wati = wisconsin assistive technology initiative
why you need the wati forms
The Napa County SELPA uses the WATI information gathering concept as part of a team approach in considering AT for students with an IEP. The forms will assist the IEP team in considering AT for a student. Some forms pertain to all students but other forms will only pertain to specific areas of concern. For example if the student is having difficulty with communication, the SLP and/or teacher will fill of the communication pages; the OT may be asked to fill out the Motor Aspects of writing and mobility pages.
Using the SETT* framework, an IEP team can use the WATI forms to help answer the question "what task does the student need to do that is currently difficult or impossible, and for which assistive technology may be an option?" The IEP team may want to consult with the ATLL coordinators during this process.
Using the SETT* framework, an IEP team can use the WATI forms to help answer the question "what task does the student need to do that is currently difficult or impossible, and for which assistive technology may be an option?" The IEP team may want to consult with the ATLL coordinators during this process.
Contact your atll coordinators for informationatll@napacoe.org
707-265-2785 |
More about the SEtt framework
more information about the wati
at for writing |
at for reading |
at for speech |