24 weeks pregnant: fetal development

Your baby now weighs up to 600g and is quickly getting bigger. From head (crown) to heel she measures about 30cm (11.8in), which is about as long as an ear of corn.

She's getting into patterns of sleeping and waking, although they might not always happen how you'd like them to. She might start moving about just as you're trying to sleep, or when you're in the middle of a presentation at work!

Good sleep might start getting harder to come by as your bump can make it difficult to get comfortable in bed.

Your baby's kicks may feel gentle at first, but as she gets bigger and stronger, so will her movements. You might even start seeing your baby bump shift around when she turns her whole body.

Your baby's brain is growing fast, and her facial muscles are getting a workout as she tests out different expressions, such as smiling and frowning.

Although your baby still has a lot of growing to do before she's ready to be born, she's now considered "viable". This means that if she were to be born this week, her lungs are developed enough for her to survive after some specialist care in a neonatal unit.

Thankfully, extreme prematurity is not common, so it's unlikely you'll be meeting your little one for a few more months.

Check out our pregnancy guide to see what changes could be happening to you at 24 weeks pregnant.

Stretch marks
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Note: every baby develops differently. This page is designed to give you a general idea of how a fetus grows in the womb.

24 सप्ताह की गर्भावस्था की जानकारी हिंदी में पढ़ें!

Last reviewed March 2020


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