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            You are hereHome » About » Information About Donating » More Information Information About Donating     FacebookTwitter>Print>Email                   This page includes information about options for donating to our recommended charities, as well as answers to frequently asked questions about donations.  Table of Contents   Donate to GiveWell in Support of Our Recommended Charities Donate Directly to Our Recommended Charities Frequently Asked Questions About Donations  Why does GiveWell collect donations on behalf of its recommended charities? Does GiveWell charge fees on donations to its recommended charities? How is GiveWell supported? Will my donation be tax-deductible?  United States The Netherlands Other countries   When does GiveWell grant funds it has collected to charities? If I request that you allocate funds from my donation for your recommended charities, will all of my donation be granted to those charities? How are donations to the Maximum Impact Fund allocated? How do I modify or cancel a recurring donation? How do I update the credit card number for a recurring donation? Can you help me change or cancel a donation I made to one of your recommended charities? I would like to reallocate my existing, recurring donation according to your updated recommendation. I want to give stocks or other securities, or I want to donate by bank transfer. Can I donate to a donor-advised fund? I want to donate in honor of someone. I tried entering my credit card number and got an error. What do I do? What happens if I don't indicate how I'd like my donation to be used? Other questions?     Last Updated: February 2021; Published: September 2015


 Donate to GiveWell in Support of Our Recommended Charities We recommend that donors giving gifts up to $1,000 donate online by credit card because this method requires the lowest amount of administrative work for us. More details on donating via credit card as well as alternative methods below. Please note that if you do not indicate how you would like your donation to be designated when you give to GiveWell (e.g., to our recommended charities), your donation will be treated as unrestricted funding, which we may choose to either use for operating expenses or to grant to recommended charities.

 Online credit card donations: Use this form. Transactions are processed by Braintree Payments ( Like all credit card processors, Braintree charges a percentage fee on every transaction. Braintree charges GiveWell 2.15% (3.20% for AMEX) + $0.28 on each transaction. The fee is taken out on GiveWell's end: if you donate $100, we receive $97.57 (or $96.52 if using AMEX). Online through PayPal: Select an option from this page. PayPal charges 2.2% + $0.30 on each transaction. There is some administrative work for us to process PayPal donations. Donate by check: Reporting your check donation in advance online helps us cut down on administrative costs. Please report your donation using the appropriate form and then follow the instructions for mailing your check.  Top charities   Standout charities   GiveWell's unrestricted use (likely to support GiveWell's operating expenses) (For the difference between top and standout charities, please see here.)

 For donors giving more than $1,000, we recommend sending a check. Checks have no processing fees, but require more administrative work for us than either credit card or PayPal donations. We therefore recommend that donors use a credit card for gifts up to $1,000.

 If you would prefer to print and mail our check donation form, you can use the following:Top charities (Microsoft Word version here).Standout charities (Microsoft Word version here).

 Donate by bank transfer. Due to the administrative cost associated with processing bank transfers, we ask that donors use bank transfers only for donations of $1,000 or more. If you are interested in making a donation to GiveWell via bank transfer, please follow the instructions here to donate to GiveWell's top charities, here to donate for GiveWell's unrestricted use (likely to support GiveWell's operations), or here to donate to GiveWell's standout charities. Donations made by bank transfer may have fees for the donor. It is our impression that some banks charge a fee for transfers and some do not. If you're interested in donating by bank transfer, we suggest you check with your bank about the fees involved. GiveWell does not pay fees on bank transfers. Donate stocks. Due to the administrative cost associated with processing donations of stock, we ask that donors donate stock only if the value of the stock at the time of transfer is estimated at approximately $1,000 or more. Donations of stock are processed by E*Trade. E*Trade charges a $4.95 commission on each sale. If you are interested in making a donation to GiveWell via stocks or securities, please follow the instructions here to donate to GiveWell's top charities, here to donate for GiveWell's unrestricted use (likely to support GiveWell's operations), or here to donate to GiveWell's standout charities. Alternatively, donors giving $5,000 or more can give to GiveWell's Vanguard donor-advised fund, which may be able to accept certain types of securities that E*Trade cannot, including Vanguard mutual funds. Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. Due to the administrative cost associated with processing donations of cryptocurrencies, we ask that donors donate cryptocurrency only if the value of the currency at the time of transfer is estimated at approximately $1,000 or more. Donations of cryptocurrency are processed by Coinbase. Coinbase charges fees; please review the details about Coinbase's fees and surcharge here. If you are interested in making a donation of cryptocurrency to GiveWell, please follow the instructions here to donate to GiveWell's top charities, here to donate for GiveWell's unrestricted use (likely to support GiveWell's operations), or here to donate to GiveWell's standout charities. We are able to accept donations of all cryptocurrencies that are tradable on Coinbase, a list which currently includes Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, and 0x. If you would like to donate a cryptocurrency not listed, please email us at The same methods and recommendations apply for donations made to GiveWell in support of our own operations.

Donate Directly to Our Recommended Charities It is important to us to track donations made due to our research. If you choose to give directly to one or more of our recommended charities (rather than through our site), please let us know through our donation report form and, if the charity's donation form provides a place to do so, please tell the charity that your gift was a result of our research. Follow the links below to donate directly:

 Malaria Consortium (GiveWell's recommendation is for the seasonal malaria chemoprevention program only). Malaria Consortium prefers that donors who wish to support its work on seasonal malaria chemoprevention do so through GiveWell; all such donations will be restricted to the seasonal malaria chemoprevention program (which is GiveWell’s recommendation). Individuals giving to Malaria Consortium through its own website donation page or any other mechanism will need to contact to specify if they would like their donation to support seasonal malaria chemoprevention specifically. Against Malaria Foundation Helen Keller International (GiveWell's recommendation is for the vitamin A supplementation (VAS) program only). Donors should write "VAS" in the comments form. SCI Foundation, formerly known as Schistosomiasis Control Initiative New Incentives Evidence Action, which runs Deworm the World Initiative The END Fund (GiveWell's recommendation is for the deworming program only). Donors will need to specify that they are giving due to GiveWell's recommendation so the END Fund knows that their gift is intended to support deworming. Please note that the END Fund will notify GiveWell of donors who indicate they heard about the END Fund through GiveWell, and we are planning to use that information to inform our estimates of the impact of GiveWell's funding on deworming programs. We do expect that some of GiveWell's funding will cause more spending on non-deworming programs due to fungibility (more). GiveDirectly Iodine Global Network Living Goods Precision Agriculture for Development Project Healthy Children Sightsavers' deworming program is one of our top charities. We do not list it here because Sightsavers told us that it will treat donations received directly through its website as unrestricted (not exclusively for use on deworming programs). GiveWell's recommendation of Sightsavers is only for its work on deworming. Our other recommended charities do not currently have a way to accept individual donations. These are: Development Media International (DMI), Food Fortification Initiative (FFI), and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)'s universal salt iodization (USI) program. Frequently Asked Questions About Donations Why does GiveWell collect donations on behalf of its recommended charities? (1) It allows us to track our own impact on donations, (2) it gives us a chance to ask you if you'd like to receive updates on GiveWell's research, and (3) when we grant the funds to the charity, we can designate them as we believe is best (as either unrestricted or restricted donations; more details for AMF, GiveDirectly, and Evidence Action).

 Please note that if you submit a donation to GiveWell with no designation (for example, mailing a check but not filling out the check donation form), we will treat it as unrestricted funding, which we may choose to either use for operating expenses or to grant to recommended charities.

 Does GiveWell charge fees on donations to its recommended charities? No, GiveWell collects no fees from donations to support its recommended charities. Once we have reviewed and approved your request to grant a donation to our recommended charities, 100% of your donation (after credit card fees) will be used to support the charity or charities of your choice (more details on the grant approval process here).

 How is GiveWell supported? GiveWell is supported by donors who explicitly choose to direct funding to our operations. Some donors choose to add 10% of their donation amount to support GiveWell's operations, and others choose to give their full donation amount as unrestricted funding to support our operations.

 We generally use unrestricted funding for operating expenses (which includes staff salaries, travel expenses, website maintenance, and other routine operational costs). However, we have an "excess assets" policy, which provides that once we surpass a certain level of unrestricted assets, we earmark the excess for granting rather than continue to hold it ourselves. You can read more about our excess assets policy here:

 We cap at 20 percent the proportion of our operating budget that any one individual or organization can contribute. This helps us avoid overly relying on a single source of support.

 Will my donation be tax-deductible? United States GiveWell (a.k.a. The Clear Fund) is a federally-recognized tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. US donors are able to take tax deductions for donations to GiveWell to the extent permitted by US tax laws. In addition, GiveWell is able to make grants to our recommended charities. Please note that donations to GiveWell are irrevocable and donor requests to grant donations to our recommended charities are subject to our approval (more details on GiveWell's approval process here).

 The Netherlands GiveWell (a.k.a. The Clear Fund) is also a registered charity in the Netherlands with tax-deductible status (a Public Benefit Organization). Dutch donors are able to take tax deductions for donations to GiveWell to the extent permitted by Dutch tax laws. As above, please note that donations to GiveWell are irrevocable and donor requests to grant donations to our recommended charities are subject to our approval (more details on GiveWell's approval process here). Additional information for donors in the Netherlands, including how to set up a periodic gift agreement, is in this blog post.

 Other countries Below, we list the ways in which to make a tax-deductible donation to GiveWell and our recommended charities for donors based outside the US and the Netherlands. We are not aware of tax-advantaged giving options for donors in countries not listed below. Please contact us at to let us know about other tax-advantaged giving options.

 Hover over the footnotes below to see important notes and considerations, such as whether gifts can be restricted to the particular program GiveWell recommends or whether they will be made as unrestricted gifts to the organization. Please note that we have not thoroughly vetted the donations processing of any third-party organizations. The above is not tax, legal, or financial advice. Benefits may vary depending on your situation. We recommend speaking to your tax accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor for specific tax, legal, or financial advice for your situation. 

 Top charities Donor's country: United Kingdom Canada Germany Australia Switzerland Norway Spain Other countries Top charities         Option to give that is based on GiveWell's Maximum Impact Fund Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid) RC Forward Effektiv Spenden  Effective Altruism Australia   Malaria Consortium (seasonal malaria chemoprevention program only) Direct to charity1 Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid)

  RC Forward Effektiv Spenden  Effective Altruism Australia2 The Life You Can Save Australia

 Effective Altruism Foundation Ayuda Efectiva  Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) Direct to charity (eligible for Gift Aid) Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid)

  Direct to charity RC Forward

  Direct to charity  Effektiv Spenden

 Direct to charity  Effective Altruism Australia 

The Life You Can Save Australia

  Effective Altruism Foundation Direct to charity

 Ayuda Efectiva Direct to charity in: Denmark Ireland Italy New Zealand South Africa Via Transnational Giving Europe in France and many other EU countries.3 

Effective Altruism New Zealand

 Helen Keller International's vitamin A supplementation program Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid) RC Forward  The Life You Can Save Australia Effective Altruism Foundation Ayuda Efectiva  SCI Foundation Direct to charity (eligible for Gift Aid) Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid)

  Direct to charity RC Forward

    Effective Altruism Australia The Life You Can Save Australia

 Effective Altruism Foundation Ayuda Efectiva Via Transnational Giving Europe in France and many other EU countries.4 Effective Altruism New Zealand

 Sightsavers (deworming only) Direct to charity 5(eligible for Gift Aid) Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid)


 RC Forward    Direct to charity 6  Direct to charity in:7 India Ireland Italy Middle East Sweden 

 New Incentives Effective Altruism Funds RC Forward  The Life You Can Save Australia     Evidence Action's Deworm the World Initiative Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid) RC Forward8 Effektiv Spenden  Effective Altruism Australia9 The Life You Can Save Australia10

  Effective Altruism Foundation  Ayuda Efectiva  The END Fund (deworming only) Direct to charity 11 (eligible for Gift Aid) Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid)

  RC Forward   Effective Altruism Foundation    GiveDirectly Direct to charity (eligible for Gift Aid) Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid)

  RC Forward Effektiv Spenden  Effective Altruism Australia The Life You Can Save Australia

  Effective Altruism Foundation  Effective Altruism New Zealand Standout charities Donor's country: United Kingdom Canada Australia Standout charities      Development Media International (DMI) Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid) RC Forward  Evidence Action's Dispensers for Safe Water Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid) RC Forward12  Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)   The Life You Can Save Australia Georgetown University Initiative on Innovation, Development, and Evaluation — Zusha! Road Safety Campaign UK Friends of Georgetown Limited13 (eligible for Gift Aid) Direct to charity14  Iodine Global Network (IGN) Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid) Direct to charity The Life You Can Save Australia Living Goods  RC Forward The Life You Can Save Australia Precision Agriculture for Development    Project Healthy Children (PHC) Effective Altruism Funds (eligible for Gift Aid) RC Forward The Life You Can Save Australia Donations to GiveWell Donor's country: Canada Switzerland Donations to GiveWell    Unrestricted (likely GiveWell operating support) RC Forward Effective Altruism Foundation We ask that donors who use our research to decide to support these organizations through their own websites complete our donation reporting form so we are able to track our own impact.

 Unfortunately, there are a number of countries where people wish to use our research but none of our top-rated charities are tax-deductible. In some countries, donors may be able to take advantage of donor-advised funds or fiscal sponsorship organizations in order to make tax-deductible gifts to our top charities.

 In general, we think that differences in effectiveness between charities are sufficiently large that in cases where the best giving opportunity may not be tax-deductible, it makes sense to give a smaller post-tax donation to the best organization rather than a larger pre-tax donation to a tax-deductible organization. However, we understand that donors may have different intuitions on this question, and are hoping to eventually have tax-deductible giving opportunities in other countries with many GiveWell users.

When does GiveWell grant funds it has collected to charities? We currently aim to make grants to charities within about two months after the end of each calendar quarter (for example, by the beginning of June based on donations received in January through March). We may alter this schedule in the future (e.g. if a charity tells us that having the funds sooner will impact its operations or if we face capacity limitations).

 If I request that you allocate funds from my donation for your recommended charities, will all of my donation be granted to those charities? Donors to GiveWell can request that we use their donations for the support of a particular recommended charity (or charities), or for the Maximum Impact Fund (formerly known as "Grants to recommended charities at GiveWell's discretion"). Donors communicate allocation preferences to us in several different ways, depending on the donation method they choose; for example, by specifying how they want their donation to be used on our credit card donation form, top charities and standout charities check donation forms (see here for the difference between top and standout charities), or by emailing us.

 Our grantmaking process includes review and approval of grants to recommended charities by our Board of Directors. We generally approve grants in accordance with donors’ allocation preferences by granting all funds (less applicable financial transaction fees) to the charities that donors have told us they want to support, and have historically made grants in accordance with donors' allocation preferences in all cases. However, we retain the right to exercise final discretion over how funds from all donations are allocated.

 GiveWell retains final discretion over how funds from donations are allocated to ensure that donations from US donors are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law, including when GiveWell grants funds to international charities formed outside the US. Generally speaking, US donors cannot take a charitable contribution deduction for a donation to international charities that are not formed in the US. Some of GiveWell’s recommended charities (and charities we might recommend in the future) are formed outside the US and do not have tax-exempt US-based organizations. GiveWell has reviewed each of these organizations and confirmed that they advance charitable purposes and otherwise meet applicable US legal requirements, so we, as a US 501(c)(3) organization, are able to grant funds to them. However, in order for a US donor to take a charitable contribution deduction for a donation that the donor recommends we grant to such an international charity, GiveWell has to exercise legal discretion and control over the donated funds, which means that we have the right to allocate the funds to a different charitable purpose than to a grant to that international charity. 

 How are donations to the Maximum Impact Fund allocated? GiveWell will apply its judgment to allocate these donations among recommended charities. We take into account charities' funding needs and donations they have received from other sources when deciding where to distribute the Maximum Impact Funds. We then make these grants to the highest-value funding opportunities we see among our recommended charities. This page lists distributions we have made from the Maximum Impact Fund (formerly known as "Grants to recommended charities at GiveWell's discretion") since 2014. 

 How do I modify or cancel a recurring donation? How do I update the credit card number for a recurring donation? Please send us an email at if you would like to modify or cancel your monthly donation to GiveWell.

 Can you help me change or cancel a donation I made to one of your recommended charities? We can only assist with donations made for the support of recommended charities through GiveWell; in order to change or cancel a donation made directly to a GiveWell-recommended charity, you will need to reach out to the charity directly.

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 I want to donate in honor of someone. If you are giving by credit card, there is an option on our online donation forms to dedicate your donation to someone. If you check this box and and tell us the person's email address, we'll send them an email letting them know about your gift. Alternatively, you can download and use our acknowledgement letter templates.

 I tried entering my credit card number and got an error. What do I do? We’re sorry about the trouble. We know that some donors occasionally experience problems with our donation pages. One thing that has worked for some donors in the past is using a different browser.

 If that fails, we can also accept credit card donations via PayPal at and we can accept donations by check made out to GiveWell and sent to 1714 Franklin Street #100335, Oakland, CA 94612. Other donation options are listed above.

 We appreciate you letting us know if you continue to have website issues so that we can troubleshoot. Please email with a description of the problem.

 What happens if I don't indicate how I'd like my donation to be used? We sometimes receive donations without guidance on how the donor wants them to be used, such as a check made out to "GiveWell" with no accompanying top charities or standout charities check donation form (see here for the difference between top and standout charities) as well as donations made through certain online platforms or donor advised funds. We will treat these donations as unrestricted funding, which we may choose to either use for operating expenses or to grant to recommended charities. This designation will be communicated via the receipt you receive from GiveWell, and we're happy to change it if you let us know.

 Other questions? Please don't hesitate to email us at

 1. Malaria Consortium prefers that donors who wish to support its work on seasonal malaria chemoprevention do so through GiveWell; all such donations will be restricted to the seasonal malaria chemoprevention program (which is GiveWell’s recommendation). Donors to Malaria Consortium through its own website donation page or any other mechanism will need to specify if they would like their donation to support seasonal malaria chemoprevention specifically. You can do this by leaving a comment on the donation form. 2. Donations to EAA for the support of Malaria Consortium are restricted to the seasonal malaria chemoprevention program. 3. Belgium Bulgaria Croatia France Hungary Luxembourg Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain

 4. Belgium Bulgaria Croatia France Germany Hungary Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Switzerland

 5. Sightsavers will treat donations received directly through its website as unrestricted (not exclusively for use on deworming programs). GiveWell's recommendation of Sightsavers is only for its work on deworming and not its activities overall. US donors who only wish to support Sightsavers' deworming work and not its other programs can do so by donating to Sightsavers through GiveWell. 6. Sightsavers will treat donations received directly through its website as unrestricted (not exclusively for use on deworming programs). GiveWell's recommendation of Sightsavers is only for its work on deworming and not its activities overall. US donors who only wish to support Sightsavers' deworming work and not its other programs can do so by donating to Sightsavers through GiveWell. 7. Sightsavers will treat donations received directly through its website as unrestricted (not exclusively for use on deworming programs). GiveWell's recommendation of Sightsavers is only for its work on deworming and not its activities overall. US donors who only wish to support Sightsavers' deworming work and not its other programs can do so by donating to Sightsavers through GiveWell. 8. By default, donations will be allocated (at Evidence Action's discretion) to the Deworm the World Initiative. If you would like your donation earmarked for a specific project, please fill out this form after you make your donation. 9. Donations to EAA for the support of Evidence Action are restricted to the Deworm the World Initiative. 10. Donations to The Life You Can Save for the support of Evidence Action will be unrestricted. If you're interested in making a restricted donation to Deworm the World, you can donate by bank transfer (details here) or contact The Life You Can Save staff.  11. GiveWell's recommendation of the END Fund is only for its work on deworming and not its activities overall. Donors will need to specify that they are giving due to GiveWell's recommendation so the END Fund knows that their gift is intended to support deworming. We are planning to use information about the total given to the END Fund as a result of GiveWell's recommendation to inform our estimates of the impact of GiveWell's funding on deworming programs. We do expect that some of GiveWell's funding will cause more spending on non-deworming programs due to fungibility (more). 12. By default, donations will be allocated (at Evidence Action's discretion) to the Deworm the World Initiative. If you would like your donation earmarked for a specific project, please fill out this form after you make your donation. 13. Zusha! is part of the Georgetown University Initiative on Innovation, Development and Evaluation. The UK Friends of Georgetown Limited advises contacting them to confirm they may accept restricted gifts, such as to Zusha!, before making them. You may reach out to them at 14. Zusha! is part of the Georgetown University Initiative on Innovation, Development and Evaluation. Donations made to Georgetown University for the support of Zusha! should be marked as such by the donor; for example, when donating online, please select the "Other designation" option and write "Zusha! Road Safety Campaign." Georgetown University is a registered university in Canada: "Registered universities are qualified donees; therefore, they can issue official donation receipts and are eligible to receive gifts from registered charities." Read more  here.                          Contact Stay updated FAQ For Charities Site map Privacy Policy Jobs       Follow Us: Facebook Twitter RSS   Subscribe to email updates:  GiveWell, aka The Clear Fund (a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity), was founded in 2007. We serve donors across the Globe; GiveWell's donors are based primarily in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Canada. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share alike 3.0 United States License              try { clicky.init(78566); }catch(e){} 

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