Campaign setup

General setup

  • Campaign dates and budget
    Learn how to set a campaign launch date and pace your campaign by controlling its budget.
  • Campaign targeting
    Learn about the different types of targeting available for Twitter Ads campaigns.
  • Creative ad specifications
    See the specifications for character limit and image size/dimensions for different Twitter ad formats.
  • Frequency caps
    Learn how to use Frequency caps to optimize your ad delivery and maximize reach against your target audience at the optimal exposure level.
  • Ads Manager
    Learn the ins and outs of your campaign analytics dashboard.
  • Twitter Audience Platform (TAP)
    Learn what the TAP is and how it can extend your campaigns to new audiences off Twitter.
  • What to Tweet
    Learn how you can show highly-targeted and personalized messages to your customers based on the products they view on your website and other unique interest signals from Twitter.
  • Direct Messages on Twitter
    Learn more about how to create a Direct Message experience and how it can help you promote your chatbot on Twitter.

By objective

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