Why Precision Agriculture for Development?

Your contribution will support the provision of actionable information to the world’s poorest people and empower them to improve their well-being.

Each year since PAD’s incorporation in 2015, we have more than doubled the number of farmers accessing information across our programs. At the end of the third quarter of 2020, our services had more than 3.5m farmers across nine developing countries

Your contribution will support the design and implementation of cost-effective information interventions focused on improving productivity, profits, and quality of life for our users.  Contributions from individual donors are particularly valuable because they give PAD flexibility to put money where it’s needed most – to add more farmers to our services, or to develop critical improvements that increase our impact for each user.

In 2020, PAD was the only new organization designated as a ‘standout charity’ by GiveWell, a research nonprofit dedicated to finding outstanding giving opportunities. The summary of their citation states, among other endorsements, PAD’s “Unusually strong self-analysis, particularly in supporting RCTs on its program” and “Standout transparency. It has shared significant, detailed information about its program with us”. GiveWell concluded, based on their cost-effectiveness analysis, that their “best guess is that PAD’s program is approximately 6 times as cost-effective as GiveDirectly’s program, which provides unconditional cash transfers to poor households in low-income countries.”

Your support will also advance the field of digital development by supporting PAD’s rigorous research practice. We make our findings publicly available, and PAD’s researchers are active, and highly regarded, participants and collaborators in the field. 

By 2022 we aim to empower 8 million people living in poverty with mobile enabled advisory technologies that promote the adoption of optimal productive practices and to cost-effectively improve farm yields and household incomes. Given our record of rapidly scaling two-way information systems, the demonstrable impact of our research in improving our services and their impact, and our reputation as a value-adding partner to governments, multilaterals, civil society and the private sector, we are optimistic that this goal is in sight.

Your support will be instrumental in achieving our goals.

You can also give to PAD when you shop on Amazon by adding us as your preferred charity through Amazon Smile. Click on the logo below.

Precision Agriculture for Development (legally registered as Precision Development Inc.) is registered in the United States as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Our EIN number is 81-0779400. Our most recent audited financial statements can be accessed here. 

If you are not resident in the United States and would like to make a gift to PAD, please contact us via donations@precisionag.org