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Legal Advice

The RYA provides comprehensive legal advice to its members at:

RYA Scotland provides additional legal advice to members and clubs through Morton Fraser Solicitors. Please find informative documents on legal advice, from on the download bar at the side, including:

Debt Recovery Fact Sheet

Sport clubs are no different from ordinary businesses in that many will be struggling financially in these recessionary times. In particular, major difficulties can arise when club debtors fail to pay what they are due. To the creditor, the knock on effect can be catastrophic.

In this Factsheet, our litigation specialist Maggie Moodie gives some top tips for ways in which sports clubs can effectively avoid and combat difficulties when they are not paid by debtors.

Sponsorship Agreement Fact Sheet

When entering into any sponsorship agreement, there are several key points which sports clubs should consider, read more in this useful document when considering external sponsorship.

Unincorporated Associations Fact Sheet

An unincorporated association is established when two or more persons come together for a common purpose other than to make a profit.

It will usually have a constitution or a set of rules and a management committee which will be elected to run the association on behalf of its members.

Most amateur sports clubs in Scotland are set up as unincorporated associations and for good reason. It is easy and cost-effective to establish and there are none of the filing requirements which come with incorporation.

Health and Safety Fact Sheet

All sports clubs should consider whether they have adequate risk assessments in place.

The purpose of a risk assessment is to identify and adequately control risks to enable the activity to be safely carried out.

If you have any further legal enquiries please visit here.

Please email RYA Scotland at or phone the RYA Scotland office on 0131 317 7388.

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