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About OnBoard

Introducing young people to sailing and windsurfing. Teaching them so much more.

RYA OnBoard launched in 2005 with the intention to get more young people on the water through sailing and windsurfing. Since then the programme has helped well over three quarters of a million young people try sailing and windsurfing and learn an activity that in many cases stays with them for life.

The programmes emphasis is on enjoyment and fun for all those involved but sailing and windsurfing compliment the school curriculum in important subject’s areas too, including Science, Technology, Maths and even English.

As well as the clear physical benefits from sailing and windsurfing the OnBoard programme is carefully designed to further develop life skills and has learning development at its core. The broader learning benefits can teach young people about teamwork, independence, communication and creativity as well as giving them confidence and determination which they can take with them off the water and into many other aspects of their lives.


For clubs and centres, OnBoard offers a fantastic opportunity to boost junior and family memberships, help retain existing members and make a real difference to the lives of those young people taking part. Clubs and centres need to be signed up to OnBoard to take part and there are currently nearly 250 clubs and centres nationwide that are involved in, and benefit from, the programme.

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