A movement of people revolutionizing charitable giving to end extreme poverty.




The Problem

The world is more advanced than ever, yet 15,000 children under the age of 5 die every day from preventable, poverty-related causes. Roughly 10% of the world's population lives in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 (USD) per day.

Most people want to help, but don’t know how. The problem seems too large, too distant, too complex. However, much of this suffering can be easily prevented or mitigated with simple, cost-effective interventions.

Read more about Extreme Poverty→


The Solution

With more than 1.5 million non-profits in the U.S. alone, it can be difficult to identify which organizations create the most impact for those in need. We’re here to change that.

With the help of GiveWell, we recommend highly-effective charities that combat the causes and symptoms of extreme poverty. If we give collectively and effectively, we can reduce needless suffering and eradicate problems like malaria and child malnutrition.

Read more about Effective Giving→


The Pledge

We motivate people to donate 1% or more of their income to the world’s most cost-effective charities, every month, for life. We update this portfolio every year, so your donations are always as impactful as possible.

Our quality of life is probably no different with only 99% of our salaries. But with that 1%, we can change the lives of those in extreme poverty. Signing up is easy with no fees and no catch. Thousands have joined us. Why don’t you?

Take the pledge→

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Chapters are groups of volunteers that educate their peers about effective giving and motivate them to consider taking the 1% pledge.

We are rapidly expanding in order to educate and motivate the next generation about how we can end extreme poverty together.

We have more than 50 chapters with plans to expand to 100+ by 2022!

Join our movement and get involved→