36 Weeks Pregnant

Image of a woman and her baby at 36 weeks of pregnancy.
3 Dart, LLC for BabyCenter

How your baby's growing at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Congratulations! By the end of this week, your pregnancy will have come full term. This means your baby can be born any day now.

Babies born before 37 weeks are premature or pre-term, and those born after 40 weeks are overdue.

Your baby is putting on weight at a rate of about 30g a day. He is now starting to shed the fine hair (lanugo) and white, greasy substance (vernix caseosa) that have covered his skin during his time in your womb (uterus). He may still have patches of them after the birth – newborns don’t always look like they do on TV!

See your baby in more detail and learn about his development at 36 weeks.

Your baby is about the length of a romaine lettuce (salad patta)
Your baby is about 47.4cm from head to heel and weighs about 2.6kgs.

How your life's changing at 36 weeks of pregnancy

You may begin to feel increased pressure in your lower belly and notice that your baby is gradually dropping. This is called lightening or engagement.

The good news is that your lungs and tummy will finally get a chance to stretch a bit, so breathing and eating become easier.

But walking may become uncomfortable if you feel your baby very low. Some mums-to-be say they even feel as if their baby is going to fall out. Try not to worry, this can't happen!

You may also feel like you need to pass urine all the time, as your baby presses on your bladder. When you use the toilet, lean forward to empty your bladder more completely. Practising your pelvic floor exercises can help.

If back pain is getting you down, there are many ways to reduce your symptoms. But keep in mind that persistent back pain can be a sign of premature labour. Talk to your doctor if you're not sure.
What to expect from an episiotomy: video
Childbirth expert Daphne Metland explains how and why an episiotomy is done.More pregnancy videos

What you can do at 36 weeks pregnant

Now that your baby's birth is approaching fast, look out for the signs of true labour. Prepare what you'll need so that you can leave for the hospital at short notice. This includes packing your hospital bag.

If you know in advance that you'll have a caesarean, you might need a slightly different list of things than women who have vaginal deliveries. See our list of what to pack for caesarean delivery.

Don't forget to pack a bag for the person who will be staying with you in the hospital through birth and after. If it's your husband, here's a list of typical things to pack in a hospital bag for dads.

Keep your car topped up with petrol and save the hospital address in your navigation or map system so that at the touch of a finger, you see what the fastest route at that time of day or night is.

If your husband will be traveling after your 36th week, try to have another family member or friend stay with you to help you get to the hospital when you need to. Wrap up any last-minute tasks at home too. You might be lucky to have your mum or mother-in-law to help take care of you and your baby during your confinement. You can also look into hiring help for household chores.

Some families choose to hire a full time, live-in maid to help with any work at hand from washing clothes to cooking. Finding trustworthy help can give you the time to recover and look after your baby without worrying about chores.

It's also common practice to hire a maalishwali or japa maid for the confinement period. These maids give you a daily postnatal massage. You'll probably find these very soothing for your tired body. Japa maids also help with your baby's massage and baths.

Whatever help you're keen on having, now is a good time to find them and agree on your terms of service. You might have to meet more than one candidate till you find someone you like.

BabyCenter mum tip of the week

To get relief from back ache, try sleeping with pillows between your knees. A warm compress for five to 10 minutes also relieves pain.

Your pregnancy diet at 36 weeks

Many elders recommend drinking ghee in your ninth month to smooth out your delivery. While there's no harm in cooking with ghee or adding a drop to your chapattis, having ghee in excess will make you put on more weight than you need to.

Delivery is hard work and at that time your body will need a lot of energy. Most women feel hungry and thirsty in labour, especially in the early stages. Having high energy snacks at hand can help to give you the strength you need through your contractions.

Carbohydrates are good labour food as they’re easily digested and give a slow release of energy. Some snacks you can pack in your hospital bag include foxnut (makhana) and cereal bars. Sugary foods like biscuits are easy to eat and offer a quick energy boost, but this short-lived energy can leave you feeling low and exhausted once it's spent. See more ideas for good labour snacks.

It’s worth asking your doctor if you'll be allowed to eat and drink in labour though. Sometimes, doctors prefer you have an empty stomach if they need to give you anaesthesia. So make a point to discuss this with your doctor at your next visit.

FAQs at 36 weeks pregnant

Poll of the week

Would you use complementary therapies during labour?

प्रेग्नेंसी के 36वें हफ्ते की जानकारी हिंदी में

36 सप्ताह की गर्भावस्था में शिशु का विकास कैसे होता है, आपके शरीर में क्या बदलाव आते हैं और इस चरण पर आपको क्या जानना जरुरी है, यह सब हिंदी में पढ़ें।

Last reviewed March 2019

May 2021 Birth Club


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