18 month old

18 month old, first week

How your toddler's growing

You may notice a spurt in your toddler's physical development this month. He may be surer on his feet, and love to climb all over your furniture. He may even join you for a game of football or other physical play if he concentrates hard enough.

There may be days when you find your toddler's physical energy exhausting. If possible, give him some time outdoors every day. Or, if the weather's bad, treat him to an hour or two in an indoor play area. This may help him work off some of his energy, and will give you a break.

Your toddler won't need shoes until he begins to walk outside. When it's time to buy his first shoes, go to a shoe shop for a professional fitting.

Growing feet can be easily squashed, and your toddler may not be able to tell you if a shoe doesn't feel quite right. Good quality baby shoes can be expensive, but once you know his size you can shop around for bargains.

I set up a mud kitchen in my garden for my son as he loves playing outside even if it's raining. It's good for both of us to get out of the house for a while each day and helps him burn off some energy.
- Fatima
What you need to know this week

  • Which is better, dummy or thumb? Get the lowdown from our expert.
  • You may have heard about hand, foot and mouth disease. Find out what it is, and what you should do if your toddler has it.
  • Your toddler may be sleeping more soundly now that he's more mobile during the day. Find out if it's time to move him from a cot to a bed.

Let's play

Encourage your little one's love of music and boogie on down with this week's toddler game – no equipment required, all you need is some good tunes.

18 month old, second week

How your toddler's growing

Has the thrill of learning to walk and run launched your toddler into perpetual motion? You may find that she just doesn't want to stop, especially to do something as boring as sleep! Or you may find that although she's steady on her feet, she still asks to be carried a lot.

Try to see things from her point of view. In public, she may feel small and vulnerable, or be scared of getting lost. She may be tired. Or she may need attention or affection from you. Carrying her now and then won't do any harm, but if you're going more than a short distance from home or the car, bring a buggy to save your back.

As your toddler begins to say ‘no' more frequently, you may be wondering how to stay in control. Set clear limits by telling her what is and isn't acceptable behaviour. She won't always remember what you've said, but if you are consistent, she'll eventually get the idea.

And do your best to set a good example: show her the kindness, respect and good manners you'd like to see her demonstrate. This can help your toddler to choose the right thing to do, or the nicer way to behave.

Lilly would scream and hit out at her older brother if he picked up one of her toys. We encouraged him to ask her nicely first if he could play with her toy and she responded by being nice back and even giving him a cuddle!
- Emma
What you need to know this week

Let's play

Need a way to help your little one burn off all that excess energy? This week's toddler game is just the ticket!

18 month old, third week

How your toddler's growing

There isn't a set age when you should move your toddler into a big bed. But you may want to free up the cot for a new baby. If so, start the process several months before your due date so your toddler doesn't feel like his sibling has taken his cot from him.

If your toddler is comfortable in his cot and you don't need to move him, there's no reason to rush. Bear in mind that once your toddler is in a bed, he can get up whenever he likes during the night.

For that reason, many parents advise keeping your toddler in the cot as long as you possibly can. Even if he sleeps well in his cot, he may start waking at night again when he moves to a bed.

Some toddlers never climb out of their cot, even when they're big enough to do so. Others climb out as soon as they're able. If your toddler is an escape artist, you'll need to take some precautions to keep him safe.

When we introduced Mohammed to his new bed, we made it a really special event by taking him to the shops so he could choose his own bedding and a cuddly toy. Now he can't wait to climb into his bed.
- Myra
What you need to know this week

Let's play

Learn how to make a simple paper hat that can provide hours of entertainment in this week's toddler game.

18 month old, fourth week

How your toddler's growing

Your child's vocabulary will grow by leaps and bounds over the coming months. Her first words were probably nouns ("cat", "ball", "bottle"), and phrases that use nouns and verbs tend to follow within a few months: "Me want", or "Go bye-bye".

For every chatterbox, there's a child who's relatively quiet. Try not to be overly concerned if your child isn't talking much. But if she isn't saying at least a handful of words, talk to your health visitor or GP, who may recommend seeing a speech therapist to rule out any problems.

Do you know how to keep your little one safe in the sun? Sunburn early in life may cause skin cancer later on. And all sun exposure damages and ages the skin, so protect your child's skin outdoors, whatever the weather. Use sunscreen, cover up with lightweight clothing, put on a hat and sunglasses, and stay in the shade as much as possible.

Reading books, singing and giving a constant running commentary of everything we were doing really helped develop my daughter's speech. Also, I praised every attempt at a word, before repeating it correctly back. I was amazed at how quickly the words came.
- Sophie
What you need to know this week

Let's play

If you don't mind a bit of noisy play, have fun helping your little one improve her sense of rhythm with this week's toddler game.
Brushing your toddler's teeth
Find out how you should brush your child's teeth, with our health visitor's top tips.More toddler videos

FAQs at 18 months

Last reviewed: February 2018

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