
Evidence Action

Donations made through RC Forward are eligible for Canadian official donation receipts, which can be used to claim charitable tax credits. Use our calculator to estimate your credits.

Evidence Action scales evidence-based and cost-effective programs to reduce the burden of poverty. It fills the gap between research about what works and implementing solutions for those in need. Evidence Action operates in ten countries and measurably impacts millions of lives every year through its programs.

By default, donations will be allocated (at Evidence Action’s discretion) to the Deworm the World Initiative, the project recognized by GiveWell as a top-rated charity. If you would like your donation earmarked for a specific project, please fill out the this form after you make your donation.

About this charity

Evidence Action runs several programs, including the following:

The Deworm the World Initiative

Recognized as a GiveWell top-rated charity each year since 2013, the Deworm the World Initiative partners with governments to develop and implement national, school-based deworming programs to treat children for parasitic worm infection. This results in treatment coverage of over 280 million children each year, at an average cost of less than $0.50 USD per treatment per child. Deworming improves health, education, and long-term productivity as children grow into adults.

Dispensers for Safe Water

Dispensers for Safe Water provides over four million people in low-income countries with free and reliable access to safe water. In 2017, GiveWell recognized the program as one of its standout charities. Dispensers for Safe Water installs free-of-charge chlorine dispensers near community water points, allowing individuals to disperse a pre-measured amount of chlorine into their jerrycans, keeping water safe for two to three days. The program costs around $1.24 USD per person, per year.

Please note: At this time RC Forward is no longer accepting donations for No Lean Season program, due to updated recommendations from both GiveWell and Evidence Action.

Cover Image © Evidence Action

Other Charities Working on

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Malaria Consortium

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