Donate to effective global health and poverty charities

Donate to Highly Effective
Global Health & Poverty Charities

The Effective Altruism NZ Charitable Trust (EANZCT) have partnered with some of  GiveWell‘s recommended charities, so that you can  make tax-deductible donations to some of the world’s most cost-effective and evidence-based global health and poverty charities.

Our charities are GiveWell top charities, with the exception of Dispensers for Safe Water, which is EANZCT’s recommended safe water charity. Dispensers for Safe Water was a GiveWell Standout Charity from 2018 until 2021 when GiveWell retired the Standout Charity category.

Please note that due to New Zealand charity law we can only divert donations to charities working to improve global health and poverty. Effective altruists are interested in many other cause areas where we could maximise our positive impact in the world. If you wish to donate to one of these other cause areas, you may be able to get tax credits on the donation by engaging in a donation swap with a donor in another country.

There are two steps to donating through the EA NZ Charitable Trust:

  1. Complete the form below to get instructions on how to donate
  2. Complete the bank transfer with your bank online, entering the unique code we provide as the reference

You will receive a confirmation email within 7 days of your donation being received. If your donation was a once off transfer your receipt will be attached in this email. If your donation is recurring your receipt will be emailed to you at the end of the financial year (March 31st). Your donation will be forwarded in full to the charity you selected.

If you have any issues with the donation form just email [email protected] and we can help you donate another way.