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This Scots edeetion wis shapit on 23rd Juin 2005. We hae 40,475 airticles the nou.
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Featurt airticle Featurt airticle

Wfm glasgow cityhall.jpg

George Square is the main civic square in the middle o Glesga, Scotland. It is named fur King George III. It's ane oot o sax squares in the ceetie centre.

The idea ahint the square wis pit oot in 1781, bit didna git developit fur anither 20 year. George Square wis sorroondit bi important biggins. Tae the east is the Glesga Ceetie Chambers, kent as the Municipal Chaumers an aw, whase stane foondin wit pit in 1883, an tae the wast o't is the Merchants Hoose.

Ben the square is an important collection o statues an monimets, sic as thae dedicatit tae Robert Burns, James Watt an Sir Walter Scott

Featurt Pictur Featurt pictur

Pararge aegeria

Pararge aegeria (2009)

Eemage: Alvesgaspar

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  • ...that Mary, Queen o Scots ance haed the heid o Saunt Marget on her mantelpiece?
  • ...that Grape-kun (picturt) wis a penguin that fell in luve wi an anime standee?

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