APHSA pursues excellence in health & human services by supporting agencies, informing policymakers, & working with our partners. RT does not mean endorsement.

Joined September 2013


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 21

    Don't miss our next on May 20! Our exciting virtual mini-series runs every third Thursday through June. Featuring expertise on agency management in , , , , , & .

  2. 1 hour ago

    Check out the latest podcast episode from with our President & CEO , discussing the opportunities and challenges presented by the .

  3. 2 hours ago

    It’s not too late to join us today for - your registration gives you access to the full series! Featuring expertise on agency management in , , , , , & .

  4. Retweeted
    20 hours ago

    Don't miss 's tomorrow! We're chatting with Executive Director Joel Potts at 2:15p about how human services agencies can modernize their technology and processes to give caseworkers more time to connect with clients.

  5. May 19

    Tomorrow’s will feature speakers from , , & RedMane Technology - it’s never too late to join as your registration gives you access to the full series - don't miss out!

  6. May 18

    Diverse disciplines + scholars are encouraged to apply for 's 2021 RFP that will support research on pilots and other innovative pathways for boosting upward for low-wage workers. Deadline: June 27.

  7. May 18

    Save the date and book your hotel for , the 2021 Economic Mobility and Well-Being Conference (EMWB), held in partnership with on Aug 22-25 in Milwaukee, WI. Registration opening soon! Learn more:

  8. May 17

    Join us along with & on May 26 for: "Addressing During the COVID Pandemic: A Discussion with the State of CA," to hear an honest reflection of the challenges each state faces and strategies employed.

  9. May 17

    Don't miss our next this week! It's never too late to join as your registration gives you access to the full series. Featuring expertise on agency management in , , , , , & .

  10. May 14

    Thank you to all our attendees and our sponsors for helping us to create a successful event!

  11. Retweeted
    May 14

    Many lessons have been learned during the pandemic. The W.K. Kellogg Foundations work with New England human service leaders have demonstrated the impact of a approach.

  12. May 14

    "Families are at the center of everything we do. Our systems & structures need to be built around the need for families, not the other way around. If there's one thing COVID taught us - families touch all programs & systems." Paula Sammons

  13. May 14

    “Girls will change this world. We need to continue to truly give them support. Tell them, don’t accept no as an answer, no matter what your circumstances are.”

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  14. May 14

    “We need to create a system that is more of a system instead of just autonomous child care centers struggling on their own. Universal pre-k would get 3 to 4 times more children into child care.” Diana Pearce

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  15. May 14

    “We need to make sure women are getting into the pipeline for good jobs & that the jobs are welcoming to women & people of color. We have very real opportunities in front of states now, with flexibilities coming from an infusion of funds.”

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  16. May 14

    Out-of-work mothers ages 25-44 were nearly 3 times as likely as out-of-work dads to cite COVID-related childcare issues as the reason they were not employed. See recently released resources: 5 Facts on Moms, Work and COVID-19 here:

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  17. May 14

    “Making Work Work” by shares Organizer Ashley Bostick’s hopes for , which works to build a movement for economic justice by engaging women directly impacted by economic trends to get their issues on the public agenda.

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  18. May 14

    The “She-Cession” on Women & the Economy focuses on economic trends impacting women, with the decline of women in the workforce & causal factors, discussed by ; ; Diana Pearce &

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  19. May 14
  20. Retweeted
    May 14

    New Hampshire Governor Sununu on encouraging the breaking down of barriers for policy leaders and elected officials :

  21. Retweeted
    May 14

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