
11 Weeks Pregnant

Image of a woman and her baby at 11 weeks of pregnancy.
You are now eleven weeks pregnant (or in your twelfth week if that's how you prefer to count it).

How your baby's growing

Your baby is now fully formed, from tooth buds to toenails and is about the size of a fig (anjir). Her fingers and toes have separated and some of her bones are beginning to harden. Over the next six months your baby's main task will be to grow larger and stronger, fit for survival outside the womb. Read more information on your baby's development this week.

Antenatal care

One of the most exciting parts of antenatal visits is hearing your baby's rapid heartbeat magnified by the Sonicaid stethoscope many doctors use. The moment can be very dramatic and moving as the room fills with a sound like a galloping horse. Don't be alarmed if your doctor cannot find a heartbeat at this stage (some doctors won't even try to find it this early as they don't want to cause you unnecessary worry) -– it should be easier to find at your next appointment. When your doctor does find the heartbeat she will write in your notes FHH which stands for Fetal Heart Heard.

Parent Tip: antenatal classes

"I wanted to go to antenatal classes during my first pregnancy but I missed out because I didn't know where they were conducted. This time I've done a lot of research and have found a good antenatal class which I will join when I'm into my second trimester." – Swati


Expecting your second or third baby? Get to know other mums who have been through it all before on our community forums.

Poll of the week

Are you and your husband planning on joining an antenatal class?

Things to consider

Common worries

I work full time and I need to eat out quite a bit. I'm worried that I may catch some infection from restaurant foods. What precautions do I need to take while eating out?

You are right that the chances of catching an infection are higher as your immune system is suppressed slightly in pregnancy. However, if you are careful about what you eat and where, you can avoid trouble.

BabyCenter tip: If you want to do one good thing this week, make sure you do something that makes you feel good. Whether that's a watching a movie, getting a pedicure or buying something nice, pamper yourself!

Your pregnancy week by week - 10 weeks pregnant
Your pregnancy week by week - 12 weeks pregnant

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