Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of a co-op for our family?

A co-op gives parents an opportunity to be actively involved in their child’s school experience. Parents give the co-op their energy, skill, ideas, and support to a small community of children. Parent Education is a component of NVNS as parents work directly in the classroom, hold a school job, and may serve on the school board. Being in a co-op requires more time, effort, and dedication, but you also gain a family support network and learn the value and importance of the integration of home and school . This is a great start for your child’s entire education ahead. NVNS also costs less than traditional preschools because of the families’ involvement. Families and children grow together and many create lifelong friends and support.

It takes a village…Together We’re Better. 

How old does my child need to be to attend NVNS?

To be eligible for admission, children must be at least 2 years 9 months old by September 1st for the T/TH class, and 3 years 9 months old by September 1st for the M/W/F morning class.

Does my child need to be potty trained before school starts?

Yes, all children must be completely toilet trained.However,the first days of preschool are very stimulating for children, and accidents are totally normal and expected even for children who have been potty-trained for a long time.

What are the class times?

  • Monday/Wednesday/Friday AM Class (“MWF” – 4-year-olds): 9:00-12:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday/Thursday AM Class (“T/Th” – 3-year-olds): 9:00-12:00 p.m. 

How long is the school year?

The school year runs mid-September to the end of May. Our schedule is fairly compatible with the NVUSD calendar.

What is the current tuition cost?

Please visit the Join NVNS portion of our website at for current tuition and enrollments costs. Tuition assistance may be provided for qualifying families.

Can we enroll in NVNS mid-year?

Yes, please contact Heather at or (707) 548-3005 to schedule a school tour and request enrollment paperwork.

Can families have multiple children attend at once? Is there a discount offered on tuition if multiple children are enrolled?

Multiple children may attend NVNS at one time, although families do not get a discount on tuition. However, families with multiple children enrolled only have to do one School Job, one Housekeeping Saturday, and one End-of-Year Clean-up Shift.

How long is the waiting list?

The wait list length can vary depending on which class your child will be enrolled in. Names are added to the wait list on a “first-come, first-served” basis. Signing up early does not obligate you in any way but does give you the best opportunity for enrollment.


Do siblings have enrollment priority?

Yes, alumni families have enrollment priority over new families.

What is a typical day like at nursery school for a child?

Children are offered a multitude of unique opportunities to learn through play. Activities in the classroom and outdoors reflect the nursery school curriculum, based on early childhood development. Mz. Lori greets every child at the door, and the day starts with free choice of activities. This is the time when most active learning takes place. Afterward, children gather together with Mz. Lori for music and movement time, followed by snack, and group activity/story time. The day ends with our goodbye song and parent pick-up.

What is a typical day like at nursery school for a working parent?

Your first duty is to arrive 15-30 minutes before the start of class and sign the attendance sheet. The children start play immediately, so it is essential for adults to begin their supervision responsibilities upon arrival. Choose a work card and consult the activity card that corresponds to it – together, these cards will direct you in preparing that day’s activities in your chosen work center. After free play, half the parents assist with music time while the others set up snack. All parents participate in snack time. After snack, the parents who missed music time participate in story time, while the other parents begin clean-up. Every working parent is assigned a job on their card to assist with clean up for that day.

How far ahead of time will I know my working parent schedule?

The schedule will be available approximately 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the month.

Can I have other adult relatives work in class if I am unable to fulfill the working parent requirements?

Yes, any adult relative may work in the classroom as long as they complete their medical paperwork and attend an orientation session.

Can I bring my other child/baby to class with me when I’m a working parent?

No, when you are working in the classroom you must leave non-enrolled siblings at home. It is important that every working parent be able to focus their full attention on the children.

Can I request to only work certain days a week?

Yes, as long as you can fulfill your minimum work requirements, your scheduler will do his/her best to accommodate schedules.

What kinds of school jobs do the parents do?

Each family is responsible for actively participating in either an elected Board of Trustees position or a general School Job. There are a wide variety of school jobs available, from pet care, laundry, and playdough making to Treasurer, and Board President. Our Job Coordinator works to help match each family to an appropriate job.

What do I do if I am expecting a baby or will be unable to work in the classroom at some point during the school year?

Medical leave is allowed for up to six weeks with a doctor’s written notice and Board of Trustees approval. During this time your child will remain in school, but you will not be expected to work in the classroom or make-up work. Parent meeting attendance, School Job responsibilities and snack provisions are still required.  Maternity leave is the same as Medical leave but a doctor’s notice is not required. Maternity leave begins with the birth of the baby and extends for six weeks.


When are the parent meetings typically held?

There is one (2-2.5 hour meeting) a month, generally the first Thursday of the month (subject to change). Parents are allowed to miss only 2 meetings a year.

My child has special needs, will he/she be able to attend?

Yes, NVNS provides a welcoming environment for all children. Some children may require an aid depending on their unique needs.

My child has separation anxiety, can I stay with him/her?

Since there is no way to be sure beforehand just how your child will react upon starting school, please arrange to be available to stay for the first few days, if necessary. It is natural for a young child to need support with new experiences. The separating period is sometimes only a few days, but for the younger, less experienced child, it may be several weeks. Mz. Lori will help you and your child adjust to the separation based on your child’s individual needs.

I am a little concerned about the downtown location, how do you keep nursery school safe?

Safety is taken very seriously at NVNS. Our school rooms are locked exteriorly. The outdoor play yard is fenced in, and outside influences are very rarely an issue. Every play area has constant parental supervision.

Does NVNS have a religious affiliation with the First Methodist Church?

No, the nursery school only leases space through the church. The program does not have a religious component.

My child has special dietary needs, will nursery school be able to accommodate him/her?

Yes, many students have food allergies and sensitivities. NVNS is committed to honoring any dietary preferences or needs your child has as best we can.Since parents take turns providing snack, each class is adequately informed of dietary considerations. Some children come to school with their own snack if their dietary restrictions are difficult to accommodate.Also, depending on current student allergies, our school may be both peanut and tree-nut free.

Will my child be academically prepared for Kindergarten?

We provide a research based DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Program) for children to learn through play. Each stage of development is enriched and enhanced through the environment set for learning. Children grow and unfold at a natural individual learning pace and when they leave for kindergarten, they are prepared for their next growth step. Parents are often concerned about kindergarten readiness. Our classrooms offer experiences to promote the growth of the total child (emotional, social, academic, and physical readiness) at their current developmental stage, rather than actual kindergarten work, which totally prepares them for traditional learning atmospheres.