Our accreditation standards are updated on an annual basis to align with current best practice and reflect trends in the human and social services landscape.
Our accreditation standards are updated on an annual basis to align with current best practice and reflect trends in the human and social services landscape.
March 31, 2021: Our 2021 Private Standards have launched! These updates will affect private organizations. You can download a full description of the changes here. A complete list of the standards impacted by these updates can be found here.
The 2021 Edition will not impact organizations that are currently pursuing accreditation or re-accreditation and have already been assigned standards in the MyCOA portal. If you are an in-process organization and have questions about the updates, please contact Tobi Murch at: tmurch[at]coanet.org.
Accredited/in-process organizations and volunteers can access information about standards updates through their MyCOA or VIP account.
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February 1, 2021: Our 2021 CYD Standards have launched! Learn more about the standards here.
For more information on the release of new standards sections or significantly revised standards sections, please refer to our News page.
Accredited/in-process organizations and volunteers can access information about standards updates through their MyCOA or VIP account.