not work: try an RSA key. This might be because koreader ships with dropbear (or an older version), but I haven't verified this.

Install syncthing

I use Syncthing to copy all my books into the device now. I was previously using Koreader's OPDS support with Calibre's web interface, but that was clunky and annoying, and I'd constantly have to copy books around. Now the entire collection is synchronized.

As a bonus, I can actually synchronise (and backup!) the koreader metadata, since it's stored next to the files. So in theory, this means I could use koreader from multiple devices and have my reading progress sync'd, but I haven't tested that feature just yet.

I chose Syncthing because it's simple, lightweight, supported on Linux and Android, and statically compiles by default which means it's easy to deploy on the Kobo.

Here is how I installed and started Syncthing at first:

  1. Download the latest version for ARM
  2. extract the archive
  3. copy the syncthing binary into .../KOBOeReader/.adds/
  4. login over SSH (see above on how to enable) with -p 2222 -l root
  5. create the following directory: ~/.config/syncthing/
  6. create the following configuration file, named config.xml:

    <configuration version="18">
        <gui enabled="true" tls="false" debugging="false">
  7. copy a valid ca-certificates.crt file (say from your Linux desktop) into /etc/ssl/certs/ on the Kobo (otherwise syncthing cannot bootstrap discovery servers)
  8. launch syncthing over SSH: /mnt/onboard/.adds/syncthing

You should now be able to connect to the syncthing GUI through your web browser.

Immediately change the GUI admin user and password on the Settings: GUI tab.

Then, figure out how to start it. Here are your options:

  1. on boot (inittab or whatever). downside: power usage.
  2. on wifi (udev hacks). downside: unreliable (see wallabako).
  3. on demand (e.g. nickel menu, koreader terminal shortcuts). downside: kind of clunky in koreader, did not work in nickel menu.
  4. manually, through shell. downside: requires a shell, but then again we already have one through koreader?

What I have done is to write trivial shell scripts (in .../KOBOeReader/scripts) to start syncthing. The first is


/mnt/onboard/.adds/syncthing serve &



/usr/bin/pkill syncthing

This makes those scripts usable from the koreader file browser. Then the folder can be added to the folder shortcuts and a long-hold on the script will allow you to execute it.

Still have to figure out why the Nickel Menu script is not working, but it could simply reuse the above to simplify debugging. This is the script I ended up with, in .../KOBOeReader/.adds/nm/syncthing:

menu_item :main    :Syncthing (toggle)    :cmd_spawn         :exec /mnt/onboard/scripts/
    chain_success                      :cmd_spawn          :exec /mnt/onboard/scripts/
    chain_success                      :dbg_toast          :Started Syncthing server
    chain_failure                      :dbg_toast          :Error starting Syncthing server
  chain_success                        :dbg_toast          :Stopped Syncthing server
menu_item :main    :Syncthing (start)    :cmd_output         :exec /mnt/onboard/scripts/
menu_item :main    :Syncthing (stop)    :cmd_output         :exec /mnt/onboard/scripts/

It's unclear why this doesn't work: I only get "Error starting Syncthing server" for the toggle, and no output for the (start) action. In either case, syncthing doesn't actually start.

Avoided tasks

This list wouldn't be complete without listing more explicitly the stuff I have done before on the Kobo Glo HD and which I have deliberately decided not to do here because my time is precious:

  • plato install: beautiful project, but koreader is good enough
  • wallabako setup: too much work to maintain, Wallabag articles are too distracting and available on my phone anyways
  • using calibre to transfer books: not working half the time, different file layout than the source, one less Calibre dependency
  • using calibre to generate e-books based on RSS feeds (yes, I did that, and yes, it was pretty bad and almost useless)
  • SSH support: builtin to koreader

Now maybe I'll have time to actually read a book...

21 July, 2021 01:44AM

July 20, 2021

hackergotchi for Patryk Cisek

Patryk Cisek Hide Author

Authentication in an Enterprise

I’d like to shed some light at the process of Authentication since it’s a fundamental building block in creating secure tools that need to communicate with other actors over the network. When tools and/or users interact with one another – e.g., through a web browser – both ends of the interactions need a way to make sure, they’re communicating with the right party. Some bad actor might for example create a web page that looks like your bank’s online banking portal.

20 July, 2021 04:47PM by l (Patryk Cisek (patryk@cisek.emai)

Enrico Zini Hide Author

Run a webserver for a specific user *only*

I'm creating a program that uses the web browser for its user interface, and I'm reasonably sure I'm not the first person doing this.

Normally such a problem would listen to a port on localhost, and tell the browser to connect to it. Bonus points for listening to a randomly allocated free port, so that one does not need to involve some amount of luck to get the program started.

However, using a local port still means that any user on the local machine can connect to it, which is generally a security issue.

A possible solution would be to use AF_UNIX Unix Domain Sockets, which are supported by various web servers, but as far as I understand not currently by browsers. I checked Firefox and Chrome, and they currently seem to fail to even acknowledge the use case.

I'm reasonably sure I'm not the first person doing this, and yes, it's intended as an understatement.

So, dear Lazyweb, is there a way to securely use a browser as a UI for a user's program, without exposing access to the backend to other users in the system?

Access token in the URL

Emanuele Di Giacomo suggests to add an access token to the URL that gets passed to the browser.

This would work to protect access on localhost: even if the application cannot use HTTPS, other users cannot see packets that go through the local interface, so both the access token and the session cookie that one could send afterwards would be protected.

Network namespaces

I thought about isolating server and browser in a private network namespace with something like unshare(1), but it seems to require root.

Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues wrote to correct that:

It's possible to unshare the network namespace by first unsharing the user namespace and thus becoming root which is possible without being root since #898446 got fixed.

For example you can run this as the normal user:

lxc-usernsexec -- lxc-unshare -s NETWORK -- ip addr

If you don't want to depend on lxc, you can write a wrapper in Perl or Python. I have a Perl implementation of that in mmdebstrap.


Martin Schuster wrote to suggest another option:

I had the same issue. My approach was "weird", but worked: Block /outgoing/ connections to the port, unless the uid is correct. That might be counter-intuitive, but of course all connections /to/ localhost will be done /from/ localhost also.

Something like:

iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d localhost --dport 8123 -m owner --uid-owner joe -j ACCEPT

iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d localhost --dport 8123 -j REJECT

20 July, 2021 10:39AM

July 19, 2021

Antonio Terceiro Hide Author

Getting help with autopkgtest for your package

If you have been involved in Debian packaging at all in the last few years, you are probably aware that autopkgtest is now an important piece of the Debian release process. Back in 2018, the automated testing migration process started considering autopkgtest test results as part of its decision making.

Since them, this process has received several improvements. For example, during the bullseye freeze, non-key packages with a non-trivial autopkgtest test suite could migrate automatically to testing without their maintainers needing to open unblock requests, provided there was no regression in theirs autopkgtest (or those from their reverse dependencies).

Since 2014 when was first introduced, we have seen an amazing increase in the number of packages in Debian that can be automatically tested. We went from around 100 to 15,000 today. This means not only happier maintainers because their packages get to testing faster, but also improved quality assurance for Debian as a whole.

Chart showing the number of packages tested by Starts from close to 0 in 2014, up to 15,000 in 2021. The growth tendency seems to slow down in the last year

However, the growth rate seems to be decreasing. Maybe the low hanging fruit have all been picked, or maybe we just need to help more people jump in the automated testing bandwagon.

With that said, we would like to encourage and help more maintainers to add autopkgtest to their packages. To that effect, I just created the autopkgtest-help repository on salsa, where we will take help requests from maintainers working on autopkgtest for their packages.

If you want help, please go ahead and create an issue in there. To quote the repository README:

Valid requests:

  • "I want to add autopkgtest to package X. X is a tool that [...] and it works by [...]. How should I approach testing it?"

    It's OK if you have no idea where to start. But at least try to describe your package, what it does and how it works so we can try to help you.

  • "I started writing autopkgtest for X, here is my current work in progress [link]. But I encountered problem Y. How to I move forward?"

    If you already have an autopkgtest but is having trouble making it work as you think it should, you can also ask here.

Invalid requests:

  • "Please write autopkgtest for my package X for me".

    As with anything else in free software, please show appreciation for other people's time, and do your own research first. If you pose your question with enough details (see above) and make it interesting, it may be that whoever answers will write at least a basic structure for you, but as the maintainer you are still the expert in the package and what tests are relevant.

If you ask your question soon, you might get your answer recorded in video: we are going to have a DebConf21 talk next month, where we I and Paul Gevers (elbrus) will answer a few autopkgtest questions in video for posterity.

Now, if you have experience enabling autopkgtest for you own packages, please consider watching that repository there to help us help our fellow maintainers.

19 July, 2021 09:00PM

July 18, 2021

hackergotchi for Shirish Agarwal

Shirish Agarwal Hide Author

BBI Kenyan Supreme Court, U.P. Population Bill, South Africa, ‘Suli Deals’, IT rules 2021, Sedition Law and Danish Siddiqui’s death.

BBI Kenya and live Supreme Court streaming on YT

The last few weeks have been unrelenting as all sorts of news have been coming in, mostly about the downturn in the Economy, Islamophobia in India on the rise, Covid, and electioneering. However, in the last few days, Kenya surpassed India in live-streaming proceeds in a Court of Appeals about BBI or Building Bridges Initiative. A background filler article on the topic can be found in BBC. The live-streaming was done via YT and if wants to they can start from –

One can also subscribe to K24TV which took the initiative of sharing the proceedings with people worldwide. If K24TV continues to share SC proceedings of Kenya, that would add to the soft power of Kenya. I will not go into the details of the case as Gautam Bhatia who has been following the goings-on in Kenya is a far better authority on the subject. In fact, just recently he shared about another Kenyan judgment from a trial which can be seen here. He has shared the proceedings and some hot takes on the Twitter thread started by him. Probably after a couple of weeks or more when he has processed what all has happened there, he may also share some nuances although many of his thoughts would probably go to his book on Comparative Constitutional Law which he hopes to publish maybe in 2021/2022 or whenever he can. Such televised proceedings are sure to alleviate the standing of Kenya internationally. There has been a proposal to do similar broadcasts by India but with surveillance built-in, so they know who is watching. The problems with the architecture and the surveillance built-in have been shared by Srinivas Kodali or DigitalDutta quite a few times, but that probably is a story for another day.

Uttar Pradesh Population Control Bill

Hindus comprise 83% of Indian couples with more than two child children

The U.P. Population Bill came and it came with lot of prejudices. One of the prejudices is the idea that Muslims create or procreate to have the most children. Even with data is presented as shared above from NFHS National Family Health Survey which is supposed to carry our surveys every few years did the last one around 4 years back. The analysis from it has been instrumental not only in preparing graphs as above but also sharing about what sort of death toll must have been in rural India. And as somebody who have had the opportunity in the past, can vouch that you need to be extremely lucky if something happens to you when you are in a rural area.

Even in places like Bodh Gaya (have been there) where millions of tourists come as it is one of the places not to be missed on the Buddhism tourist circuit, the medical facilities are pretty underwhelming. I am not citing it simply because there are too many such newspaper reports from even before the pandemic, and both the State and the Central Govt. response has been dismal. Just a few months back, they were recalled. There were reports of votes being bought at INR 1000/- (around $14) and a bottle or two of liquor. There used to be a time when election monitoring whether national or state used to be a thing, and you had LTO’s (Long-time Observers) and STO’s (Short-Term Observers) to make sure that the election has been neutral. This has been on the decline in this regime, but that probably is for another time altogether. Although, have to point out the article which I had shared a few months ago on the private healthcare model is flawed especially for rural areas. Instead of going for cheap, telemedicine centers that run some version of a Linux distro. And can provide a variety of services, I know Kerala and Tamil Nadu from South India have experimented in past but such engagements need to be scaled up. This probably will come to know when the next time I visit those places (sadly due to the virus, not anytime soonish.:( ) .

Going back to the original topic, though, I had shared Hans Rosling’s famous Ted talk on population growth which shows that even countries which we would not normally associate with family planning for e.g. the middle-east and Africa have also been falling quite rapidly. Of course, when people have deeply held prejudices, then it is difficult. Even when sharing China as to how they had to let go of their old policy in 2016 as they had the thing for ‘leftover men‘. I also shared the powerful movie So Long my Son. I even shared how in Haryana women were and are trafficked and have been an issue for centuries but as neither suits the RW propaganda, they simply refuse to engage. They are more repulsed by people who publish this news rather than those who are actually practicing it, as that is ‘culture’. There is also teenage pregnancy, female infanticide, sex-selective abortion, etc., etc. It is just all too horrible to contemplate.

Personal anecdote – I know a couple, or they used to be a couple, where the gentleman wanted to have a male child. It was only after they got an autistic child, they got their DNA tested and came to know that the gentleman had a genetic problem. He again forced and had another child, and that too turned out to be autistic. Finally, he left the wife and the children, divorced them and lived with another woman. Almost a decade of the wife’s life was ruined. The wife before marriage was a gifted programmer employed at IBM. This was an arranged marriage. After this, if you are thinking of marrying, apart from doing astrology charts, also look up DNA compatibility charts. Far better than ruining yours or the women’s life. Both the children whom I loved are now in heaven, god bless them 😦

If one wants to, one can read a bit more about the Uttar Pradesh Population bill here. The sad part is that the systems which need fixing, nobody wants to fix. The reason being simple. If you get good health service by public sector, who will go to the private sector. In Europe, AFAIK they have the best medical bang for the money. Even the U.S. looks at Europe and hopes it had the systems that Europe has but that again is probably for another day.

South Africa and India long-lost brothers.

As had shared before, after the 2016 South African Debconf convention, I had been following South Africa. I was happy when FeesMustFall worked and in 2017 the then ANC president Zuma declared it in late 2017. I am sure that people who have been regular visitors to this blog know how my position is on student loans. They also must be knowing that even in U.S. till the 1970s it had free education all the way to be a lawyer and getting a lawyer license. It is only when people like Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King Jr., and others from the civil rights movement came out as a major force that the capitalists started imposing fees. They wanted people who could be sold to corporate slavery, and they won. Just last week, Biden took some steps and canceled student loans and is working on steps towards broad debt forgiveness.

Interestingly, NASA has an affirmative diversity program for people from diverse backgrounds, where a couple of UC (Upper Caste) women got the job. While they got the job, the RW (Right-Wing) was overjoyed as they got jobs on ‘merit’. Later, it was found that both the women were the third or fourth generation of immigrants in U.S.

NASA Federal Equal Opportunity Policy Directive NPD 3713 2H

Going back to the original question and topic, while there has been a concerning spate of violence, some calling it the worst sort of violence not witnessed since 1994. The problem, as ascertained in that article, is the same as here in India or elsewhere.

Those, again, who have been on my blog know that ‘merit’ 90% of the time is a function of privilege and there is a vast amount of academic literature which supports that.

If, for a moment, you look at the data that is shared in the graph above which shows that 83% of Hindus and 13% of Muslims have more than 2 children, what does it show, it shows that 83+13 = 96% of the population is living in insecurity. The 5% are the ones who have actually consolidated more power during this regime rule in India. Similarly, from what I understood living in Cape Town for about a month, it is the Dutch ‘Afrikaans’ as they like to call themselves and the immigrants who come from abroad who have enjoyed the fruits of tourism and money and power while the rest of the country is dying due to poverty. It is the same there, it is the same here. Corruption is also rampant in both countries, and the judiciary is virtually absent from both communities in India and SA. Interestingly, South Africa and India have been at loggerheads, but I suspect that is more due to the money and lobbying power by the Dutch. Usually, those who have money power, do get laws and even press on their side, and it is usually the ruling party in power. I cannot help but share about the Gupta brothers and their corruption as I came to know about it in 2016. And as have shared that I’m related to Gupta’s on my mother’s side, not those specific ones but Gupta as a clan. The history of the Gupta dynasty does go back to the 3rd-4th century.

Equally interesting have been Sonali Ranade’s series of articles which she wrote in National Herald, the latest on exports which is actually the key to taking India out of poverty rather than anything else. While in other countries Exporters are given all sort of subsidies, here it is being worked as how to give them less. This was in Economic times hardly a week back 😦

Export incentive schemes being reduced

I can’t imagine the incredible stupidity done by the Finance Minister. And then in an attempt to prove that, they will attempt to present a rosy picture with numbers that have nothing to do with reality.

Interestingly enough, India at one time was a major exporter of apples, especially from Kashmir. Now instead of exporting, we are importing them from Afghanistan as well as Belgium and now even from the UK. Those who might not want to use the Twitter link could use this article. Of course, what India got out of this trade deal is not known. One can see that the UK got the better deal from this. Instead of investing in our own capacity expansion, we are investing in increasing the capacity of others. This is at the time when due to fuel price hike (Central taxes 66%) demand is completely flat. And this is when our own CEA (Chief Economic Adviser) tells us that growth will be at the most 6-7% and that too in 2023-2024 while currently, the inflation rate is around 12%. Is it then any wonder that almost 70% are living on Govt. ration and people in the streets of Kolkata, Assam, and other places have to sell kidneys to make sure they have some money for their kids for tomorrow. Now I have nothing against the UK but trade negotiation is an art. Sadly, this has been going on for the last few years. The politicians in India fool the public by always telling of future trade deals. Sadly, as any businessman knows, once you have compromised, you always have to compromise. And the more you compromise, the more you weaken the hand for any future trade deals. 😦

IIT pupil tries to sell kidney to repay loan, but no takers for Dalit organ.

The above was from yesterday’s Times of India. Just goes to show how much people are suffering. There have been reports in vernacular papers of quite a few people from across regions and communities are doing this so they can live without pain a bit.

Almost all the time, the politicians are saved as only few understand international trade, the diplomacy and the surrounding geopolitics around it. And this sadly, is as much to do with basic education as much as it is to any other factor 😦

Suli Deals

About a month back on the holy day of Ramzan or Ramadan as it is known in the west, which is beloved by Muslims, a couple of Muslim women were targeted and virtually auctioned. Soon, there was a flood and a GitHub repository was created where hundreds of Muslim women, especially those who have a voice and fearlessly talk about their understanding about issues and things, were being virtually auctioned. One week after the FIR was put up, to date none of the people mentioned in the FIR have been arrested. In fact, just yesterday, there was an open letter which was published by livelaw. I have saved a copy on WordPress just in case something does go wrong. Other than the disgust we feel, can’t say much as no action being taken by GOI and police.

IT Rules 2021 and Big Media

After almost a year of sleeping when most activists were screaming hoarsely about how the new IT rules are dangerous for one and all, big media finally woke up a few weeks back and listed a writ petition in Madras High Court of the same. Although to be frank, the real writ petition was filed In February 2021, classical singer, performer T.M. Krishna in Madras High Court. Again, a copy of the writ petition, I have hosted on WordPress. On 23rd June 2021, a group of 13 media outlets and a journalist have challenged the IT Rules, 2021.

The Contention came from Digital News Publishers Association which is made up of the following news companies: ABP Network Private Limited, Amar Ujala Limited, DB Corp Limited, Express Network Pvt Ltd, HT Digital Streams Limited, IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd, Jagran Prakashan Limited, Lokmat Media Private Limited, NDTV Convergence Limited, TV Today Network Limited, The Malayala Manorama Co (P) Ltd, Times Internet Limited, and Ushodaya Enterprises Private Limited. All the above are heavyweights in the markets where they operate. The reason being simple, when these media organizations came into being, the idea was to have self-regulation, which by and large has worked. Now, the present Govt. wants each news item to be okayed by them before publication. This is nothing but blatant misuse of power and an attempt at censorship. In fact, the Tamil Nadu BJP president himself made a promise of the same. And of course, what is true and what is a lie, only GOI knows and will decide for the rest of the country. If somebody remembers Joseph Goebbels at this stage, it is merely a coincidence. Anyways, 3 days ago Supreme Court on 14th July the Honorable Supreme Court asked the Madras High Court to transfer all the petitions to SC. This, the Madras High Court denied as cited/shared by Meera Emmanuel, a reporter who works with barandbench. The Court says nothing doing, let this happen and then the SC can entertain the motion of doing it that level. At the same time, they would have the benefit of Madras High Court opinion as well. It gave the center two weeks to file a reply. So, either of end-week of July or latest by August first week, we might be able to read the Center’s reply on the same. The SC could do a forceful intervention, but it would lead to similar outrage as has been witnessed in the past when a judge commented that if the SC has to do it all, then why do we need the High Courts, district courts etc. let all the solutions come from SC itself. This was, admittedly, frustration on the part of the judge, but due in part to the needless intervention of SC time and time again. But the concerns had been felt around all the different courts in the country.

Sedition Law

A couple of days ago, the Supreme Court under the guidance of Honorable CJI NV Ramanna, entertained the PIL filed by Maj Gen S G Vombatkere (Retd.) which asked simply that the sedition law which was used in the colonial times by the British to quell dissent by Mahatma Gandhi and Bal Gangadhar Tilak during the Indian freedom struggle. A good background filler article can be found on MSN which tells about some recent cases but more importantly how historically the sedition law was used to quell dissent during India’s Independence. Another article on MSN actually elaborates on the PIL filed by Maj Gen S. G. Vombatkere. Another article on MSN tells how sedition law has been challenged and changed in 10 odd countries. I find it equally sad and equally hilarious that the Indian media whose job is to share news and opinion on this topic is being instead of being shared more by MSN. Although, I would be bereft of my duty if I did not share the editorial on the same topic by the Hindu and Deccan Chronicle. Also, an interesting question to ask is, are there only 10 countries in the world that have sedition laws? AFAIK, there are roughly 200 odd countries as recognized by WTO. If 190 odd countries do not have sedition laws, it also tells a lot about them and a lot about the remaining 10. Also, it came to light that police are still filing laws under sec66A which was declared null and void a few years ago. It was replaced with section 124A if memory serves right and it has more checks and balances.

Danish Siddiqui, Pulitzer award-winning and death in Afghanistan

Before I start with Danish Siddiqui, let me share an anecdote that I think I have shared on the blog years ago about how photojournalists are. Again, those who know me and those who follow me know how much I am mad both about trains and planes (civil aviation). A few months back, I had shared a blog post about some of the biggest railway systems in the world which shows that privatization of Railways doesn’t necessarily lead to up-gradation of services but definitely leads to an increase in tariff/fares. Just had a conversation couple of days ago on Twitter and realized that need to also put a blog post about civil aviation in India and the problems it faces, but I digress.

This was about a gentleman who wanted to take a photo of a particular train coming out of a valley at a certain tunnel at two different heights, one from below and one from above the train. This was several years ago, and while I did share that award-winning photograph then, it probably would take me quite a bit of time and effort to again look it up on my blog and share.

The logistics though were far more interesting and intricate than I had first even thought of. We came around a couple of days before the train was supposed to pass that tunnel and the valley. More than half a dozen or maybe more shots were taken throughout the day by the cameras. The idea was to see how much light was being captured by the cameras and how much exposure was to be given so that the picture isn’t whitened out or is too black.

Weather is the strangest of foes for a photojournalist or even photographers, and the more you are in nature, the more unpredictable it is and can be. We were also at a certain height, so care had to be taken in case light rainfall happens or dew falls, both not good for digital cameras.

And dew is something which will happen regardless of what you want. So while the two days our gentleman cameraman fiddled with the settings to figure out correct exposure settings, we had one other gentleman who was supposed to take the train from an earlier station and apprise us if the train was late or not.

The most ideal time would be at 0600 hrs. When the train would enter the tunnel and come out and the mixture of early morning sun rays, dew, the flowers in the valley, and the train would give a beautiful effect. We could stretch it to maybe 0700 hrs.

Anything after that would just be useless, as it wouldn’t have the same effect. And of all this depended on nature. If the skies were to remain too dark, nothing we could do about it, if the dewdrops didn’t fall it would all be over.

On the day of the shoot, we were told by our compatriot that the train was late by half an hour. We sank a little on hearing that news. Although Photoshop and others can do touch-ups, most professionals like to take as authentic a snap as possible. Everything had been set up to perfection. The wide-angle lenses on both the cameras with protections were set up. The tension you could cut with a knife. While we had a light breakfast, I took a bit more and went in the woods to shit and basically not be there. This was too tensed up for me. Returned an hour to find everybody in a good mood. Apparently, the shoot went well. One of the two captured it for good enough. Now, this is and was in a benign environment where the only foe was the environment. A bad shot would have meant another week in the valley, something which I was not looking forward to. Those who have lived with photographers and photojournalists know how self-involved they can be in their craft, while how grumpy they can be if they had a bad shoot. For those, who don’t know, it is challenging to be friends with such people for a long time. I wish they would scream more at nature and let out the frustrations they have after a bad shoot. But again, this is in a very safe environment.

Now let’s cut to Danish Siddiqui and the kind of photojournalism he followed. He followed a much more riskier sort of photojournalism than the one described above. Krittivas Mukherjee in his Twitter thread shared how reporters in most advanced countries are trained in multiple areas, from risk assessment to how to behave in case you are kidnapped, are in riots, hostage situations, etc. They are also trained in all sorts of medical training from treating gunshot wounds, CPR, and other survival methods. They are supposed to carry medical equipment along with their photography equipment. Sadly, these concepts are unknown in India. And even then they get killed. Sadly, he attributes his death to the ‘thrill’ of taking an exclusive photograph. And the gentleman’s bio reads that he is a diplomat. Talk about tone-deafness 😦

On another completely different level was Karen Hao who was full of empathy as she shared the humility, grace, warmth and kinship she describes in her interaction with the photojournalist. His body of work can be seen via his ted talk in 2020 where he shared a brief collage of his works. Latest, though in a turnaround, the Taliban have claimed no involvement in the death of photojournalist Danish Siddiqui. This could be in part to show the Taliban in a more favorable light as they do and would want to be showcased as progressive, even though they are forcing that all women within a certain age become concubines or marry the fighters and killing the minority Hazaras or doing vile deeds with them. Meanwhile, statements made by Hillary Clinton almost a decade, 12 years ago have come back into circulation which stated how the U.S. itself created the Taliban to thwart the Soviet Union and once that job was finished, forgot all about it. And then in 2001, it landed back in Afghanistan while the real terrorists were Saudi. To date, not all documents of 9/11 are in the public domain. One can find more information of the same here. This is gonna take probably another few years before Saudi Arabia’s whole role in the September 11 attacks will be known.

Last but not the least, came to know about the Pegasus spyware and how many prominent people in some nations were targeted, including in mine India. Will not talk more as it’s already a big blog post and Pegasus revelations need an article on its own.

18 July, 2021 10:13PM by shirishag75

Jamie McClelland Hide Author

Google and Bitly

It seems I’m the only person on the Internet who didn’t know sending email to Google with links will tank your deliverability. To my credit, I’ve been answering deliverability support questions for 16 years and this has never come up.

Until last week.

For some reason, at May First we suddenly had about three percent of our email to Google deferred with the ominous sounding:

“Our system has detected that this message is 421-4.7.0 suspicious due to the nature of the content and/or the links within.”

The quantity of email that accounts for just three percent of mail to Google is high, and caused all kinds of monitoring alarms to go off, putting us into a bit of panic.

Eventually we realized all but one of the email messages had links.

I’m still not sure whether this issue was caused by a weird and coincidental spike in users sending links to Google. Or whether some subtle change in the Google algorithm is responsible. Or some change in our IP address reputation placed greater emphasis on links.

In the end it doesn’t really matter - the real point is that until we disrupt this growing monopoly we will all be at the mercy of Google and their algorithms for email deliverability (and much, much more).

18 July, 2021 05:25PM

July 17, 2021

hackergotchi for Rapha&#235;l Hertzog

Raphaël Hertzog Hide Author

Freexian’s report about Debian Long Term Support, June 2021

A Debian LTS logo

Like each month, have a look at the work funded by Freexian’s Debian LTS offering.

Debian project funding

In June, we put aside 5775 EUR to fund Debian projects for which we’re looking forward to receive more projects from various
Debian teams! Learn more about the rationale behind this initiative in this article.

Debian LTS contributors

In June, 12 contributors have been paid to work on Debian LTS, their reports are available:

  • Abhijith PA did 18.0h (out of 14h assigned and 19h from May), thus carrying over 15h to July.
  • Anton Gladky did 12h (out of 12h assigned).
  • Ben Hutchings did 13.25h (out of 14h assigned and 2h from May), thus carrying over 2.75h to July.
  • Chris Lamb did 18h (out of 18h assigned).
  • Emilio Pozuelo Monfort did 29h (out of 40h assigned), thus carrying over 11h to July.
  • Holger Levsen‘s work was coordinating/managing the LTS team, he did 3.5h (out of 12h assigned) and gave back 8.5h to the pool.
  • Markus Koschany did 29.75h (out of 30h assigned plus 29.75h from May), thus carrying over 30h for July.
  • Ola Lundqvist did 10h (out of 12h assigned and 4.5h from May), thus carrying over 6.5h to July.
  • Roberto C. Sánchez did 12h (out of 32h assigned), thus carrying over 20h to July.
  • Sylvain Beucler did 30h (out of 30h assigned).
  • Thorsten Alteholz did 30h (out of 30h assigned).
  • Utkarsh Gupta did not report back about their work so we assume they did nothing (out of 40h assigned), thus is carrying over 40h for July.

Evolution of the situation

In June we released 30 DLAs. As already written last month we are looking for a Debian LTS project manager and team coordinator.
Finally, we would like to remark once again that we are constantly looking for new contributors. Please contact Holger if you are interested!

The security tracker currently lists 41 packages with a known CVE and the dla-needed.txt file has 23 packages needing an update.

Thanks to our sponsors

Sponsors that joined recently are in bold.

17 July, 2021 03:20PM by Raphaël Hertzog

hackergotchi for Andy Simpkins

Andy Simpkins Hide Author

Duel boot Debian and Windows

Installing a new laptop

‘New’ is a 2nd hand Thinkpad T470p laptop that I intend to duel boot with windows.
I have been a Debian user for over 20 years, I use windows at work for the proprietary EDA ‘Altium’, but I have never had a windows installation on my laptop. This machine will to be different – it is the first laptop that I have owned that has sufficient GPU to realistically run Altium.. I will try it in a VM later (if that works it will be my preferred choice), but for now I want to try a duel boot system.

So where to start?

Step one Debian wiki…

My laptop was purchased from a dealer / refurbisher. This means that they had confirmed that the hardware was functional, wiped it down and then installed a ‘clean’ copy of Windows on the whole system. What it doesn’t mean is that the system was set for UEFI boot and that the EFI partition is set correctly….

I turned on UEFI and made sure that Legacy BIOS mode was disabled.

Next I re-installed Windows, making sure to leave enough disk space for may later Debian install. (if you already have UEFI / secure boot enabled then you could skip the reinstall and instead re-size your disk)

Eeew! Windows now wants to show me adverts, it doesn’t give me the option to never show me ads, but at least I could insist that it doesn’t display tailored ads based on the obvious snooping of my web browsing habits – just another reason to use Debian.

Now to install Debian…

I want an encrypted file system, and because I want to dual boot I can’t just follow the guided installation in the Debian installer. So I shall detail what I did here. Indeed I took several attempts at this and eventually asked for help as I had still messed up (I thought I was doing it correctly but had missed out a step)

First the boiler plate DI

  • Download your prefered Debian installation media (I am using Bullseye AMD64 netinst beta), and drop this directly onto a USB memory stick (dd)
  • Put the USB stick in the laptop and select this as the boot device (on my thinkpad the boot device menu is F12)
  • I chose the graphical installation option, but only because it was less key strokes to select
  • Select your prefered Locale
    • UI language (English)
    • Enter your location (United Kingdom)
    • …and keyboard layout (British English)
  • Next DI comes up with a whole host of missing firmware for the detected WiFi – I can safely ignore this as I have a network cable plugged in (select No). If I want to enable WiFi I could choose to add media with the firmware at this stage or add it later.
    • I have a network cable plugged in and DI finds and configures my network setup (IPv6 and v4 with DHCP)
  • I enter a hostname (I chose to name my machines after lizards – this will be called skink)
  • I am asked for a domain name (I have configured)
  • You are then asked for some account details
    • I do not enter a root password as I want the root account login disabled
    • But I do provide my details for a user account

Now for the interesting bit – Partitioning the disk(s)

Select MANUAL disk partitioning…

I have the following partitions:

#1 536.9 MB B K ESP
#3 16.8 MB Microsoft reserved partition
#4 111.6 GB ntfs Basic data partition

  • Create an partition for /boot
    • Select the 400GB free space
    • Create a new partition
    • Enter enough space of /boot (>100MB I select 500 MB)
    • place this at the beginning of the disk
    • Name it (boot)
    • Use as ext2 – we don’t want journaling here
    • Mount point – /boot
  • Set up encrypted volumes
    • We need to write the new partition table to disk before we can continue
    • Create encrypted volumes
      • select the large remaining area of free space
      • name it (skink)
      • write disk configuration
      • finish
      • let the system overwrite the partition with random
      • enter a passphrase for the disk
  • Set up LVM (inside the encrypted volume)
    • Select Configure Logical Volume Manager
    • Write changes to disk (we do this a lot)
    • Create volume group
      • Give it a name (VG-Skink)
      • Select the encrypted partition
    • Create logical volume (swap)
      • Select the volume group to use (VG-Skink)
      • Enter a name (LV-Swap)
      • Enter size of swap (32G)
    • Create logical volume (system)
      • Select the volume group to use (VG-Skink)
      • Enter a name (LV-System)
      • Enter size of swap (remaining space)
    • Finish

Set use

  • Select your LVM VG for swap
    • Use as: Swap area
    • Done Setting up partition
  • Select your LVM VG for system
    • Use as: Ext4 journaling file system
    • Mount point: / – the root filing system
    • Mount options: I select ‘discard’ (trim function as this makes a considerable improvement to the disk performance and life)

I now have the following partitions:

#1 32 GB f swap swap
LVM VG VG-System
#1 367.5 GB f ext4 /
Encrypted volume
#1 399.5 GB K lvm
#1 536.9 MB B K ESP
#2 500.2 MB F ext2 /boot
#5 399.2 GB K crypto skink
#3 16.8 MB Microsoft reserved partition
#4 111.6 GB ntfs Basic data partition

  • Finish partitioning and write changes to disk
    • Write the changes to disk

Boiler plate debian install continues

The system will install a base system

  • Configure package manager – Select nearest mirror (I run a local mirror so select enter information manually)
  • Yes I do want to take part in “popcon” (Debian uses this as a guide to how many instances of each package are installed – I select this for anything other than test installs)
  • Software Selection
    • I will have a desktop environment and I currently use KDE
    • I would like an ssh server to be installed
    • I want the standard system utilities

Sit back and wait a for the system to install…

Well that didn’t take very long – Damn this new laptop is quick. I suspect that is nvme solid state storage, no longer limited to SATA bus speeds (and even that wasn’t slow)

17 July, 2021 01:58PM by andy

July 16, 2021

Russell Coker Hide Author

Thoughts about RAM and Storage Changes

My first Linux system in 1992 was a 386 with 4MB of RAM and a 120MB hard drive which (for some reason I forgot) only was supported by Linux for about 90MB. My first hard drive was 70MB and could do 500KB/s for contiguous IO, my first Linux hard drive was probably a bit faster, maybe 1MB/s. My current Linux workstation has 64G of RAM and 2*1TB NVMe devices that can sustain about 1.1GB/s. The laptop I’m using right now has 8GB of RAM and a 180GB SSD that can do 380MB/s.

My laptop has 2000* the RAM of my first Linux system and maybe 400* the contiguous IO speed. Currently I don’t even run a VM with less than 4GB of RAM, NB I’m not saying that smaller VMs aren’t useful merely that I don’t happen to be using them now. Modern AMD64 CPUs support 2MB “huge pages”. As a proportion of system RAM if I used 2MB pages everywhere they would be a smaller portion of system RAM than the 4KB pages on my first Linux system!

I am not suggesting using 2MB pages for general systems. For my workstations the majority of processes are using less than 10MB of resident memory and given the different uses for memory mapped shared objects, memory mapped file IO, malloc(), stack, heap, etc there would be a lot of inefficiency having 2MB the limit for all allocation. But as systems worked with 4MB of RAM or less and 4K pages it would surely work to have only 2MB pages with 64GB or more of RAM.

Back in the 90s it seemed ridiculous to me to have 256 byte pages on a 68030 CPU, but 4K pages on a modern AMD64 system is even more ridiculous. Apparently AMD64 supports 1GB pages on some CPUs, that seems ridiculously large but when run on a system with 1TB of RAM that’s comparable to 4K pages on my first Linux system. Currently AWS offers 24TB EC2 instances and the Google Cloud Project offers 12TB virtual machines. It might even make sense to have the entire OS using 1GB pages for some usage scenarios on such systems, wasting tens of GB of RAM to save TLB thrashing might be a good trade-off.

My personal laptop has 200* the RAM of my first Linux system and maybe 400* the contiguous IO speed. An employer recently assigned me a Thinkpad Carbon X1 Gen6 with an NVMe device that could sustain 5GB/s until the CPU overheated, that’s 5000* the contiguous IO speed of my first Linux hard drive. My Linux hard drive had a 28ms average access time and my first Linux hard drive probably was a little better, let’s call it 20ms for the sake of discussion. It’s generally quoted that access times for NVMe are at best 10us, that’s 2000* better than my first Linux hard drive. As seek times are the main factor for swap performance a laptop with 8GB of RAM and a fast NVMe device could be expected to give adequate performance with 2000* the swap of my first Linux system. For the work laptop in question I had 8G of swap and my personal laptop has 6G of swap which is somewhat comparable to the 4MB of swap on my first Linux system in that swap is about equal to RAM size, so I guess my personal laptop is performing better than it can be expected to.

These are just some idle thoughts about hardware changes over the years. Don’t take it as advice for purchasing hardware and don’t take it too seriously in general. Also when writing comments don’t restrict yourself to being overly serious, feel free to run the numbers on what systems with petabytes of Optane might be like, speculate on what NUMA systems in laptops might be like, etc. Go wild.

16 July, 2021 01:23PM by etbe

Jamie McClelland Hide Author

From Ikiwiki to Hugo

Back in the days of Etch, I converted this blog from Drupal to ikiwiki. I remember being very excited about this brand new concept of static web sites derived from content stored in a version control system.

And now over a decade later I’ve moved to hugo.

I feel some loyalty to ikiwiki and Joey Hess for opening my eyes to the static web site concept. But ultimately I grew tired of splitting my time and energy between learning ikiwiki and hugo, which has been my tool of choice for new projects. When I started getting strange emails that I suspect had something to do with spammers filling out ikiwiki’s commenting registration system, I choose to invest my time in switching to hugo over debugging and really understanding how ikiwiki handles user registration.

I carefully reviewed anarcat’s blog on converting from ikiwiki to hugo and learned about a lot of ikiwiki features I am not using. Wow, it’s times like these that I’m glad I keep it really simple. Based on the various ikiwiki2hugo python scripts I studied, I eventually wrote a far simpler one tailored to my needs.

Also, in what could only be called a desperate act of procrastination combined with a touch of self-hatred (it’s been a rough week) I rejected all the commenting options available to me and choose to implement my own in PHP.

What?!?! Why would anyone do such a thing?

I refer you to my previous sentence about desperate procrastination. And also… I know it’s fashionable to hate PHP, but honestly as the first programming language I learned, there is something comforting and familiar about it. And, on a more objective level, I can deploy it easily to just about any hosting provider in the world. I don’t have to maintain a unicorn service or a nodejs service and make special configuration entries in my web configuration. All I have to do is upload the php files and I’m done.

Well, I’m sure I’ll regret this decision.

Special thanks to Alexander Bilz for the anatole hugo theme. I choose it via a nearly random click to avoid the rabbit hole of choosing a theme. And, by luck, it has turned out quite well. I only had to override the commento partial theme page to hijack it for my own commenting system’s use.

16 July, 2021 12:27PM

Reproducible Builds (diffoscope) Hide Author

diffoscope 178 released

The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 178. This version includes the following changes:

[ Chris Lamb ]
* Don't traceback on an broken symlink in a directory.
  (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#269)
* Rewrite the calculation of a file's "fuzzy hash" to make the control
  flow cleaner.

[ Balint Reczey ]
* Support .deb package members compressed with the Zstandard algorithm.
  (LP: #1923845)

[ Jean-Romain Garnier ]
* Overhaul the Mach-O executable file comparator.
* Implement tests for the Mach-O comparator.
* Switch to new argument format for the LLVM compiler.
* Fix test_libmix_differences in testsuite for the ELF format.
* Improve macOS compatibility for the Mach-O comparator.
* Add llvm-readobj and llvm-objdump to the internal EXTERNAL_TOOLS data

[ Mattia Rizzolo ]
* Invoke gzip(1) with the short option variants to support Busybox's gzip.
  (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#268)

You find out more by visiting the project homepage.

16 July, 2021 12:00AM

July 15, 2021

hackergotchi for Jonathan Dowland

Jonathan Dowland Hide Author

Small tweaks to `git branch` behaviour

Despite my best efforts, I often end up with a lot of branches in my git repositories, many of which need cleaning up, but even so, may which don't. Two git configuration tweaks make the output of git branch much more useful for me.

Motivational example, default git behaviour:

🍊git branch
* develop

The default sort order is alphabetical, but that's never useful for the repositories I work in. The age of the branch is generally more useful. This particular example isn't that long, but often the number of branches can fill the screen. git can be configured to use columns for branch listings, which I think generally improves readability.

🍊git config --global branch.sort authordate
🍊git config --global column.branch auto


🍊git branch
  update-for-cct-module-changes-maven-etc   signing-intent-release
  openjdk-rm-jolokia                        local-modules
  ubi8.2                                    mdrafiur-pr185-jolokia
  ubi-11-singleton-jdk                      OPENJDK-312-passwd
  ubi-1.3-mergedown                         create_override_files_in_redhat_189
  OPENJDK-159-openj9-FROM                   2021-apr-cpu-proposed
  openjdk-containers-1.9                    OPENJDK-407-dnf-modules-fonts
  inline-container-yaml                     release
  update-FROM-lines                       * develop

15 July, 2021 08:34AM

July 14, 2021

Pavit Kaur Hide Author

GSoC: First Phase of Coding Period

Hello there.

I still can’t believe that the first half of GSoC period is almost over. So it’s been about 5 weeks working on the project and that means I have a lot to share about it. So without further ado, let’s get started.


I will be listing up my work done in the respective tasks.

Task: Migrating Logins to Salsa

The objective of this task was that the users could log in to their account on debci using their Debian Salsa account (collaborative development server for Debian based on the GitLab software) and this is implemented with the help of OmniAuth, the ruby authentication framework.

At the beginning of this, I had to discuss quite a few issues with my mentors that I was bumping into, and by the end of it with multiple revisions and discussions, the following was implemented:

  • The previous users' table schema of debci comprises the username field which contained mostly the emails of the users with some exceptions and to accommodate the Salsa logins, a new uid field is added to the table to store the Salsa uid of the logged-in user with the username field storing Salsa usernames now and as the Salsa users have the liberty to change their usernames, the updation of username as well as in debci database is also taken care of.

  • For Salsa login, the ruby-omniauth-gitlab strategy has been used and for login in development mode, the developer strategy which comes with ruby-omniauth has been set up.

  • Added a Login Page giving the option to log in using Salsa and an additional option to login in Developer Mode which is accessible only in Development Setup so that other contributors don’t have to set up dummy Salsa applications for working.

  • Added specs for the new login process. This was an interesting part, as I got the chance to understand RSpec and facilities provided by OmniAuth to mock the authentication for Integration Testing.

  • One blocker that I dealt with was that the Debian release from where packages were pulled out for debci have the OmniAuth version 1.8, which was not working well with the developer strategy implementation for the application so to resolve that I did a minor change to the callback API for developer strategy until the time that release have the newer version of OmniAuth.

  • Another thing we discussed in one of the meetings that in the existing database structure, the tests do not have a real reference to the users' table and rather the username is stored directly as a string for the requestor field, so this thing was fixed as part of this task.

The migration of the existing users' data for the new logins was handled by my mentor Antonio Terceiro and with this, our first task is concluded. All these changes are now part of Debian Continuous Integration platform and you can find the blogpost for same by Antonio here.

This task also allowed me to write my first ever tutorial Tutorial: Integrating OmniAuth with Sinatra Application to help people looking to integrate their ruby application with OmniAuth.

Moving further to the next task in progress.

Task: Adding support for testing security uploads and Debian LTS

This is the next task I am working on enabling private tests in debci for adding support for testing security uploads and Debian LTS. Since it’s a bigger task, it is broken down into about 6-7 steps and till now, the following has been done:

  • The schema of jobs' (tests) table is updated to have a boolean field to store whether the job is private or not.

  • The is_private parameter is added to both API and Self-Service section so the private test can be submitted through the API as well as through GUI form on the web platform.

  • Another thing which comes up through discussion in meetings that a parameter is required to add extra-apt-sources for getting packages of security repository and this is the part in progress.

So that concludes my work till now. It has been an amazing journey with lots of learning and also the guidance from the wonderful mentors of my project and I am looking forward to more exciting parts ahead.

That’s all for now. See you next time!

14 July, 2021 03:52AM by Pavit Kaur (

July 13, 2021

hackergotchi for Steinar H. Gunderson

Steinar H. Gunderson Hide Author

Optimization silver bullets

If you work with optimizing code for a while, you'll notice that a fairly common pattern is for people to believe in optimization silver bullets; just one trick that they think is always the solution for whatever woes you may have. It's not that said thing is bad per se, it's just that they keep suggesting the same thing over and over even if that's not actually the issue.

To name some examples: I've seen people suggesting removing mallocs is always the case (even if malloc didn't show up on the profile), or that adding likely() and unlikely() everywhere would double the IPC of a complex system (PGO, with near-perfect condition probabilities, gave 5%), or designed a system entirely around minimizing instruction cache pressure (where the system they intended to replace didn't have issues with instruction cache). And I guess we've all seen the people insisting on optimizing their code on -O9, because higher is better, right, and who are the GCC people to compile their own code with -O2 anyway?

I've more or less learned to ignore these people, as long as they don't show up with profiles and microbenchmarks, which they never do. (This is the easiest way to see if people's suggestions are bogeymen or real; if people know what they're doing, they can point to a real profile, and they'll write a stable microbenchmark to show that they've actually fixed the issue and to guard against future regressions.) But there's one silver bullet that always rubs me the wrong way: False sharing.

False sharing is when two unrelated items happen to lie on the same cache line, and they are accessed frequently by different cores. Seemingly, false sharing is just exotic enough that people have heard of it and are proud of that, and then they start being afraid of it everywhere for no good reason. I've seen people writing large incantations to protect against false sharing, presumably blowing the data cache in the process, and then discovered that due to them misunderstanding the compiler, the entire thing had been a no-op for years. It's pretty crazy.

That's why I was very happy to finally, after 25 years of multithreaded coding, discover a real case of false sharing in PiStorm; one thread had a local variable made global for some no-longer-relevant debugging reasons, and another thread was making constant writes to a global one in a busy loop. Really a classic, bad case of false sharing. Rune wrote up a patch, and lo and behold, the benchmarks went up!

…by about one percent.

13 July, 2021 02:32PM

hackergotchi for Matthew Garrett

Matthew Garrett Hide Author

Does free software benefit from ML models being derived works of training data?

Github recently announced Copilot, a machine learning system that makes suggestions for you when you're writing code. It's apparently trained on all public code hosted on Github, which means there's a lot of free software in its training set. Github assert that the output of Copilot belongs to the user, although they admit that it may occasionally produce output that is identical to content from the training set.

Unsurprisingly, this has led to a number of questions along the lines of "If Copilot embeds code that is identical to GPLed training data, is my code now GPLed?". This is extremely understandable, but the underlying issue is actually more general than that. Even code under permissive licenses like BSD requires retention of copyright notices and disclaimers, and failing to include them is just as much a copyright violation as incorporating GPLed code into a work and not abiding by the terms of the GPL is.

But free software licenses only have power to the extent that copyright permits them to. If your code isn't a derived work of GPLed material, you have no obligation to follow the terms of the GPL. Github clearly believe that Copilot's output doesn't count as a derived work as far as US copyright law goes, and as a result the licenses on the training data don't apply to the output. Some people have interpreted this as an attack on free software - Copilot may insert code that's either identical or extremely similar to GPLed code, and claim that there are no license obligations created as a result, effectively allowing the laundering of GPLed code into proprietary software.

I'm completely unqualified to hold a strong opinion on whether Github's legal position is justifiable or not, and right now I'm also not interested in thinking about it too much. What I think is more interesting is what the impact of either position has on free software. Do we benefit more from a future where the output of Copilot (or similar projects) is considered a derived work of the training data, or one where it isn't? Having been involved in a bunch of GPL enforcement activities, it's very easy to think of this as something that weakens the GPL and, as a result, weakens free software. That was my initial reaction, but that's shifted over the past few days.

Let's look at the GNU manifesto, specifically this section:

The fact that the easiest way to copy a program is from one neighbor to another, the fact that a program has both source code and object code which are distinct, and the fact that a program is used rather than read and enjoyed, combine to create a situation in which a person who enforces a copyright is harming society as a whole both materially and spiritually; in which a person should not do so regardless of whether the law enables him to.

The GPL makes use of copyright law to ensure that GPLed work can't be taken from the commons. Anyone who produces a derived work of GPLed code is obliged to provide that work under the same terms. If software weren't copyrightable, the GPL would have no power. But this is the outcome Stallman wanted! The GPL doesn't exist because copyright is good, it exists because software being copyrightable is what enables the concept of proprietary software in the first place.

The powers that the GPL uses to enforce sharing of code are used by the authors of proprietary software to reduce that sharing. They attempt to forbid us from examining their code to determine how it works - they argue that anyone who does so is tainted, unable to contribute similar code to free software projects in case they produce a derived work of the original. Broadly speaking, the further the definition of a derived work reaches, the greater the power of proprietary software authors. If Oracle's argument that APIs are copyrightable had prevailed, it would have been disastrous for free software. If the Apple look and feel suit had established that Microsoft infringed Apple's copyright, we might be living in a future where we had no free software desktop environments.

When we argue for an interpretation of copyright law that enhances the power of the GPL, we're also enhancing the power of giant corporations with a lot of lawyers on hand. So let's look at this another way. If Github's interpretation of copyright law holds, we can train a model on proprietary code and extract concepts without having to worry about being tainted. The proprietary code itself won't enter the commons, but the ideas it embodies will. No more worries about whether you're literally copying the code that implements an algorithm you want to duplicate - simply start typing and let the model remove the risk for you.

There's a reasonable counter argument about equality here. How much GPL-influenced code is going to end up in proprietary projects when compared to the reverse? It's not an easy question to answer, but we should bear in mind that the majority of public repositories on Github aren't under an open source license. Copilot is already claiming to give us access to the concepts embodied in those repositories. Do these provide more value than is given up? I honestly don't know how to measure that. But what I do know is that free software was founded in a belief that software shouldn't be constrained by copyright, and our default stance shouldn't be to argue against the idea that copyright is weaker than we imagined.

(Edit: this post by Julia Reda makes some of the same arguments, but spends some more time focusing on a legal analysis of why having copyright cover the output of Copilot would be a problem)

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13 July, 2021 01:57AM

hackergotchi for Debian XMPP Team

Debian XMPP Team Hide Author

XMPP Novelties in Debian 11 Bullseye

This is not only the Year of the Ox, but also the year of Debian 11, code-named bullseye. The release lies ahead, full freeze starts this week. A good opportunity to take a look at what is new in bullseye. In this post new programs and new software versions related to XMPP, also known as Jabber are presented. XMPP exists since 1999, and has a diverse and active developers community. It is a universal communication protocol, used for instant messaging, IoT, WebRTC, and social applications. You probably will encounter some oxen in this post.

  • biboumi, XMPP gateway to connect to IRC servers: 8.3 → 9.0
    The biggest change for users is SASL support: A new field in the Configure ad-hoc command lets you set a password that will be used to authenticate to the nick service, instead of using the cumbersome NickServ method.
    Many more changes are listed in the changelog.
  • Dino, modern XMPP client: 0.0.git20181129 → 0.2.0
    Dino in Debian 10 was practically a technology preview. In Debian 11 it is already a fully usable client, supporting OMEMO encryption, file upload, image preview, message correction and many more features in a clean and beautiful user interface.
  • ejabberd, the extensible realtime platform: 18.12.1 → 21.01.
    Probably the most important improvement for end-users is XEP-0215 support to facilitate modern WebRTC-style audio/video calls. ejabberd also integrates more nicely with systemd (e.g., the watchdog feature if supported, now). Apart from that, a new configuration validator was introduced, which brings a more flexible (but mostly backwards-compatible) syntax. Also, error reporting in case of misconfiguration should be way more helpful, now. As a new authentication backend, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) can be used. In addition to the XMPP and SIP support, ejabberd now includes a full-blown MQTT server. A large number of smaller features has been added, performance was improved in many ways, and several bugs were fixed. See the long list of changes.
  • Gajim, a GTK+-based Jabber client: 1.1.2 → 1.3.1
    The new Debian release brings many improvements. Gajim’s network code has been completely rewritten, which leads to faster connections, better recovery from network loss, and less network related hiccups. Customizing Gajim is now easier than ever. Thanks to the new settings backend and a completely reworked Preferences window, you can adapt Gajim to your needs in just a few seconds.
    Good for newcomers: account creation is now a lot easier with Gajim’s new assistant. The new Profile window gives you many options to tell people more about yourself. You can now easily crop your own profile picture before updating it.
    Group chats actions have been reorganized. It’s now easier to send invitations or change your nickname for example. Gajim also received support for chat markers, which enables you to see how far your contact followed the conversation. But this is by far not everything the new release brings. There are many new and helpful features, such as pasting images from your clipboard directly into the chat or playing voice messages directly from the chat window.
    Read more about the new Gajim release in Debian 11 here.
    Furthermore, three more Gajim plugins are now in Debian: gajim-lengthnotifier, gajim-openpgp for OX 🐂 (XEP-0373: OpenPGP for XMPP) and gajim-syntaxhighlight.
  • NEW Kaidan Simple and user-friendly Jabber/XMPP client 0.7.0
    Kaidan is a simple, user-friendly and modern XMPP chat client. The user interface makes use of Kirigami and QtQuick, while the back-end of Kaidan is entirely written in C++ using Qt and the Qt-based XMPP library QXmpp. Kaidan runs on mobile and desktop systems including Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, Plasma Mobile and Ubuntu Touch.
  • mcabber, small Jabber (XMPP) console client: 1.1.0 → 1.1.2
    A theme for 256 color terminals is now included, the handling of carbon message copies has been improved, and various minor issues have been fixed.
  • Poezio, Console-based XMPP client: 0.12.1 → 0.13.1
    This new release brings many improvements, such as Message Archive (XEP-0313) support, initial support for OMEMO (XEP-0384) through a plugin, HTTP File Upload support, Consitent Color Generation (XEP-0392), and plenty of internal changes and bug fixes. Not all changes in 0.13 and 0.13.1 can be listed, see the CHANGELOG for a more extensive summary.
  • Profanity, the console based XMPP client: 0.6.0 → 0.10.0
    We can not list all changes which have been done, but here are some highlights.
    Support of OMEMO Encryption (XEP-0384). Consistent Color Generation (XEP-0392), be aware of the changes in the command to standardize the names of commands. A clipboard feature has been added. Highlight unread messages with a different color in /wins. Keyboard switch to select the next window with unread messages with alt + a. Support for Last Message Correction (XEP-0308), Allow UTF-8 symbols as OMEMO/OTR/PGP indicator char. Add option to open avatars directly (XEP-0084). Add option to define a theme at startup and some changes to improve themes. Add possibility to easily open URLs. Add experimental OX 🐂 (XEP-0373, XEP-0374) support. Add OMEMO media sharing support, ...
    There is also a Profanity light package in Debian now, the best option for systems with tight limits on resources.
  • Prosody, the lightweight extensible XMPP server: 0.11.2 → 0.11.9
    Upgrading to the latest stable release of Prosody brings a whole load of improvements in the stability, usability and performance departments. It especially improves the performance of websockets, and PEP performance for users with many contacts. It includes interoperability improvements for a range of clients.
  • prosody-modules, community modules and extensions for Prosody: 0.0~hg20190203 → 0.0~hg20210130
    The ever-growing collection of goodies to plug into Prosody has a number of exciting additions, including a suite of modules to handle invite-based account registration, and others for moderating messages in group chats (e.g. for removal of spam/abuse), server-to-server federation over Tor and client authentication using certificates. Many existing community modules received updates as well.
  • Psi, Qt-based XMPP client: 1.3 → 1.5
    The new version contains important bug fixes.
  • salutatoi, multi-frontends, multi-purposes communication tool: 0.7.0a4 → 0.8.0~hg3453
    This version is now fully running on Python 3, and has full OMEMO support (one2one, groups and files). The CLI frontend (jp) has among new commands a "jp file get" one which is comparable to wget with OMEMO support. A file sharing component is included, with HTTP Upload and Jingle support. For a list of other improvements, please consult the changelog.
    Note, that the upstream project has been renamed to "Libervia".
  • NEW sms4you, Personal gateway connecting SMS to XMPP or email 0.0.7
    It runs with a GSM device over ModemManager and uses a lightweight XMPP server or a single email account to handle communication in both directions.
  • NEW xmppc, XMPP Command Line Client 0.1.0
    xmppc is a new command line tool for XMPP. It supports some basic features of XMPP (request your roster, bookmarks, OMEMO Devices and fingerprints). You can send messages with both legacy PGP (XEP-0027) and the new OX 🐂 (XEP-0373: OpenPGP for XMPP).

That's all for now. Enjoy Debian 11 bullseye and Happy Chatting!

13 July, 2021 12:00AM by Debian XMPP Team

July 12, 2021

hackergotchi for Chris Lamb

Chris Lamb Hide Author

Saint Alethia? On Bodies of Light by Sarah Moss

How are you meant to write about an unfinished emancipation? Bodies of Light is a 2014 book by Glasgow-born Sarah Moss on the stirrings of women's suffrage in an arty clique in nineteenth-century England. Set in the intellectually smoggy cities of Manchester and London, we follow the studious and intelligent Alethia 'Ally' Moberly, who is struggling to gain the acceptance of herself, her mother and the General Medical Council.

'Alethia' may be the Greek goddess of truth, but our Ally is really searching for wisdom. Her strengths are her patience and bookish learning, and she acquires Latin as soon as she learns male doctors will use it to keep women away from the operating theatre. In fact, Ally's acquisition of language becomes a recurring leitmotif: replaying a suggestive dream involving a love interest, for instance, Ally thinks of 'dark, tumbling dreams for which she has a perfectly adequate vocabulary'. There are very few moments of sensuality in the book, and pairing it with Ally's understated wit achieves a wonderful effect.

The amount we learn about a character is adapted for effect as well. There are few psychological insights about Ally's sister, for example, and she thus becomes a fey, mysterious and almost Pre-Raphaelite figure below the surface of a lake to match the artistic movement being portrayed. By contrast, we get almost the complete origin story of Ally's mother, Elizabeth, who also constitutes of those rare birds in literature: an entirely plausible Christian religious zealot. Nothing Ally does is ever enough for her, but unlike most modern portrayals of this dynamic, neither of them are aware of what is going, and it is conveyed in a way that is chillingly... benevolent. This was brought home in the annual 'birthday letters' that Elizabeth writes to her daughter:

Last year's letter said that Ally was nervous, emotional and easily swayed, and that she should not allow her behaviour to be guided by feeling but remember always to assert her reason. Mamma would help her with early hours, plain food and plenty of exercise. Ally looks at the letter, plump in its cream envelope. She hopes Mamma wrote it before scolding her yesterday.


The book makes the implicit argument that it is a far more robust argument against pervasive oppression to portray a character in, say, 'a comfortable house, a kind husband and a healthy child', yet they are nonetheless still deeply miserable, for reasons they can't quite put their finger on. And when we see Elizabeth perpetuating some generational trauma with her own children, it is telling that is pattern is not short-circuited by an improvement in their material conditions. Rather, it is arrested only by a kind of political consciousness — in Ally's case, the education in a school. In fact, if there is a real hero in Bodies of Light, it is the very concept of female education.

There's genuine shading to the book's ideological villains, despite finding their apotheosis in the jibes about 'plump Tories'. These remarks first stuck out to me as cheap thrills by the author; easy and inexpensive potshots that are unbecoming of the pages around them. But they soon prove themselves to be moments of much-needed humour. Indeed, when passages like this are read in their proper context, the proclamations made by sundry Victorian worthies start to serve as deadpan satire:

We have much evidence that the great majority of your male colleagues regard you as an aberration against nature, a disgusting, unsexed creature and a danger to the public.

Funny as these remarks might be, however, these moments have a subtler and more profound purpose as well. Historical biography always has the risk of allowing readers to believe that the 'issue' has already been solved — hence, perhaps, the enduring appeal of science fiction. But Moss providing these snippets from newspapers 150 years ago should make a clear connection to a near-identical moral panic today.


On the other hand, setting your morality tale in the past has the advantage that you can show that progress is possible. And it can also demonstrate how that progress might come about as well. This book makes the argument for collective action and generally repudiates individualisation through ever-fallible martyrs. Ally always needs 'allies' — not only does she rarely work alone, but she is helped in some way by almost everyone around her. This even includes her rather problematic mother, forestalling any simplistic proportioning of blame. (It might be ironic that Bodies of Light came out in 2014, the very same year that Sophia Amoruso popularised the term 'girl boss'.) Early on, Ally's schoolteacher is coded as the primary positive influence on her, but Ally's aunt later inherits this decisive role, continuing Ally's education on cultural issues and what appears to be the Victorian version of 'self-care'. Both the aunt and the schoolteacher are, of course, surrogate mother figures.

After Ally arrives in the cut-throat capital, you often get the impression you are being shown discussions where each of the characters embodies a different school of thought within first-wave feminism. This can often be a fairly tedious device in fiction, the sort of thing you would find in a Sally Rooney novel, Pilgrim's Progress or some other ponderously polemical tract. Yet when Ally appears to 'win' an argument, it is only in the sense that the narrator continues to follow her, implicitly and lightly endorsing her point. Perhaps if I knew my history better, I might be able to associate names with the book's positions, but perhaps it is better (at least for the fiction-reading experience...) that I don't, as the baggage of real-world personalities can often get in the way. I'm reminded here of Regina King's One Night in Miami... (2020), where caricatures of Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown and Sam Cooke awkwardly replay various arguments within an analogous emancipatory struggle.

Yet none of the above will be the first thing a reader will notice. Each chapter begins with a description of an imaginary painting, providing a title and a date alongside a brief critical exegesis. The artworks serve a different purpose in each chapter: a puzzle to be unlocked, a fear to be confirmed, an unsolved enigma. The inclusion of (artificial) provenances is interesting as well, not simply because they add colour and detail to the chapter to come, but because their very inclusion feels reflective of how we see art today.

Orphelia (1852) by Sir John Everett Millais.

To continue the question this piece began, how should an author conclude a story about an as-yet-unfinished struggle for emancipation? How can they? Moss' approach dares you to believe the ending is saccharine or formulaic, but what else was she meant to turn in — yet another tale of struggle and suffering? After all, Thomas Hardy has already written Tess of the d'Urbervilles. All the same, it still feels slightly unsatisfying to end merely with Ally's muted, uncelebrated success.

Nevertheless, I suspect many readers will dislike the introduction of a husband in the final pages, taking it as a betrayal of the preceding chapters. Yet Moss denies us from seeing the resolution as a Disney-style happy ending. True, Ally's husband turns out to be a rather dashing lighthouse builder, but isn't it Ally herself who is lighting the way in their relationship, warning other women away from running aground on the rocks of mental illness? And Tom feels more of a reflection of Ally's newly acquired self-acceptance instead of that missing piece she needed all along. We learn at one point that Tom's 'importance to her is frightening' — this is hardly something a Disney princess would say.

In fact, it is easy to argue that a heroic ending for Ally might have been an even more egregious betrayal. The evil of saints is that you can never live up to them, for the concept of a 'saint' embodies an unreachable ideal that no human can begin to copy. By being taken as unimpeachable and uncorrectable as well, saints preclude novel political action, and are therefore undoubtedly agents of reaction. Appreciating historical figures as the (flawed) people that they really were is the first step if you wish to continue — or adapt — their political ideas.


I had acquired Bodies of Light after enjoying Moss' Summerwater (2020), which had the dubious honour of being touted as the 'first lockdown novel', despite it being finished before Covid-19. There are countless ways one might contrast the two, so I will limit myself to the sole observation that the strengths of one are perhaps the weaknesses of the other. It's not that Bodies of Light ends with a whimper, of course, as it quietly succeeds in concert with Ally. But by contrast, the tighter arc of Summerwater (which is set during a single day, switches protagonist between chapters, features a closed-off community, etc.) can reach a higher high with its handful of narrative artifices. Summerwater is perhaps like Phil Collins' solo career: 'more satisfying, in a narrower way.'

12 July, 2021 06:10PM

hackergotchi for Daniel Silverstone

Daniel Silverstone Hide Author

Subplot - First public alpha release

This weekend we (Lars and I) finished our first public alpha release of Subplot. Subplot is a tool for helping you to document your acceptance criteria for a project in such a way that you can also produce a programmatic test suite for the verification criteria. We centre this around the concept of writing a Markdown document about your project, with the option to write Gherkin-like given/when/then scenarios inside which detail the automated verification of the acceptance criteria.

This may sound very similar to Yarn, a similar concept which Lars, Richard, and I came up with in 2013. Critically back then we were very 'software engineer' focussed and so Yarn was a testing tool which happened to also produce reasonable documentation outputs if you squinted sideways and tried not to think too critically about them. Subplot on the other hand considers the documentation output to be just as important, if not more important, than the test suite output. Yarn was a tool which ran tests embedded in Markdown files, where Subplot is a documentation tool capable of extracting tests from an acceptance document for use in testing your project.

The release we made is the first time we're actively asking other people to try Subplot and see whether the concept is useful to them. Obviously we expect there to be plenty of sharp corners and there's a good amount of functionality yet to implement to make Subplot as useful as we want it to be, but if you find yourself looking at a project and thinking "How do I make sure this is acceptable to the stakeholders without first teaching them how to read my unit tests?" then Subplot may be the tool for you.

While Subplot can be used to produce test suites with functions written in Bash, Python, or Rust, the only language we're supporting as first-class in this release is Python. However I am personally most interested in the Rust opportunity as I see a lot of Rust programs very badly tested from the perspective of 'acceptance' as there is a tendency in Rust projects to focus on unit-type tests. If you are writing something in Rust and want to look at producing some high level acceptance criteria and yet still test in Rust, then please take a look at Subplot, particularly how we test subplotlib itself.

Issues, feature requests, and perhaps most relevantly, code patches, gratefully received. A desire to be actively involved in shaping the second goal of Subplot even more so.

12 July, 2021 05:06PM by Daniel Silverstone

July 10, 2021

hackergotchi for Laura Arjona Reina

Laura Arjona Reina Hide Author

Android backups with rsync

A quick note to self to remind how I do backups of my Android device with rsync (and adb).

I have followed this guide: How to use rsync over USB on Android with adb

My personal notes:

  • I have Lineage so I have rsync in my Android device already installed
  • I run Debian stable (buster, for now) on my laptop, with adb installed
  • My /sdcard/rsyncd.conf file:

address =
port = 1873
uid = 0
gid = 0
path = /
use chroot = false
read only = false'

  • The command:

adb shell /data/local/tmp/rsync --daemon --no-detach --config=/sdcard/rsyncd.conf --log-file=/proc/self/fd/2

didn't work, produced this message: "@ERROR: protocol startup error" so I ended up doing:

adb shell
rsync --daemon --no-detach --config=/sdcard/rsyncd.conf --log-file=/sdcard/rsync.log

and opened another tab to perform the rsync commands from my laptop:

rsync -av --progress --stats rsync://localhost:6010/root/storage .
rsync -av --progress --stats rsync://localhost:6010/root/data .

Then I saw that rsync was copying the symlinks instead of their contents: /storage/self/primary was a broken link to /mnt/user/0/primary

So I ran again the commands with -LK:

rsync -av --progress --stats -LK rsync://localhost:6010/root/storage .
rsync -av --progress --stats -LK rsync://localhost:6010/root/data .

and now I have a copy of all the files I'm interested. In addition to this, I run an adb backup of the system:

adb backup -f ./ -apk -shared -all -system

and I think that's all that I need for the case I want to remove stuff from my phone or some disaster happens.

10 July, 2021 07:19PM by larjona

hackergotchi for Joey Hess

Joey Hess Hide Author

a bitter pill for Microsoft Copilot

These blackberries are so sweet and just out there in the commons, free for the taking. While picking a gallon this morning, I was thinking about how neat it is that Haskell is not one programming language, but a vast number of related languages. A lot of smart people have, just for fun, thought of ways to write Haskell programs that do different things depending on the extensions that are enabled. (See: Wait, what language is this?)

I've long wished for an AI to put me out of work programming. Or better, that I could collaborate with. Haskell's type checker is the closest I've seen to that but it doesn't understand what I want. I always imagined I'd support citizenship a full, general AI capable of that. I did not imagine that the first real attempt would be the product of a rent optimisation corporate AI, that throws all our hard work in a hopper, and deploys enough lawyers to muddy the question of whether that violates our copyrights.

Perhaps it's time to think about non-copyright mitigations. Here is an easy way, for Haskell developers. Pick an extension and add code that loops when it's not enabled. Or when it is enabled. Or when the wrong combination of extensions are enabled.

{-# LANGUAGE NumDecimals #-}

main :: IO ()
main = if show(1e1) /= "10" then main else do

I will deploy this mitigation in my code where I consider it appropriate. I will not be making my code do anything worse than looping, but of course this method could be used to make Microsoft Copilot generate code that is as problimatic as necessary.

10 July, 2021 02:19PM

hackergotchi for Sean Whitton

Sean Whitton Hide Author

Live replacement of provider cloud images with upstream Debian

Tonight I’m provisioning a new virtual machine at Hetzner and I wanted to share how Consfigurator is helping with that. Hetzner have a Debian “buster” image you can start with, as you’d expect, but it comes with things like cloud-init, preconfiguration to use Hetzner’s apt mirror which doesn’t serve source packages(!), and perhaps other things I haven’t discovered. It’s a fine place to begin, but I want all the configuration for this server to be explicit in my Consfigurator consfig, so it is good to start with pristine upstream Debian. I could boot one of Hetzner’s installation ISOs but that’s slow and manual. Consfigurator can replace the OS in the VM’s root filesystem and reboot for me, and we’re ready to go.

Here’s the configuration:

(defhost (:deploy ((:ssh :user "root") :sbcl))
  (os:debian-stable "buster" :amd64)

  ;; Hetzner's Debian 10 image comes with a three-partition layout and boots
  ;; with traditional BIOS.
    :device-file "/dev/sda" :boots-with '(grub:grub :target "i386-pc")))

  (on-change (installer:cleanly-installed-once
              ;; This is a specification of the OS Hetzner's image has, so
              ;; Consfigurator knows how to install SBCL and debootstrap(8).
              ;; In this case it's the same Debian release as the replacement.
              '(os:debian-stable "buster" :amd64))

    ;; Clear out the old OS's EFI system partition contents, in case we can
    ;; switch to booting with EFI at some point (if we wanted we could specify
    ;; an additional x86_64-efi target above, and grub-install would get run
    ;; to repopulate /boot/efi, but I don't think Hetzner can boot from it yet).
    (file:directory-does-not-exist "/boot/efi/EFI")

    (apt:installed "linux-image-amd64")

       (mounted-ext4-filesystem :mount-point "/")
         :mount-options '("umask=0077") :mount-point "/boot/efi"))))
    (file:lacks-lines "/etc/fstab" "# UNCONFIGURED FSTAB FOR BASE SYSTEM")

    (file:is-copy-of "/etc/resolv.conf" "/old-os/etc/resolv.conf")
    (mount:unmounted-below-and-removed "/old-os"))

  (apt:mirror "")
  (as "root" (ssh:authorized-keys +spwsshkey+))
  (timezone:configured "Etc/UTC")
  (swap:has-swap-file "2G")

  (network:static "enp1s0" "" "" ""))

and to use it you evaluate this at the REPL:

CONSFIG> (deploy ((:ssh :user "root" :hop "") :sbcl)

Here the :HOP parameter specifies the IP address of the new machine, as DNS hasn’t been updated yet. Consfigurator installs SBCL and debootstrap(8), prepares a minimal system, replaces the contents of /, gets to work applying the other properties, and then reboots. This gets us a properly populated fstab:

UUID=...            /           ext4    relatime    0   1
PARTUUID=...        /boot/efi   vfat    umask=0077  0   2
/var/lib/swapfile   swap        swap    defaults    0   0

(slightly doctored for more readable alignment)

There’s ordering logic so that the swapfile will end up after whatever filesystem contains it; a UUID is used for ext4 filesystems, but for fat32 filesystems, to be safe, a PARTUUID is used.

The application of (INSTALLER:BOOTLOADERS-INSTALLED) handles calling both update-grub(8) and grub-install(8), relying on the metadata specified about /dev/sda. Next time we execute Consfigurator against the machine, it’ll ignore all the property applications attached to the application of (INSTALLER:CLEANLY-INSTALLED-ONCE) with ON-CHANGE, and just apply everything following that block.

There are a few things I don’t have good solutions for. When you boot Hetzner’s image the primary network interface is eth0, but then for a freshly debootstrapped Debian you get enp1s0, and I haven’t got a good way of knowing what it’ll be (if you know it’ll have the same name, you can use (NETWORK:PRESERVE-STATIC-ONCE) to create a file in /etc/network/interfaces.d based on the current default route and corresponding interface).

Another tricky thing is SSH host keys. It’s easy to use Consfigurator to add host keys to your laptop’s ~/.ssh/known_hosts, but in this case the host key changes back and forth from whatever the Hetzner image has and the newly generated key you get afterwards. One option might be to copy the old host keys out of /old-os before it gets deleted, like how /etc/resolv.conf is copied.

This work is based on Propellor’s equivalent functionality. I think my approach to handling /etc/fstab and bootloader installation is an improvement on what Joey does.

10 July, 2021 04:20AM

July 08, 2021

Thorsten Alteholz Hide Author

My Debian Activities in June 2021

FTP master

This month I accepted 105 and rejected 6 packages. The overall number of packages that got accepted was 111.

Debian LTS

This was my eighty-fourth month that I did some work for the Debian LTS initiative, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian.

This month my all in all workload has been almost 30h. During that time I did LTS and normal security uploads of:

  • [DLA 2691-1] libgcrypt20 security update for one CVE
  • [DLA 2692-1] bluez security update for two CVEs
  • [DLA 2694-1] tiff security update for two CVEs
  • [DLA 2697-1] fluidsynth security update for one CVE
  • [DLA 2698-1] node-bl security update for one CVE
  • [DLA 2699-1] ipmitool security update for one CVE
  • PU bug #989815 ring/buster for one CVE

I also made further progress on gpac.

Last but not least I did some days of frontdesk duties.

Debian ELTS

This month was the thirty-sixth ELTS month.

During my allocated time I uploaded:

  • ELA-444-1 for libgcrypt20
  • ELA-445-1 for bluez
  • ELA-447-1 for tiff
  • ELA-450-1 for fluidsynth

Last but not least I did some days of frontdesk duties.

Other stuff

On my neverending golang challenge I again uploaded lots of packages either for NEW or as source upload.

08 July, 2021 03:43PM by alteholz