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AI SearchDynamicRe-ranking

Create relevant search results, powered by AI algorithms.

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Re-ranking Ilustration

Exceed user expectations, with search that learns and adapts to their needs

Algolia Dynamic Re-ranking leverages AI to analyze users actions on your digital properties to boost the most performant search results for each of your most popular queries.

+ $2.5M a year in extra sales

Ben Pusey,Product Manager at Gymshark


“Re-Ranking is a killer feature and clear win in terms of sales generated”

Increase illustration

Increase the ROI of your digital search experience

By automatically ranking first the most performant content first, Algolia Dynamic Re-ranking optimizes for both relevance and business results, while reducing repetitive, manual tasks for your development or business teams.

Combine your expertise illustration

Combine your expertise with powerful AI insights

Algolia Dynamic Re-ranking works with our Custom Ranking, Rules, and configurable Personalization to give you total control of the experience.

Proven impact illustration

Proven impact for your user experience, and your business

Algolia Dynamic Re-ranking comes with a simulator showing you exactly how it optimizes the results for each query. Using Algolia A/B Testing, you can assess the performance of the optimized experience with confidence, to drive meaningful outcomes.

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AI Search Dynamic Re-ranking FAQs

  • No, it augments it. We believe AI search should be AI enhanced search. For each query, Algolia Dynamic Re-ranking will use your users actions to Re-rank a result list that has been returned and ranked a first time based on your detailed documentation.
  • Yes, using our Visual Editor or our Rules API, you can merchandise the search experience or execute on editorial strategies on top of the AI powered search results.
  • Indirectly, yes. The way your users will interact with your AI powered search will change over time due to seasonality, but also events or trends. Dynamic Re-ranking will capture those changes and optimize the results accordingly.
  • No, all your data is strictly confined to your Algolia application and cannot be used by other Algolia customers. Your data will feed the AI algorithms instances of your application only.
  • You can benefit from AI powered search with Dynamic Re-ranking on our Premium plan, starting from $1.5/month.

Existing customer? To access the previous version of our pricing and feature description, please contact support@algolia.com

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