Frënn vun der Ënn A.S.B.L.

Luxembourg based non-profit organization defending civil rights on the internet.

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Abuse mail statistics February 2021

Abuse mail counter: 22
DMCA Complaints: 0
Hacks/Attacks/Scans: 22
Bot activity: 0
Other: 0

As you can see, there is not much to tell about february.

2021/03/01 19:49 · fantawams

Abuse mail statistics January 2021

Abuse mail counter: 44
DMCA Complaints: 0
Hacks/Attacks/Scans: 44
Bot activity: 0
Other: 0

As you can see, there is nothing to tell about january.

2021/03/01 19:46 · fantawams

Financial Report 2020

Frënn vun der Ënn a.s.b.l.

Treasurer: WAHL MAX

I. Overview

Assets 01/01/20 31/12/20
Bank Account (currents) +640.44 € +2,075.68 €
Bank Account (savings)* +2,682.21 € +0.00 €
Paypal +0.00 € +2.62 €
Cash +0.00 € +0.00 €

II. Details

  • Revenues: 4,849.46 €
    • Donations: 1,351.25 €
    • Membership fees: 780.00 €
    • Other: 2,718.21 €
  • Expenses: 3,414.22 €
    • Servers: 3,334.22 €
    • Admin. charges: 80.00 €
    • Other: 0.00 €
  • Total: 1,435.24 €

III. Outlook

We received less donations than last year and lost some membership fees. In order to keep everything up and running, we decided to reduce our expenses as much as possible. We will also push our bridge program even more.

2021/02/08 18:45 · fantawams

Abuse mail statistics December 2020

Abuse mail counter: 42
DMCA Complaints: 0
Hacks/Attacks/Scans: 37
Bot activity: 5
Other: 0

Except for some botnets, there was nothing special about december.

2021/01/18 20:04 · fantawams

Abuse mail statistics November 2020

Abuse mail counter: 54
DMCA Complaints: 0
Hacks/Attacks/Scans: 52
Bot activity: 2
Other: 1

We had 2 botnets in november. Other than that, there was nothing special.

2020/12/17 20:39 · fantawams
news.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/15 17:24 by chrescht