YWCA USAHitelesített felhasználó


YWCA USA is on a mission to eliminate racism, empower women, stand up for social justice, help families, and strengthen communities.

Washington, DC
Csatlakozott 2009. április


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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    máj. 28.

    We all have a role to play in forging a world where justice just is. Partner with YWCA as we work at the intersection of and by registering for our Racial Justice Summit, In Solidarity We Build, happening June 22-25:

  2. 14 órával ezelőtt

    At YWCA, we stake our ground at the intersection of race and gender. Learn how we’re empowering young women & young women of color w/ through Young Women Choosing Action, an intersectional, culturally responsive, trauma-informed leadership program

  3. 15 órával ezelőtt

    As we explore addressing racism as a public health crisis, of discusses what she would like to see to help us better address health disparities in indigenous communities:

  4. 18 órával ezelőtt

    Today, we celebrate the 101st anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment in Congress, granting the right to vote for some—but not all—women. On 6/23 & 6/24, join us to explore how we can all stand together to create a world that is equitable for all:

  5. 19 órával ezelőtt

    Today is National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Observed nationally on the first Friday in June and the following weekend each year, it is an opportunity bring awareness to the crisis of . and read our policy recommendations:

  6. jún. 3.

    As we celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month, listen in as Dr. Cynthia Langtiw discusses how to center the experiences of immigrants and people of color as we address racism as a public health crisis.

  7. jún. 3.

    Over 160 years ago, we set out to , empower women, and create a more just world. But we know deeply that no one organization or entity can go it alone. Now is the time for us all to stand in solidarity in the fight for .

  8. jún. 2.

    97 years ago, President Calvin Coolidge signed the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, finally granting citizenship to all Native Americans born within the U.S. We observe today’s anniversary as a step in the right direction for Native rights as we continue to champion equality.

  9. jún. 2.

    . of speaks to the experience of the Latinx and migrant communities and how we should include their perspectives as we address racism as a public health crisis:

  10. jún. 1.

    “This Pride Month, we affirm our obligation to uphold the dignity of all people, and dedicate ourselves to protecting the most vulnerable among us.” As we celebrate , we thank for pursuing equity and justice for the + community.

  11. jún. 1.

    In the midst of a growing demand for a national reckoning around racism and systemic change, join us June 23 and 24 as we advance the work of eliminating racism through our racial justice summit: In Solidarity We Build. Together, we can .

  12. jún. 1.

    "I think understanding racism as a public health crisis helps us to understand that all of us has a stake in addressing it." of discusses the need to declare that :

  13. máj. 31.

    As evidenced in the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, and racism impacts all areas of life, including wealth building. Today, the YWCA network is helping women of color all across the country overcome barriers to :

  14. máj. 31.

    100 years after the Tulsa Race Massacre, is on the ground empowering the Tulsa community through a number of initiatives. One of which is , helping communities nationwide respectfully pay homage. Take their pledges today and commit to .

  15. máj. 31.

    “What took years to build was erased in less than 24 hours by racial violence.” On the centennial of the Tulsa Race Massacre, read this piece about what was destroyed and the lasting impact on the once vibrant Greenwood district.

  16. máj. 31.

    100 years ago, a violent white mob attacked Black residents & businesses in Tulsa, OK in what is considered 1 of the worst episodes of racial violence in U.S. history. On the centennial of the Tulsa Race Massacre, let’s talk about what took place & its implications today.

  17. máj. 30.

    We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: we ALL have a role to play in addressing racism. Here’s an age-by-age guide to help your kids confront hate:

  18. máj. 30.

    THREAD 5/5: ✔️ Tell your Members of Congress to end Black maternal mortality:

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  19. máj. 30.

    THREAD 4/5: ✔️ Demand safety, accountability, and :

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  20. máj. 30.
    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  21. máj. 30.

    THREAD 2/5: ✔️ Take the pledge to :

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése

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