
More Breastfeeding

How to breastfeed

How will I know if my baby is latched on correctly for a feed?

Find out how to help your baby latch on correctly and what you can do to make breastfeeding successful.

Breastfeeding for beginners

How to tell if your newborn is getting enough breastmilk

Preparing to breastfeed

Good positions for breastfeeding

See all in How to breastfeed

Breastfeeding diet and nutrition

Should I avoid any foods or drink when I'm breastfeeding?

Some babies seem to react to something their mum has eaten, and have symptoms such as colic, fussiness or excessive crying. Find out which foods and drinks are best avoided when you’re breastfeeding.

Diet for a healthy breastfeeding mum

Caffeine and breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and your diet

Is it safe to eat spicy food when pregnant or breastfeeding?

See all in Breastfeeding diet and nutrition

Your breastfeeding stories

"I had a c-section and was clueless about breastfeeding but I had a strong will to do it."

"My baby would cluster feed from 6.30pm to 9.00pm."

"I have inverted nipples, so baby could not latch on."

"Even though I had an emergency c-section due to fetal distress, I wanted to breastfeed."

"He would suck the entire night but kept on crying"

See all in Your breastfeeding stories

Breastfeeding problems

Low breastmilk supply

What's causing low milk supply? How to make sure your baby gets enough breastmilk? Can certain foods increase breastmilk supply? Find the answers to your questions.

Engorged breasts

Mastitis while breastfeeding

Sore nipples when breastfeeding

Leaking breasts

See all in Breastfeeding problems

Breastfeeding help

Successful breastfeeding: tips from BabyCenter India mums

Struggling with breastfeeding? Read what our BabyCenter mums have to say about how they made breastfeeding work for them.

Extended breastfeeding: is it for you?

How can I include my husband when I breastfeed our baby?

Do mums have to breastfeed? What if I don't want to?

What are the benefits of breastfeeding?

See all in Breastfeeding help

Pumping and expressing breastmilk

Expressing breastmilk

"Expressing" means taking milk from your breast without your baby suckling. You can use a pump or you can do it by hand. Find out the easiest ways to pump, express and store your milk for your baby.

Expressing breastmilk at work

How can I express breastmilk by hand?

What's the best way to store breastmilk?

How can I express more milk?

See all in Pumping and expressing breastmilk


Weaning: when and how to stop breastfeeding

When is the right time to stop breastfeeding your baby? How should you go about it and how long will it take? Read our expert advice on making the transition smooth for you and your baby.

How to handle pressure to wean

When should I stop breastfeeding?

My baby doesn't want to stop breastfeeding. What should I do?

Night weaning

See all in Weaning

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