Iodine Global Network (IGN)


Latest News

21. December 2020

Taking the ego out of philanthropy

A funder explains why IGN is one of just two organizations her foundation will support this year.

03. December 2020

New IGN Policy Brief for IDD/USI in Eastern and Southern Africa

The brief outlines the importance of iodine nutrition and identifies key challenges to sustaining USI

18. November 2020

Did health status in your country improve after fortification implementation?

New fortification visualizations are available for salt, maize flour, oil, rice, salt and wheat flour on the Global...

04. November 2020

Universal Salt Iodisation: Lessons learned from Cambodia for ensuring programme sustainability

For the upcoming Micronutrient Forum, IGN contributed to a series of articles in the journal Maternal and Child Nutrition on...

08. October 2020

COVID-19 is making it harder for vulnerable people to access healthy food

At every life stage, micronutrients are crucial to immune system function and resilience to infectious disease. This brief...


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Latest Blog Posts

28. October 2020
October 2020 There are many ways in which production of salt can be adversely...
27. October 2020
October 2020 After a career of some 53 years, IGN’s Regional Coordinator for...
26. October 2020
October 2020 Welcome to our new board members, Dr. Mary L'Abbé, Department of...
25. October 2020
October 2020 WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has praised The...
25. October 2020
October 2020 IGN was one of a number of contributors to an important brief on food...


Estimating the Impact of USI Programs on Clinical IDD

Annual Report

New IGN leaflet

Push to increase the supply
and availability of iodized salt in the UK

A joint initiative of British Salt, British Thyroid Foundation, UK Iodine Group and the Iodine Global Network

New National Surveys in India

Two new national surveys in India confirm achievement of optimal iodine nutrition in all age groups.

Global iodine status

Guidance on the Monitoring of Salt Iodization Programmes and Determination of Population Iodine Status