
mum leaning over baby on bed to kiss him
Andrea Gomez for BabyCenter

How your baby's growing

Your baby's starting to lose her newborn quiver and jumpiness. She's holding your gaze steadily and can probably lift her head when lying on her stomach. If you move your hand side to side over her head, she can track it with her eyes. But the real thrill for new parents is that she's beginning to "talk" -- that is, coo, gurgle, grunt, and hum to express her feelings. Try to coo and gurgle back to her and speak to her face-to-face as much as possible. Keep talking even when you walk away -- she'll enjoy hearing your voice from across the room. Find out more fascinating facts about your four-week-old's development

How your life's changing

In a world in which time is calculated by feeds and nappy changes, it's no wonder new parents often feel tired and dispirited. Don't worry -- this cloud will pass and we have lots of tips to relieve any postnatal stress. But if it feels like more than that -- if, for instance, you're having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, you can't sleep or you're constantly agitated -- do speak to your doctor about it. There's lots that can be done to treat postnatal depression.
Baby massage: stretching
See how to help your baby stretch out of the fetal position safely.See more massage videos

Parent tip: My baby fought the bottle

"I was so determined to breastfeed my first baby I didn't express any milk until she was four months old. She refused to take the bottle and just spat out the teat. I offered her expressed milk from a glass and she readily accepted." – Farah

Poll of the week

Was breastfeeding difficult?

Things to consider

Breastfeeding problems

The Ministry of Health recommends exclusive breastfeeding until your baby is six months old. Most doctors discourage bottle-feeding. However, if due to some unforeseen circumstances breastfeeding is not possible, then you may try the paladai. This is a special newborn feeding bowl which has a long, grooved spout. Your baby will be able to lick the expressed breast milk from the groove, thereby mimicking the tongue action that is needed to feed effectively from the breast.

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