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RIBs & Sports Boats

Whether driven for fun or practical use, RIBs and sports boats are perfect for spending the day exploring the coastline, shuttling friends to moored boats or providing safety cover on a race course. Not to mention that wonderful feeling of the wind in your hair!

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Is it for me?

If you have the urge to be out in the fresh air, explore new places and enjoy a bit of speed, then RIBs and sports boats are for you. Either with friends or family, you’ll be amazed by your opportunities as nothing is very far away with a RIB or sports boat beneath you.

How can I try it?

There are companies that offer RIB experiences for you to have your first taste of being out on the water. Whether it’s a tour of the Thames or taking in parts of the Solent, this can be a fun way to discover the feeling of freedom on the water.

The RYA's Powerboat Courses are a great way to get to grips with the basics of driving sports boats and RIBs and can help you to feel confident when taking your first trip and beyond. Also some insurance companies insist on drivers having certain qualifications so it is useful to have some training under your belt.

There are plenty of opportunities to drive RIBs as safety boat cover for training and racing events at your local sailing club. Most clubs will welcome new members and many run training courses. 

How much does it cost?

Although it can be pricey to buy your own RIB or sports boat you don’t have to spend a fortune to enjoy this exciting activity.

You can charter a RIB for the day or weekend from a hire company and they will have all the safety kit and gear you need to get on the water.

If you do want to buy your own, you can easily find second-hand RIBs and sports boats. Search online or visit a marine brokers.

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Motor Cruising

Motor cruising is a fun and sociable way to explore new places in comfort. You can travel large distances quickly and can also sleep on board so the adventure lasts as long as you want it to.

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