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  1. 20 feb.

    1/64 Τόσο από τα παλιά thread για τον πιλότο όσο και από το χθεσινό με τους τραγικούς γονείς από την είναι πλέον ξεκάθαρο ότι η ευαισθητοποίηση του κόσμου σε τέτοια θέματα είναι τεράστια, όπως και η ανάγκη για δικαιοσύνη.Και ενώ γονείς βγήκαν τηλεφωνικά στο

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  2. 8 abr.

    This is one of my favourite photos of my darling, taken many years ago on one of our walks in Epping Forest. It’s her to a tee. The week before she died she asked me to promise her that I would live a good life for both of us. How could I not, for this wonderful woman? ❤️

  3. 27 jul. 2021

    On placement at the moment, I'm planning some training. I really like theory that the pain of doesn't shrink, it just becomes less all consuming with time. This is my illustration...

  4. hace 24 horas

    Happy 5 anniversary to my sister and her beautiful bride, Kelsey. This is Kelsey’s fourth anniversary without Tia earth side. Tia, you should be here. You wanted babies. You wanted time. I’m so sorry, sister. KK, you are family. Always & forever. I love you so much. 🤎

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  5. 8 abr.

    My Ollie didn’t die of Covid he died because of Covid. Hospitals making the wrong call. They should’ve taken Ollie in earlier but because of the fear of Covid they didn’t. They admitted this fact. How many others did this happen to?

  6. 3 abr.

    This is so true & I feel it even more today. My dad's passing happened so suddenly. I wish I'd spent more time telling him how much I loved & appreciated him. Sending out lots of love to you all xSx

  7. 7 abr.

    Missing my Ollie more and more each day. He was a beautiful person inside and out. Too good for this horrible World. I miss his calm gentle nature. One of the good ones. Love you Ollie x

  8. hace 21 horas

    🖤 The journey continues...

  9. Today was a hard day. Some days I'm ok. Others are really bad. Today was a really hard day 😭

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  10. 8 abr.

    LONELY- I have never felt this lonely in my life. And the shit part is- I can’t be around anyone right now without thinking- “ya- but did you watch your wife die?”.

  11. hace 19 horas

    A year ago today I visited my darling in hospital. We spoke with a doctor. The plan had been to drain all the fluid from her lung, get her oxygen levels up and send her home. Then we’d see an oncologist to discuss any appropriate treatments. But… (1/4)

  12. hace 15 horas

    Like , strength and joy also live within you. You are more than what you are going through.

  13. 9 abr.

    The effects of grief are unreal. My sleep pattern is trash-can’t fall asleep & then when I do, I can’t stay asleep FML

  14. hace 16 horas

    The random flashbacks of the good times, is what gets me 🥺.

  15. hace 8 horas

    Reminiscing about how are heartbeats we’re in sync

  16. 8 abr.

    For physical pain, we have an entire pharmacopeia of medicine. But for itself, there's no medicine that will fix things. Grief is a different animal altogether. Some things cannot be fixed. You just have to feel your pain. So what do you do with it?

  17. 4 abr.

    We were at a family funeral today. Not a close relative but still takes you back to that day. Thankfully my phone memories today are also full of these two blissfully enjoying each other ❤❤

  18. hace 15 horas

    tiredness and lack of concentration down to his treatment, but now I know there was more to it than that. The cancer was already growing in his brain. This truly was the beginning of the end, although we didn't know how little time was left to us. I miss him ❤️💔

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  19. hace 13 horas

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