
Raise Your Voice for HER!


It is hard enough to have a successful pregnancy under normal conditions. Now our hospitals are jammed, chaotic, and operating in a different mode. Yet, there is always hope for moms with HG, and that is why we ask for your support as we work to bring focused education and resources to those women who need it during a highly stressful time. We are here for women regardless of what is going on around the world.

During this uncertain time  funding has been very minimal yet our work continues unabated. COVID-19 might push us around a bit, but it won’t keep us DOWN. We can continue our mission with your help. We will Raise Your Voice!

Please help us launch our new mobile-friendly site, continue advocacy and support, and many other educational and research projects. This means more moms will get better care in 2020 and beyond! 

Our mission is to find a cure for hyperemesis and its complications through advanced research, offer education and support to those seeking effective management strategies for hyperemesis, and provide information on new resources and treatment options as they become available.

HER Foundation EIN: 71-0912435

HG Mom Stories

HERstory: Rachel

Thank you, Rachel, for sharing your journey with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). There it is. The big blue plus sign. We’re pregnant! We were newlyweds, pregnant for the very first time with our first baby, and life couldn’t have been any more perfect. I was on a cloud of happiness. I was already thinking of cute…

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Losing Quinn

This time last year, I noticed Facebook friends posting about National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day, a day I’d never heard of, and I made a note to hold space for those expectant parents who lost their babies. Three days later, I started bleeding and was devastated to learn that my 7 week embryo…

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We hold them in our hearts

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Awareness Month, and we want to honor the memories of the little ones we hold in their hearts. October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Awareness Month, and we want to honor the memories of the little ones we hold in their hearts. We are grateful for the transparency and love shared by members of our loss community.

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HERstory: Saloni

For the second installment of the #HERstory Global Initiative, we spoke with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) survivor Saloni, who is currently residing in India. She shed some light on her personal HG journey, which she is still undergoing to this day as she continues to recover. Because she believes that there is little HG awareness in…

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Courtney shares about attending Champions for Change Summit in 2019

Words can’t describe the total shock and awe I felt at the Champions for Change Summit I attended on behalf of the HER Foundation, October 18-20, 2019. For years, I believed that women were either sick like me, specifically with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), or that they must have had a wonderful pregnancy. My time at the Summit…

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HERstory: Veronica

This summer, we had the pleasure of interviewing Veronica about her experience with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). Veronica is an HG survivor and native Venezuelan who is currently residing in Toronto, Canada. Veronica is the first mom we were able to interview in her native language, Spanish, as part of our #HERstory Global Initiative. Below is…

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Raise Your Voice: Petty

Petty, co-founder of HG Indonesia, shares about her HG pregnancy, the support she received from HER Foundation volunteers, and how she now suppports others.

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Woman with feeding tube

Come Home to HER: Samantha

When we saw the two pink lines on the pregnancy test for our third child, I could already picture the moment when our boys would meet their sibling: the five of us piled together in the hospital bed, our family complete. What I did not envision was a high-risk pregnancy riddled with complications caused by…

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Struggling with the Unknown of HG: Letitia

I have two toddlers, ages 2 and 3 1/2. During both HG pregnancies, I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), which is a pregnancy illness that includes severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and electrolyte disturbance. My pregnancy experience with HG caused a lot of mental anguish and resulted in my decision to tie my tubes…

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Raise Your Voice: Alana

Along with many other women, I dreamt of starting a family one day and experiencing the joys of pregnancy. In the spring of 1998, I became pregnant with my first child. What should have been a happy experience turned into a nightmare. I experienced what I believed was morning sickness; however, I seemed to be…

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