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Our next online Rehearsed Reading. A Festive Treat for The Whole Family and all in aid of
@ActingforOthers charities. Please donate what you can to help#freelancers#Actors#Creatives https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/john-christopher-craggs …pic.twitter.com/IYe0es4jVW謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
Playing with inks and pen and watercolour for autumn still life- some happy accidents…pic.twitter.com/C0hhzwHSb9
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Spot of self-taping on a Thursday afternoon
@SupportBritish#SelfTape#Casting#TV#Acting#Actress#ActorsLife#Ginger#Cornishpic.twitter.com/Wnb3Y2KQqi謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
@SupportBritish I'm just a girl, standing in front of the industry, asking what I can do to get more auditions?#daretoask#lookingforachange https://www.spotlight.com/4375-3428-8947顯示此對話串謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
@SupportBritish (would hope you could retweet so I could maybe get some advice, thank you for being a badass and all the work you do!)顯示此對話串謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
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I'm retweeting 'cos it makes me so happy
#FabAgent#LuckyGratefulActress@SupportBritish@vshowcardshttps://twitter.com/butchermatt/status/1448340815462469638 …
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And I can't wait to discuss all the backstage razzmatazz and hi-jinks from Dame Judi and Simon Callow!
@SupportBritish#TheLuminariesMagShow#actors#memoir謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
Our next online Rehearsed Reading. A Festive Treat for The Whole Family and all in aid of
@ActingforOthers charities. Please donate what you can to help#freelancers#Actors#Creatives https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/john-christopher-craggs …pic.twitter.com/IYe0es4jVW謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
This is going to be a Cracker!https://twitter.com/SupportBritish/status/1448618601477459969 …
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If you enjoy what I do, please support me on Ko-fi!https://ko-fi.com/supportbritish
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Guys. If you're ever in need of motivation and positivity, look no further than
@antmiddletonI know Ant personally and he is an absolute powerhouse. Read his books then go smash this life and achieve those dreams!
https://twitter.com/antmiddleton/status/1432078100020568069 …
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One self-tape down. Two more to complete. Today is a good day. My rejection pile may be high. We all know that people, but keep going. There is a lot of talent out there and we all have stories to be told. Let's tell them. Be bold, be brave, believe.
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@IndieBookshopUK Come and experience real journalism & the art of conversation! You are all invited to a#crowdfunded eve of culture, books, song &@007 shaken not stirred cocktails@mindfulmix_uk @Social_EntUK https://bit.ly/3mPwaPlLuminariesCultureShow …#SupporttheLuminariesMagpic.twitter.com/Z9ED1sTgwy顯示此對話串謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
UPDATE – Theatre Online: https://bit.ly/2UZM10Q
@CatapultLDN release musical talent showcases#TheatreForEveryone#onlinetheatre#theatreonline@ViralFestival@towertheatre@theatrenetwork_@TheatrePro_@MyTheatreMates@OffWestEndCom@scenesaver@SupportBritish@StageMeetsWorldpic.twitter.com/OiNe5fufNy謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
So thrilled to have been involved in this.https://twitter.com/viciws/status/1448405867607601163 …
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Autumn is truly upon us, so let's
#tbthursday to the glorious summer's bank holiday when we had our#comedy#festival. Photos by@camharlephoto featuring@YasmineDay80@MichaelAkadiri@KatetheHammer@BJAlborough@TwiceBriceBrice & Film Club Improvpic.twitter.com/EoqEOD26Nu謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
Hello lovely friends. Ep 2 goes to air this coming Sunday at 9pm in UK on Channel 5. Please put it in your diaries, and RT for me. Expect to enjoy sunshine, Love, delicious surprises xhttps://twitter.com/Carol4OliveFarm/status/1446823324605198338 …
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