We measurably reduce the burden of poverty for hundreds of millions of people and we have the data to prove it.

Evidence Action scales evidence-based and cost-effective programs to reduce the burden of poverty for hundreds of millions of people. Our approach fills the gap between research about what works and solutions for people in need. We operate in seven countries across the globe and positively impact the lives of hundreds of millions of people every year in a measurable way. 

Evidence Action has been recognized by several charity evaluators

Charity Navigator gives Evidence Action a perfect Encompass Score of 100/100 in all its rated categories: Impact and Results, and Finance and Accountability.
The Life You Can Save, founded by leading moral philosopher Peter Singer, features Evidence Action on its list of 21 best charities in the world.
GiveWell has rated our Deworm the World Initiative as a ‘top charity’ every year since 2013, and also recognizes our Dispensers for Safe Water as a ‘standout charity’.
Giving Multiplier, a project developed by researchers at Harvard University, recommends Evidence Action as a super-effective charity.

Dispensers for Safe Water

An estimated 525,000 children under the age of five die from diarrhea each year, often as a result of unsafe water. Childhood diarrhea is still the second-leading cause of childhood mortality. Dispensers for Safe Water installs chlorine dispensers directly next to rural water sources in Sub-Saharan Africa, allowing residents to add a precise dose of diluted chlorine to their jerricans before filling the can with water. The water stays clean for two to three days. At a cost of less than $1.50 per person per year, Dispensers for Safe Water is a proven, innovative, and cost-effective approach to increase rates of household chlorination.

Deworm the World Initiative

More than 835 million preschool- and school-age children are at risk of parasitic worm infection. The Deworm the World Initiative partners with governments  to develop and implement national, school-based deworming programs. This results in treatment coverage of over 280 million children a year, and costs on average less than USD $0.50 per child per treatment, with measurable improvements in health, economic, and educational outcomes.

Evidence Action Accelerator

Our engine for new program development – the Accelerator – selects, optimizes, and scales interventions that can measurably improve the lives of millions of people in the world’s poorest places. Through a rigorous process, interventions are evaluated so that only those with the greatest potential for cost-effective impact are scaled up.