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Career advice
6 Things to Tell Patients about their COVID-19 Vaccine Card
Social media has been flooded with images of people proudly displaying their COVID-19 vaccination cards—and the impetus for doing that is understandable writes AMA Senior News Writer Sara Berg. While that little white card has helped bring a sense of normalcy to people across the country, one question remains: What should your patients do with their COVID-19 vaccination cards? One physician explains what to tell patients to keep in mind after receiving their vaccine card.
AMA Moving Medicine Podcasts on Spotify
Stay in the loop on innovations and emerging issues impacting physicians and public health today. The Moving Medicine series from the American Medical Association includes interviews, educational presentations and in-depth discussions about a variety of current, relevant health care topics including health equity, physician well-being, and other topics of interest.
Can Coaching Help You Reach the Next Level?
The concept of coaching has origins in the business world, but it is beginning to take root across medicine—in medical school, residency and in practice. In this article, AMA News Writer Brendan Murphy speaks with physician experts on coaching in medicine explain why it works, who benefits from it, how it can apply to patient care, and how it can help doctors reach the next level in their careers.
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