Online Antenatal Classes

BabyCenter's free online prenatal classes are a great way for you to understand your pregnancy and prepare for the arrival of your baby.

Join the six groups below and go through our classes on the given themes. Each group has five classes for that theme in line with your pregnancy journey. To get the most benefit from our classes, we recommend you go through the classes of each group:

1. Your health and wellbeing in pregnancy
2. Pregnancy diet
3. Preparing for parenthood
4. Labour, birth and meeting your baby
5. Post delivery recovery and customs
6. Newborn care
There are videos, printable sheets and fun quizzes to enjoy along the way as well.

By the time you have covered all the material in this course, you will feel more confident about looking after yourself well during pregnancy and of your baby once he or she is in your arms.

Groups (8)
1. Your health and wellbeing in pregnancy
636 members

Medical care and pregnancy dos and dont's for you
4. Labour, birth and meeting your baby
433 members

All about Vaginal delivery, C-section and meeting your baby for the first time after birth.
2. Pregnancy diet
382 members

Read all about healthy eating habits and nutrition in pregnancy.
3. Preparing for parenthood
230 members

Get yourself and your home ready to welcome your newborn baby.
6. Newborn Care
197 members

In this group learn all about how to take care of your newborn
5. Post delivery recovery and customs
177 members

Details on getting your newborn home and recovering from your delivery 

Can't find a group you like? Make one of your own!

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