Baby sleep

More Baby sleep

Basics of good sleep

Bedtime routines for babies

A bedtime routine can be the key to a good night's sleep for your baby. Find out what you can do to help her sleep well.

How can I get my baby to sleep through the night?

How much sleep does your baby need?

Establishing good sleep habits: An age-by-age guide

Establishing good sleep habits: newborn to three months

See all in Basics of good sleep

Sleep problems and solutions

My baby won't sleep. What should I do?

Most newborns sleep erratically for the first 12 weeks. Find out what you can do to help your baby recognise her bedtime and follow a regular sleep routine.

Why is my baby suddenly waking in the night?

How can I keep my baby warm at night?

My baby turns onto her front to sleep. Is this safe?

Will giving my baby solids help him sleep through the night?

See all in Sleep problems and solutions

Sleep safety

Does co-sleeping reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?

Find out if there is a connection between co-sleeping and SIDs and what you can do to make co-sleeping safe and comfortable.

What is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) or cot death?

How can I make co-sleeping safe?

Will kissing my baby increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?

Should I buy a breathing monitor (apnoea alarm) for my baby?

See all in Sleep safety

Indian lullabies

सो मेरी रानी (Hindi)

Hear this Hindi lullaby and learn the lyrics so you can sing them to your baby!

अँखियों की डिबिया में (Hindi)

निंदिया आ जा री (Hindi)

आ री ओ नींदिया (Hindi)

हे चंदामामा (Hindi)

See all in Indian lullabies

English lullaby audio

All through the night lullaby lyrics

Looking for a lullaby to help your baby to sleep? Listen to ‘All through the night’ and get the lyrics too.

Brahms' lullaby lullaby lyrics

Frere Jacques lullaby lyrics

Golden slumbers lullaby lyrics

Hush, little baby lullaby lyrics

See all in English lullaby audio

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