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Planet Apache

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Welcome to Planet Apache

Planet Apache is your central source to learn about the communities within and around The Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Planet Apache provides a number of planets aggregating the blogs and writings of our committers, our projects, and our conferences. As the ASF's own homepage says:

We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.

The goal of the ASF is to produce software for the public good. We believe the best way to do that is to use an open, collaborative, and community consensus driven process. When you hear the phrase "Community over Code", it's probably about us. For information on how new communities and projects can get started at the ASF, please crack open the Incubator. For insight into our existing communities, read what they're saying. To see what the Infrastructure Team is up to lately, read the infra blog.

Who Are All These People?

Planet Apache / committers focuses on aggregating the personal blogs of ASF committers. If you're a committer, you can add your own blog by editing the committers.ini file. Sorry: we only allow aggregation of blogs of our committers.

We're looking for volunteers to help create and maintain more planets that make sense for the ASF community. One idea just waiting to happen is Planet Apache / projects, where we can aggregate various feeds of announcements and key messages from our many projects.

History And Thanks

Planet Apache started as a volunteer effort self-hosted by two members of the ASF, Ted Leung and Thom May. They first organized a planet for ASF committers' blogs on their own time and servers. To ease maintenance, the ASF infrastructure team has kindly agreed to take over maintenance and the domain with their permission. Many thanks to Ted, Thom, the ASF infra team, and all the creators of both Planet and Venus, the software that powers the aggregation.

Important Notices

Note that the ASF does not endorse any individual committers' blogs; nor do the views of committers or members represent the views of the ASF or speak on behalf of the ASF as an organization. All individual post content is copyright or licensed by the original poster.

To learn more, you can read the ASF FAQ, or contact the ASF Public Relations Committee, which organizes our public outreach, press and media relations, sponsorship program, and more.

ASF Public Relations Committee
Contact us via email