22 July, 2021

threads and libxcb: problems now we have two

If you want to write an X application, you need to use some library that speaks the X11 protocol. For a long time this meant libX11, often called xlib, which - like most things about X - is a fantastic bit of engineering that is very much a product of its time with some confusing baroque bits. Overall it does a very nice job of hiding the icky details of the protocol from the application developer.

One of the details it hides has to do with how resource IDs are allocated in X. A resource ID (an XID, in the jargon) is a 32 29-bit integer that names a resource - window, colormap, what have you. Those 29 bits are split up netmask/hostmask style, where the top 8 or so uniquely identify the client, and the rest identify the resource belonging to that client. When you create a window in X, what you really tell the server is "I want a window that's initially this size, this background color (etc.) and from now on when I say (my client id + 17) I mean that window." This is great for performance because it means resource allocation is assumed to succeed and you don't have to wait for a reply from the server.

Key to all this is that in xlib the XID is the return value from the call that issues the resource creation request. Internally the request gets queued into the protocol's write buffer, but the client can march ahead and issue the next few commands as if creation had succeeded - because it probably did, and if it didn't you're probably going to crash anyway.

So to allocate XIDs the client just marches forward through its XID range. What happens when you hit the end of the range? Before X11R4, you'd crash, because xlib doesn't keep track of which XIDs it's allocated, just the lowest one it hasn't allocated yet. Starting in R4 the server added an extension called XC-MISC that lets the client ask the server for a list of unused XIDs, so when xlib hits the end of the range it can request a new range from the server.

But. UI programming tends to want threads, and xlib is perhaps not the most thread-friendly. So XCB was invented, which sacrifices some of xlib's ease of use for a more direct binding to the protocol and (in theory) an explicitly thread-safe design. We then modified xlib and XCB to coexist in the same process, using the same I/O buffers, reply and event management, etc.

This literal reflection of the protocol into the API has consequences. In XCB, unlike xlib, XID generation is an explicit step. The client first calls into XCB to allocate the XID, and then passes that XID to the creation request in order to give the resource a name.

Which... sorta ruins that whole thread-safety thing.

Let's say you call xcb_generate_id in thread A and the XID it returns is the last one in your range. Then thread B schedules in and tries to allocate another XID. You'll ask the server for a new range, but since thread A hasn't called its resource creation request yet, from the server's perspective that "allocated" XID looks like it's still free! So now, whichever thread issues their resource creation request second will get BadIDChoice thrown at them if the other thread's resource hasn't been destroyed in the interim.

A library that was supposed to be about thread safety baked a thread safety hazard into the API. Good work, team.

How do you fix this without changing the API? Maybe you could keep a bitmap on the client side that tracks XID allocation, that's only like 256KB worst case, you can grow it dynamically and most clients don't create more than a few dozen resources anyway. Make xcb_generate_id consult that bitmap for the first unallocated ID, and mark it used when it returns. Then track every resource destruction request and zero it back out of the bitmap. You'd only need XC-MISC if some other client destroyed one of your resources and you were completely out of XIDs otherwise.

And you can implement this, except. One, XCB has zero idea what a resource destruction request is, that's simply not in the protocol description. Not a big deal, you can fix that, there's only like forty destructors you'd need to annotate. But then two, that would only catch resource destruction calls that flow through XCB's protocol binding API, which xlib does not, xlib instead pushes raw data through xcb_writev. So now you need to modify every client library (libXext, libGL, ...) to inform XCB about resource destruction.

Which is doable. Tedious. But doable.

I think.

I feel a little weird writing about this because: surely I can't be the first person to notice this.

28 October, 2020

on abandoning the X server

There's been some recent discussion about whether the X server is abandonware. As the person arguably most responsible for its care and feeding over the last 15 years or so, I feel like I have something to say about that.

The thing about being the maintainer of a public-facing project for nearly the whole of your professional career is it's difficult to separate your own story from the project. So I'm not going to try to be dispassionate, here. I started working on X precisely because free software had given me options and capabilities that really matter, and I feel privileged to be able to give that back. I can't talk about that without caring about it.

So here's the thing: X works extremely well for what it is, but what it is is deeply flawed. There's no shame in that, it's 33 years old and still relevant, I wish more software worked so well on that kind of timeframe. But using it to drive your display hardware and multiplex your input devices is choosing to make your life worse.

It is, however, uniquely well suited to a very long life as an application compatibility layer. Though the code happens to implement an unfortunate specification, the code itself is quite well structured, easy to hack on, and not far off from being easily embeddable.

The issue, then, is how to get there. And I don't have any real desire to get there while still pretending that the xfree86 hardware-backed server code is a real thing. Sorry, I guess, but I've worked on xfree86-derived servers for very nearly as long as XFree86-the-project existed, and I am completely burnt out on that on its own merits, let alone doing that and also being release manager and reviewer of last resort. You can only apply so much thrust to the pig before you question why you're trying to make it fly at all.

So, is Xorg abandoned? To the extent that that means using it to actually control the display, and not just keep X apps running, I'd say yes. But xserver is more than xfree86. Xwayland, Xwin, Xephyr, Xvnc, Xvfb: these are projects with real value that we should not give up. A better way to say it is that we can finally abandon xfree86.

And if that sounds like a world you'd like to see, please, come talk to us, let's make it happen. I'd be absolutely thrilled to see someone take this on, and I'm happy to be your guide through the server internals.

10 September, 2020

worse is better: making late buffer swaps tear

In an ideal world, every frame your application draws would appear on the screen exactly on time. Sadly, as anyone living in the year 2020 CE can attest, this is far from an ideal world. Sometimes the scene gets more complicated and takes longer to draw than you estimated, and sometimes the OS scheduler just decides it has more important things to do than pay attention to you.

When this happens, for some applications, it would be best if you could just get the bits on the screen as fast as possible rather than wait for the next vsync. The Present extension for X11 has a option to let you do exactly this:

If 'options' contains PresentOptionAsync, and the 'target-msc'
is less than or equal to the current msc for 'window', then
the operation will be performed as soon as possible, not
necessarily waiting for the next vertical blank interval. 

But you don't use Present directly, usually, usually Present is the mechanism for GLX and Vulkan to put bits on the screen. So, today I merged some code to Mesa to enable the corresponding features in those APIs, namely GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear and VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_RELAXED_KHR. If all goes well these should be included in Mesa 21.0, with a backport to 20.2.x not out of the question. As the GLX extension name suggests, this can introduce some visual tearing when the buffer swap does come in late, but for fullscreen games or VR displays that can be an acceptable tradeoff in exchange for reduced stuttering.