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Laws and Regulations

The Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulations and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), signed into state law in June 2017, established a regulatory framework for commercial cannabis operations in the state of California. MAUCRSA also tasked the three state cannabis licensing authorities with developing regulations that address specific aspects of the commercial cannabis market.

The California Department of Public Health's Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch developed regulations that outline the statewide standards and licensing procedures for commercial cannabis manufacturing.

Current regulations for cannabis manufacturing

Proposed regulations for cannabis manufacturing

California legislation related to commercial cannabis

The Bureau of Cannabis Control issued regulations for retailers, distributors, testing laboratories and microbusinesses. CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing, a division of the California Department of Food & Agriculture, issued regulations for cultivators.

Visit the Cannabis Portal to view regulations issued by the Bureau of Cannabis Control or CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing

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