Study: AI targeting helped us reach more of the poorest people in Togo

This week researchers with Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) and the Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) published a working paper with the results of GiveDirectly’s first-of-its-kind contactless direct payments program in Togo in partnership CEGA and the Government of Togo. The results showed our machine learning targeting method outperformed other options available to policymakers […]


Refugees deserve autonomy. Cash can provide it.

The global refugee crisis may seem intractable, but there are promising, tested interventions to help those displaced. Lump sum cash transfers can provide more than just temporary relief. Our programs suggest direct cash is a scalable response that can change the future for millions of protracted refugees. The solutions to date haven’t scaled, and we […]


GiveDirectly and Segovia

4/06/2021 | Segovia merger and relationship with GiveDirectly Segovia is a financial technology company co-founded in 2014 by two members of GiveDirectly’s board, which today is owned and operated by Crown Agents Bank (CAB).  GiveDirectly uses CAB to issue payments via mobile money networks. A summary of the current relationship between the two organizations can […]


How does a basic income affect recipients during COVID-19?

Initial results from our basic income experiment were released today. In the working paper’s abstract, researchers Abhijit Banerjee, Michael Faye, the late Alan Krueger, Paul Niehaus, and Tavneet Suri wrote: These are the first results from the 12-year basic income study started in 2017. We expect additional results from the first endline survey to be […]


Yes, we have costs

When explaining what GiveDirectly does, we sometimes get asked whether 100% of funds go to recipients. That’s no different than asking whether GiveDirectly has any costs. We do have costs, and think it’s best to be transparent about them.


International COVID-19 response now live

As of today, our international response to COVID-19 is live: you can give directly to households living in extreme poverty in the hardest-hit communities overseas. More information on this below. We are deeply concerned for these families. As the pandemic hits and governments impose lockdowns to try to limit its spread, many will suddenly be […]